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Everything posted by Florian

  1. Version


    The MiG-21UM "Mongol-B" trainer aircraft is used by many countries, using soviet equipment for advanced pilot training. Please make use of the README file! Enjoy it! Florian
  2. In Case You Haven't Noticed.....

    You can, of course, remove all comm buildings from the terrain. But i´m afraid for every one you delete, two ghost comm buildings appear, looking for revenge on you. SCARY!!!
  3. In Case You Haven't Noticed.....

    If there would have been a mod "No more comm buildings" right at the beginning, you would have had this number after a week.
  4. Looking better with colors?
  5. F-104G mod für Sfp1

  6. 3ds max

    Ach ja, bevor ich es vergesse. Wenn jemand den Tornado als MAX Datei haben möchte, nur Bescheid sagen. Ich denke da ist alles dabei, was man mit der Game Engine alles so bauen kann. Ausser einem Bremsfallschirm, der ist etwas schwieriger, aber es kommt bald ein Model raus, das in hat, so wie die MiG-25. Zum Lernen und sehen wie etwas geht ist das denke ich ganz gut.
  7. Open the Groundobjects main INI file (like T-72.INI, or something like that). There you have these lines: [LOD001] Filename= *NAME OF MODEL* Distance=500 <---means it is visible from a distance of 500 meters (?) Change that to a distance you prefer, like 10000 meters. If you have several LOD entrys, only the last one needs to be edited like that. The first ones then increase the Level of Detail, as closer you get.
  8. Revell-Farben

    Hier haben sie bei vielen die RAL Nummer dabeistehen. http://www.kaleidoshop.de/produktkatalog/revell_farben.html
  9. 3ds max

    Hab über Google mal das hier gefunden. http://www.tutorials.de/forum/3d-studio-ma...-linkliste.html Keine Ahnung über Anzahl, Sprache und Qualität der Tutorials.
  10. 3ds max

    Ich benutze noch die version 5. Macht aber keinen grossen Unterschied (Hoffe ich ). Als Erstes, kommst du an den LOD Exporter ran? Den findest du ganz rechts bei Dienstprogramme (rot), dort unter "Weitere" (gelb) in dem neuen Fenster (grün). Im Materialeditor (die vier kleinen Kugeln ziemlich rechts oben) ist es am Besten erst ein "Standard" Material zu holen. (rot) Wenn du im neuen Fenster "Standard" ausgewählt hast, musst du die Datei (BMP oder TGA) zuweisen. Dazu das Kästchen (gelb) drücken und auf "Bitmap" (grün) gehen. Auch bei TGA Dateien! Falls etwas nicht klappt, oder du weitere Hilfe brauchst, schick mir ne PM, wenns geht mit ICQ Nummer.
  11. How many hours?

  12. A buddy of mine just showed me this: Enter in google "find chuck norris" and use "I´m feeling lucky". Read the result.
  13. Like in many posts before on adding pylons, the answer is that each pylon is part of the aircrafts 3D model. So if they are not modelled, you can´t just add them to an aircraft by INI editing. Here you can add those IRM rails to a F-8E like the way the rails where added to the Tornado model. Take a look in the Knowledge Base area: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=21133
  14. The package at AVSim are my first models, veeeeeeeeeery ugly. If you don´t mind use them, or just wait for this. Will take it´s time, but should be out this year.
  15. How many hours?

    Also my first flight sim (although 3-4 years later). Pixel big as elephants, but it was terrific in these days!!! Still got my Amiga 500 somewhere in the basement, "Fighter Bomber" and "F/A-18 Interceptor", sadly the floppy disks are corrupted.
  16. LOL Nice Trip! After the Cockpit came back i would look between the rudder pedals. Just to make sure E.T. isn´t hiding there.
  17. The nose wheel steering can still be made. I guess, FC meant he deleted the 3ds animation for that, as you don´t need it. Just a mesh on the model and a poor INI edit makes the steering functional.
  18. Yes, they had. After the reunion, west german Luftwaffe adopted a few of some and used them along the F-4F as fighters. With the near arrival of our EF-2000, the remaining MiG-29 were "sold" to poland for 1 Euro, a year ago (or two?).
  19. Yes, if i wanted to download something, i would try in the download area. And since you´re looking for a campaign, i would suggest to do so in the Missions/Campaigns category.
  20. In real life, it surely worked, at least somehow. But bringing down some bad guys with unguided rockets worked for real. 1967 a Skyhawk erased a MiG-17 out of the sky over ´Nam with ZUNIs. An israeli Scooter did the same with a syrian MiG-19 over Lebanon in 1970, as far as i know.
  21. When you´re looking for a guy named Steve Sample, you grab the phone book and give the first person called Steve a call. Then you are frustrated, it´s not the guy you wanted to call and tell the phone book is useless? Give the search engine a chance more to look for. I used advanced options, to look in all sub categories and searched for Su-25 AND Frogfoot. Result: 22 Topics with one of these inside. A-10 and Thunderbolt - 27 Topics. Both only in TW series forum. I don´t want to be offensive, but just give it a try.
  22. Frohe Weihnachten

    Frohe Weihnachten euch allen. Wünsche euch alles Gute zum Fest und erholt euch danach gut vom Weihnachtsstress. Super! Viel Erfolg!
  23. In fact there is no JP233 weapon available at the moment. The MW-1 is the same kind of weapon, like the JP233, but looks very different. MW-1: http://www.bw-flyer.de/neu/waffsys/luft-boden/mw-1.html JP233: http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/photos/in...?galleryID=5293 As Spectre said, it´s part of my Tornado IDS model and should be mounted only under the Fuselage.

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