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Everything posted by Shin_kazama

  1. is that the cat file? or coukd i open it with notepad? coz my sfp1 extract utility cant install right in my pc.
  2. F-35A

    okay have downloaded the file. the site says it for cfs2000 and fs2004. i saw a yukikaze jet there too. can i have instructions how to succesfully incorporate thes FS/CFS jets int thirdwire games? it will be nice adversary for zur's talon(i dunno what zur thinks about that.) for some time the talon is unchallenged in FIGURES-skating you know, hypersonic, stealth, range, detect systems, turn radius, etc..... if it goes succesfully, then let the fun begin. (sorry to the other guy i had replied this message to.... its for serverandenforcer, soo soorryy)
  3. F-35A

    okay have downloaded the file. the site says it for cfs2000 and fs2004. i saw a yukikaze jet there too. can i have instructions how to succesfully incorporate thes FS/CFS jets int thirdwire games? it will be nice adversary for zur's talon(i dunno what zur thinks about that.) for some time the talon is unchallenged in FIGURES-skating you know, hypersonic, stealth, range, detect systems, turn radius, etc..... if it goes succesfully, then let the fun begin.
  4. okay... will do the editing.. i adjusted the maxloadoutweight so that it only carries irm missiles. even the earliest aim-9 missile was very effective on every early russian jet. imagine a prop fighter engaging an su-22 or a mig 23. if it were not for those pesky sam sites. question, is there any way that i could adjust the guns so that the bullets go parallel instead of crossing at a certain distance? can a heetseeker acquire a mustang?
  5. if anyone could copy and paste some pixels, then you could end up with that.
  6. oh wow!!! i thought only ace combat 3 had this plane, and it might not exist in reality.... this kite goes mach 6? Talon bites the dust(when this thing flies.... in thirdwire...)
  7. More Flankers!

    yo marc! any other flanker variants up and ready? and is there a better (cobra maneuver capable) FM? kreelin showed me his video of you flanker doing a cobra maneuver. dunno what he did to it, but i sure hope he gets to share it on a later version/release of you flanker.
  8. Yak-141 bug

    okay, but even in easy, normal or hard settings, transitions from forward flight to hover and landing seems to be of pain. when slowing down with nozzles pointed downward for hover, both the freestyle and the harrier just go wild when airspeed reaches 5 or 2 knots. on a test flight at 16,000 ft, i tried to transition from horizontal flight to hover with the wingleveler activated these planes just go darn crazy. i just pressed alt+n, and though i was still twisting and tumbling so fast, i had to do it several times until it recovered and i landed. i dont get it why. but i'm somewhat sure that this doesnt happen in real life. i mean hover flight can be unstable and a loaad for a pilot in real life, but when it starts spinning and tumbling? but should this be really happening to real life harriers and freestyles?
  9. i editedthe ini files of thes planes so that i could fly it. i edited exactly according to the readme file indluded in the zip file. as soon as i clicked the A310z and A310MRTT on the aircraft type menu, the game (mine is WoE) crashes. any nice help?
  10. way to go marc!!!! keep it up dude! some people belittle the supabuggie coaz they say it bleeds airspeed faster than the c/D bug. how can you be so sure of it?
  11. i always envied the cobra maneuver.. LOMAC's flankers can, then why not WoV,WoE,SFP1?? (and also for the Talon..) any mods for it?
  12. nice camou!!!!! i just downloaded this yakkie on my iPod shuffle used as flash disk. i will be testing if the inherent flight mode transition problems had been solved, especially the transition from horizontal flight to hover landing, in which the old yakkie does a death dance. and does this yakkie have its own cockpit now? and do we have available anywhaere the older brother yak-38?
  13. F-22

    very true dude. one can make a realistic model skin for them but its twice as hard making the FM for it right?
  14. ahm, i modded my tu-4 add on for me to be able to fly it. and added weapons, modern and old, which was cool (especially w/ 10 jdams or gbu-10's per wepz bay ) only beef with it was even after modding its .ini to use c-130,yak-141 , or even talon engine sounds, none would be heard in game. only sounds were from my belly and tail gunners's guns, and the gear sound(oh, no flaps sounds too.), and damage sounds. any help would be gratefully thanked..
  15. desert.cat needed for my americanNW map. used my germany C.cat, but it still resembles europe, shoreline and everything. and americanNW isnt supposed to have oceans and or seas. thanks a heap to those will help!
  16. ooh okay.... i tried my germanyce.cat, and it lloks just like germanyce but in dessert colour.
  17. hey wrench! btw nice job on the talon pilot!!!!! looks soooo darn nice! as for the tu-4, i put every weapons attachment i could think of(from IAF, to USMC) too much weapons loads crashes the game though. but putting in some hi-tech smart bombs of both sides of the lake seems to have made it fun though. i tried every EngineSoundName i had in my sounds folder but not one was ever audible. i heard nothing. except for the gears ang guns. the guns function good though, pointing at the enemy all the time
  18. where can i get this tanker? how do i refuel from it? how do i put it in single mission everytime? thanks 2 those will help.
  19. If someone were to put VTOL capbility into zur's excellent talon, how and who can/could do it? also, why cant I (or anyone) change flight modes smoothly from horizontal flight to vertical hover without my plane doing off something crazy,even with wing leveler enabled? all problems go with aircraft like helicopters using vertical thrust vector to hover. Can anyone provide a cure from this? perhaps a better FM?
  20. Yak-141 bug

    can i add an issue to this nice vtol jet? is it the game engine that causes ALL vtol aircraft to do the death rhumba when changing from horizontal flight to hover/vertical flight? and even after i had landed, handling seems seriously impaired on a harrier or a freestyle, i could even hover right. any tips would be gratefully thanked
  21. you know i tried to use the jdam on my talon far from my target. at almost 70 miles out! i was flying @ 45,000 feet and @ 1290 kts, then released two of my jdams. after that i fought the 10 flankers that was ent to intercept me and my wing. and after the last flanker was put awat with, i just heard red crown say that mission complete RTB. and guess what, Taget Hit! twice.
  22. harrier landings

    ahm i think you must maintain just about 2 to 4 kts forward speed. and come in from the stern if possible. and try to use small corrections in the exhaust nozzles and pitch. try to practice frist in how to hover and maneuver using the AV-8a harrier. trial and error makes perfect.
  23. ahm,, how do you make these info (debug mode) show up in WOE? its mighty useful to me. i usually misjudge my indicated airspeed with my actual ground speed. i always puzzle why my talon does 890 KIAS when it might be actually doing 2900 KTAS? thanks for any drop of help...
  24. thanks man! i will upload a video of the latest talon W/ wrench's pilot update soon. btw, why the change in RC-1 talon burner color? looks good though. have you tried increasing numweapons on you data.ini? it works nice on mine. and how do i add polygons to your talon so it would have the extended canards? it may look even better... and what do i change to decrease open wing angle, so i could change all the talon versions i have? (talon alpha renamed YF/A-37 Talon,beta talon:F/A-37B,RC talon:F/A-37C,possible extnded canard talon:F/A-37E/F Super Talon , in my WoE objects.) problem is that the present talon skins in CA may not be compatible... great work anywayz...

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