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Posts posted by p10ppy

  1. Timmy its totally up to you how many maps you use

    I paste all of TK's (and your Mig-9) together in a grid anyway when i skin them and cut them apart at the end

    big file, but if you use lots of PS overlays its the best way to colour/effect match


    To disagree with Stiglr a little

    When I UV map (which is by far the hardest part of modelling IMHO)

    I focus on things in this order...


    1. Good unwrap with no distortion and the ability to paint features fairly easily in PS (panel lines perpendicular to the BMP if possible, etc)


    2. Packing the UV chart as tightly and efficiently as possible, Every blank unmapped pixel on a bmp is still loaded in the game

    you are wasting resources if you don't do this, fill all the holes and have the wires almost touching


    3. Scaling thing fairly consistently and as large as possible, the widest mesh span should go from one side of the map to the other etc...

    Sometimes its a good idea to upscale small but important features so you can paint them reasonably (and you may as well fill those holes completely)

    downscale things that are not seen often or are very dark so you can get a bigger overall scale on the rest of the model


    4. Making it easy for the skinner (what Stiglr is talking about),

    a well named template with wires will achieve most of this anyway

    in game efficiency and as large a scale mesh UV per map as you can achieve is more important than being able to line up a few bits easily in PS

    a little trial and error in and out of the game soon fixes that.... :yes:


    You have to juggle all this stuff and it never quite works out... but that's the way I prioritise my compromises



  2. It definitely doesn't happen in my FE+EP+Peter01FM's install either, so I'm kinda confident it isn't my DX9, or vidcard drivers.




    If you are using FE+EP+Peter01FM unpatched which seems to be recommended practise (all my installs are fully patched though)

    there's a possibility that TK used some new video/DX9 features in the newest patches (and since the shaders et,al work in vista now, its a reasonable bet that he has imho)

    which might explain the difference you are seeing between the two versions... :dntknw:

  3. with the damage boxes I've overlapped them before with no noticeable problems

    each inied mesh is its own entity with hitpoints so you are in theory giving the total vert tail area double the structure

    you can always compensate with a smaller hit box or reduced structural factor if it seems to be a issue


    4 x 2k maps you say :blink:

    just let me expound the virtues of a single map a little more (4k now giggle)

    makes it easier to understand the whole model

    and means you can do much longer continuous segments of individual mesh parts (up to 4k/2k long instead of 2k/1k)

    only one map to worry about

    much easier to keep it all in scale

    just my opinion :yes:


    reduced rez


  4. map the whole airframe to a 2k bitmap ;)

    I've never understood the reason for multiple smaller bitmaps except for modular bits (other aircraft)

    makes it a pita to camo and colour match and there's more bigger holes to utilise for small things on a single 2k map


    otherwise you are right

    you need to do what you are saying for the damage modelling and it works fine

  5. Using decals works fairly well for this

    the main problem is the pseudo projection mapping used in decals, so they don't wrap so well

    It was pretty funny reading very old posts at TW about decals, describing them as a high rez solution to insignia,

    skins seem to have left them way behind these days on the rez front :wink:

    I try to make my decals at atleast the same rez as the underlying skin...(can get unmanageable if you have a lot)


    while I haven't done quite what you are talking about I do use the skin bmp under all my airframe specific decals now at full skin rez




    registration skin for the fuse decals above


    the hard part is lining them up with the skin (trial and error)

    I usually make a "line up" skin with some registration marks / squares on it where the decal is to go

    and a line up decal of the same skin cropped (but not scaled) to the decals size with corresponding line up marks then spend a couple of hours playing with scale and position in the decal.ini... and testing in game...

    its usually possible to make them match to within a pixel...(persistence) and that's the only hard work


    then its just a matter of using the cropped decal,removing the line up marks (layers) and blending your decal over the top...full size decal template matching the underlying skin


    clear as mud :blink:


    Ps 520x520 32bit TGA = ~1 meg

  6. can not replicate it sorry Southside Bucky

    my default clean install and my "proper" install won't do it... and I think I tried most of the graphic settings

    maybe post your graphic setting (option.ini)

    mine are
























    if you have any 3rd party effects packages installed, they may cause it as well

    check near the end of your PARTICLESYSTEM.INI (shudder :wink: ) that the fire material looks like this (PARTICLESYSTEM.INI lives in the FlightData.cat)























    I'd be surprised if it didn't though...and it would affect much more than the muzzle flashes



    maybe try updating your directx9 and vidcard drivers (always a pain I know)


    post TK a screeny he will be able to help I'm sure

  7. ah

    ok thats much clearer :yes:


    glad you worked out the stock problem Southside Bucky


    the decal setup on those 3rd party planes is a little weird... and out of date I presume if it used to work....


    you need a fuller path to the decal folder

    replace things like





    and all the decals should appear fine


    find and replace with a competent text editor makes it semi painless... (i use Notepad++)

  8. I had a better play with this and I don't think I have been able to replicate your problem :dntknw:


    So it probably isn't anything to do with the alias.lst... :blush:


    I have found one weird bug that may be related

    running at default graphics (from a clean install) that seems to be related to the Camel (atleast i never saw it anywhere else...)


    the fuselage roundel being randomly replaced (during the mission,multiple times) by random tga files... which flick back to the roundel with a view change or Screenshot

    so that bug is most likely graphics related, I never saw it with my normal install (max graphic settings) only with the lower "default" settings... where it was quite regular

    note it could just be a weird thing with my vid card running non-native




    If this is the problem you guys have, TK's probably got no idea what you mean... :wink:


    If its a different problem (as i think) you probably need to post more info,

    flight date

    specific aircraft


    drinking a cup of tea at the time

    graphic settings

    modded install

    screen shot


    before TK can help you


    sorry i couldnt help more

  9. i had a quick look at it

    it "looks' like the alias.lst may not be working for you guys (its a new feature)

    i have not tested enough to see if i have the problem as well


    there's 3 "new" nations and they use some of the decals from older nations which is pointed to by the alias.lst













    DisplayName=Royal Flying Corps




    DisplayName=US Signal Corps Aviation Section




    Insignia021.tga Insignia003.tga

    Fuse021.tga Fuse003.tga

    Insignia022.tga Insignia001.tga

    Tail022.tga Tail001.tga


    you can try extracting the second decal (objectdata.cat) on each line of the ALIAS.LST to your object/aircraft folder

    and renaming them to the first decal on each line

    bypassing the ALIAS.LST


    worth a try anyway

    i will try to have a better look in the next few days... (busy weekend)


    good luck :yes:

  10. hmmm, thats strange ...


    just to be clear the zip i just posted contains no new selectable countries


    it contains Nation004 (GERMANY)

    its the default where the "other" germanys get their info from

    its important to do it in this order (i think) with the lower numbered nations being the later dated nations(in this case the 004 is the Balkenkruez)

    nation019 is the transitional cross (next most "modern")

    nation020 is the Iron cross, the oldest


    the game looks at the nations in the ini and if the mission/campaign includes germany and the date is before ActiveDate=06/10/1918 it goes to AlternateDecal=GERMANY_TRAN (nation019)


    when it finds GERMANY_TRAN it looks at the date and if it is before ActiveDate=03/18/1918 it goes to AlternateDecal=GERMANY_OLD (nation020) effectively the decal default


    I guess check the folders where you have put stuff, Nations.ini in FLIGHT and the decalXXX.tga in OBJECTS/AIRCRAFT

    and make sure you test with a stock aircraft (i used the Dr.1) some 3rd party stuff does not use the nation level decal

    and check your mission dates... :dntknw:

    and one other thing which i just thought of...

    I'm using a fully patched version of FE + Addon only...

    and I couldn't get this to work before the last patch... (the 3rd decal change) so that might be the problem...


    failing all that, one of our installs is borked I guess....

  11. Ok you resparked the interest in me :yes:


    And with a bit of fiddling I got the 3 nation cascading date change working (either TK fixed it with the last patch, or most likely I stuffed up last time) :blush:


    this means that the German insignia can change 3 (probably unlimited now) times seamlessly by date with no effect on anything apart form the decals


    included in the zip is a modded nations.ini which goes in your flight folder (backup your nations.ini first)

    and 2 new sets of decals for Nation019 and Nation020 which go in the object/aircraft folder

    the Nation020 decals are redone versions of the stock Nation019 decals, :blink:

    you could extract the stock Nation019 decals instead and use the if you like them better, you would need to rename them to XXXX020.tga though :blink:

    the new Nation019 decals are modify version of the transitional decal i posted in the old thread... :blink:


    transition dates are (flavour to suit... should be obvious where to change the dates in the ini...)

    before 03/18/1918 (iron cross)

    03/18/1918 to 06/09/1918 (transitional)

    after 06/10/1918 (Balkenkruez)


    have fun :)


  12. well i've never actually added a whole nation...


    but the decals need to go in the object/aircraft/ folder (but not in a specific aircraft folder)


    And tho i'm pretty sure you can add nations no worries... it will probably need more than just the nations.ini file modded :dntknw:


    and it wont work in the campaigns (unless you edit the campaign of course)


    hope that helps

  13. sorry Heck, bet you :wink:


    You are right about the prop ..when its stationary there's nothing you can do about it (because of the engine animation rigging)

    you could repaint the xxprop.tga's for the slow and fast prop but i doubt you would notice it in game and it would still be 2 bladed when it stopped


    for the headrest

    You will need to make a copy of the SE5a folder and rename it and all the associated ini's I'm afraid, and alter the new SE5a.ini file to reflect the changes (a new aircraft)


    extract the SE5A_DATA.INI from the ObjectData.CAT and put it in the new folder and then edit it with this...


    in the [Fuselage] section add



    ModelNodeName=Fuselage P






    DetachNode[001]=Aldis Sight


    and under the [bombRack4]

    add a whole new section





    MinExtentPosition= 0.14,-0.33,-0.68

    MaxExtentPosition= 0.01, 0.27,-0.54


















    works well

    have fun :yes:

  14. yeah sorry looking back at that post it is a bit obscure :blush:


    a brief overview

    In the NATIONS.INI file countries are designated by number


    Germany (default) is [Nation004] = Balkenkruez

    and GERMANY_OLD is [Nation019] = Iron Cross


    GERMANY_OLD is a subset of Germany and the only thing this really changes (I think) is the nation decals (DecalLevel=1)


    in the NATIONS.INI under







    this is the date that the [Nation004] decals become active and the decals to use before that ([Nation019])


    I didn't find a way (and I didn't try all that hard) to have three decal sets for a country i.e Iron Cross, Transitional cross, Balkenkruez


    so you really need to replace one or the other with the Transitional cross...

    hope that's clearer


    To actually do this

    I don't "think" its possible to delete a file from the XX.Cat files :dntknw:

    nor is it necessary, it just a matter of finding the correct place/folder to stick the override files


    In the case of the nation decals its straight in the \Objects\Aircraft folder (not in specific aircraft folder)


    And you will deed to rename them to the nation you have decided to replace (FUSE019.tga or FUSE004.tga for example)


    and that should do it


    as an aside I always paint as much of the aircraft as I can on to the skin, this so far has always included the national insignia

    paint schemes are not shared often between country's anyway


    This particular case (changing decals at a certain date) is a good reason to use the decal system for the national insignia I guess


    but in most other cases skin painting can look better than a generic decal IMHO


    hope that helps :yes:


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