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Everything posted by Shin_kazama

  1. okay no word from zurawski onwhen he will post the F/A-37C talon(i have renamed each as:alpha=YF/A-37,Beta=F/A-37B talon) final ver. but i got some knacks for your old talon Want more Weapons in the WEapons bay? here. open talon data.ini with notepad and change the FF: // Weapon Stations --------------------------------------------------------- [WeaponsBay1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=01 StationGroupID=1 NumWeapons=8----------------------------------------------------Change this...... StationType=INTERNAL AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM,SAHM,SA,BOMB,LGB,EOGB,NUC,EOGR,AWD,LGR AttachmentType=USN,USAF,NATO AttachmentPosition001=-0.0,3.73,0.0 AttachmentPosition002=-0.0,3.73,0.0 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 DiameterLimit=5.0 LengthLimit=5.0 LoadLimit=2600 BombBayAnimationID=7 BombBayOpenTime=.25 BombBayCloseTime=.25 MovingPylon=TRUE ModelNodeName=Weapon_Rail01 AutomaticDoors=TRUE [WeaponsBay2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=02 StationGroupID=2 NumWeapons=8----------------------------------------------------Change this...... StationType=INTERNAL AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM,SAHM,SA,BOMB,LGB,EOGB,NUC,EOGR,AWD,LGR AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,USN,USMC AttachmentPosition001=-0.0,3.73,0.0 AttachmentPosition002=-0.0,3.73,0.0 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 DiameterLimit=5.0 LengthLimit=5.0 LoadLimit=2600 BombBayAnimationID=8 BombBayOpenTime=.25 BombBayCloseTime=.25 MovingPylon=TRUE ModelNodeName=Weapon_Rail02 AutomaticDoors=TRUE [WeaponsBay3] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=03 StationGroupID=3 NumWeapons=8----------------------------------------------------Change this...... StationType=INTERNAL AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM,SAHM,ARM,EOGR,SA,BOMB,LGB,EOGB,NUC,EOGR,AWD,LGR AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,USN,USMC AttachmentPosition001=0.0000,-0.50,0.0151 AttachmentPosition002=0.0000,-0.50,0.0151 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 DiameterLimit=5.0 LengthLimit=5.0 LoadLimit=2600 BombBayAnimationID=9 BombBayOpenTime=.25 BombBayCloseTime=.25 MovingPylon=TRUE ModelNodeName=Weapon_Rail03 AutomaticDoors=TRUE
  2. okay.. i'll be uploading vidoes of my cobra attempts.. at the ff speeds respectively 180 kts 200 kts 230 kts 250 kts 280 kts...
  3. whoa, i noticed your elevators are deflected all 90* of it... does it work if i tweaked my elevator movement too?
  4. okay some of you can do the cobra in your WoE. i ust cant do it in my WoE. are there other versions of flankers available now? the flanker version i have is v1.00 is ther a differrence there?
  5. how did you do that? i couldnt do it in WoE...... under what airspeed and altitude did you do that?
  6. does anyone know what available terrains that has tons of canyons and mountains?
  7. gee thanks, can you all link them all here? tnx
  8. yupp..... i think itz josh lucas(Ben gannon).... yep i do think it is.....
  9. you still asking that if we want it? dont ask, just post it.... nice work done there.. can you modd the head so that it has a full face visor? i'd like to stick in my photo there.....
  10. criticisms are for improvement of the one being criticized... they are useful... anyways got any more schematics of the talon and UCAV EDI? since i am also a sclae moddelre i would like to build my own Stealth sets. .....
  11. can anyone create a pulse engine sound mod for the F/A-37 Talon by Zur? Appreciate any help..
  12. okay i found a better sounding if not too long, pulse engine wav. hope someone can shorten it.... V1.wav
  13. i observed the Altitude indicator on the left side... it climbed from 1900+feet to 3333 feet.... doesnt look like cobra at all... cabra is ultra high AoA but with no increase or decrease in altitude
  14. estimated completion time? i am just itching to fly this slavic beauty........
  15. and oh.... is it possible to build into the talon vtol capbility just like in the movie? who could design the movie-accurate pilot skin? well that's all i got to ask dude........ you know if other modders follow the pre releasing style of modding like you do, then most of our virtual pilots would help the modder what he may have missed in the modding process..... i observe that most other modders just relaese the full version mod....... naaah.. just thinking aloud......
  16. well the new hud reminds me of my mom's bathroom mirror... just a joke... AND i have found how to increase internal weapons bay capacity .. // Weapon Stations --------------------------------------------------------- [WeaponsBay1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=01 StationGroupID=1 NumWeapons=8----------------------------------------------------Change this...... StationType=INTERNAL AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM,SAHM,SA,BOMB,LGB,EOGB,NUC,EOGR,AWD,LGR AttachmentType=USN,USAF,NATO AttachmentPosition001=-0.0,3.73,0.0 AttachmentPosition002=-0.0,3.73,0.0 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 DiameterLimit=5.0 LengthLimit=5.0 LoadLimit=2600 BombBayAnimationID=7 BombBayOpenTime=.25 BombBayCloseTime=.25 MovingPylon=TRUE ModelNodeName=Weapon_Rail01 AutomaticDoors=TRUE [WeaponsBay2] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=02 StationGroupID=2 NumWeapons=8----------------------------------------------------Change this...... StationType=INTERNAL AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM,SAHM,SA,BOMB,LGB,EOGB,NUC,EOGR,AWD,LGR AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,USN,USMC AttachmentPosition001=-0.0,3.73,0.0 AttachmentPosition002=-0.0,3.73,0.0 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 DiameterLimit=5.0 LengthLimit=5.0 LoadLimit=2600 BombBayAnimationID=8 BombBayOpenTime=.25 BombBayCloseTime=.25 MovingPylon=TRUE ModelNodeName=Weapon_Rail02 AutomaticDoors=TRUE [WeaponsBay3] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=03 StationGroupID=3 NumWeapons=8----------------------------------------------------Change this...... StationType=INTERNAL AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,AHM,SAHM,ARM,EOGR,SA,BOMB,LGB,EOGB,NUC,EOGR,AWD,LGR AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,USN,USMC AttachmentPosition001=0.0000,-0.50,0.0151 AttachmentPosition002=0.0000,-0.50,0.0151 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 DiameterLimit=5.0 LengthLimit=5.0 LoadLimit=2600 BombBayAnimationID=9 BombBayOpenTime=.25 BombBayCloseTime=.25 MovingPylon=TRUE ModelNodeName=Weapon_Rail03 AutomaticDoors=TRUE now it is no longer scary to fight 10 flankers with hard settings with only me and my wingman.... enjoy.... p.s. dunno if this would work in the f-23
  17. yup good point.. thats what i was telling the blokes who love watching flankers cobra-ing. only good thing for this maneuver is to get behind of someone who was behind you. usually afete every mission my virtual testpilot curiousity kicks in so bad at times, so i end up usually burning (due to aircraft speed limitations, and every plane has different limitations) or getting involved in an accelerated stall, which in most aircraft, irrecoverable situation
  18. it wasnt that good... the sound tone was going up and down. i cant make new sound file using sound recorder... we must find a steady toned pulse engine or scram jet sound..
  19. my reactions....... 1) oh... okay.... maybe puttin two regular MFD's together... just thinking about it too... 2) lol sorry about that........ just wanted to look like in the movie... 3) mmmhmm... hope you get it straightend out... :yes: 4) oohh... nnow i see.... 5) oh geat!!! will patiently wait. for it... 6) oh goodie.. actually am trying to see if the V-1 gerry bomb sounds just like in the movie, i'll update you how it goes..... 7) okay... no prob... 8) okay.. hud may be useful...(but why circular?)... hope someone does it though, but once its done it would be real nice huh? one last thing.... has anyone done the job of modelling the special Stealth pilot? that would complete the look..... i actaully like way you release different versions of your modell... gives chance for improvements you may have not thought of, right? hope others follw your wise ways...... applause for you hard work on the talon dude! we salute you!!!
  20. you know the fuselage sides that line up on the closed wings seem a lot curved... if only yo straightened it up, it would look right. and can you make a vtol version of it?... and i pray that someone makes the UCAV"EDI"..... looks like a steroids version of the f-19..... just a thought.....
  21. you know i knda agree with you on that. everything on the talon looks like a SUPER evolution of the Widow2.
  22. okay done the vertical tailslide, but how can i do a inverted reverse? so i can get the enemy behind me.... like going inverted then pulling back.. then at th IR tone launch a missile straight at the enemy's nose cone. and another variant, i dunno what its called, i could call it a quick bank. banking @ 90 degrees then abruptly point the nose at the enemy positioned at the 3/9 line.. i did all i could to achieve this but in WoE all i get is a tight bank. i only fantasize of my flanker going straight and the nose is pointing 90 degrees up, neither climbing or falling..... ive seen it done on LOMAC..... low altitude cobras even..
  23. gee thanks..... does it sound just like in the movie stealth? i'll upgrade the beta version by zurawski....

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