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Everything posted by Shin_kazama

  1. Su-27-TVC

    nice work on the TV burners... hope you fix the TV nozzle bug... i'd like to have this specimen though... hope you get the permission to repack it..
  2. whoa.. nice... now i can be my ownone man air force in woe. but i could not do it in aircraft w/ internal weapons bay. Wonder why???
  3. hey!! heres the man behind the (virtual)machine.. exemplary work on both the alpha and the beta ver. my questions are as follows: -why the change from the original 3 mfd layout with center panoramic MFD? is making a panoramic MFD impossible? hmmm. -can i suggest a flash video of jessica biel on the right MFD? lol -more internal weapons capacity(nothing outside[pylons], hopefully) -max speed is 1700 kts @ dive with 80% throttle, can it be increased? -is building a UCAV EDI "tinman" possible? a stealth movie squadron could not be complete without "Tinman's" survival statistics conscious voice? -pulse engine sounds mod? -newer betty mod? -no more hud, replace w/ hmd possible? thanks.... i would wait
  4. F-35A

    Slowly but surely, the ligtning completes... good job......
  5. a better beta version is now available. just visit zur-tech again.
  6. i have problems turning in this jet(F-5E of ROC taiwan) I lose altitude and i bleed 80% of my airspeed. can anyone give me a fix on this?
  7. you can just adjust the SLdrythust in the talon.data file. but then again you'll end up blowing up @ 1,100 kts. trust me, i tried it. (SLdrythrust=99999 ) i just jumped of the runway and blew up on thaT
  8. a later beta version is now released. just go again to their site.
  9. AV-8C

    i agree. its either i end up hard on my butt wrecking th LG, smashing off the ailerons and weapons i have left or blowing up. i dont know if the coming F-35 JSF would have the same problem. is there any news on that AV8B? id like to use a harrier with a better hud. and ability to fire amraams
  10. as mentioned above i cant use my missiles on my F-23 even after using the open bomb bay doors command(ctrl+o) like te f-19 but nothing happens. the only ting i liked about the widow is its huge missile load, but i cant use it.
  11. yup. other planes ok. i'll check my keyboard layout later.... maybe the problems are there. or do i need to reinstall my weapons pack?
  12. if the flight model of the f-5 is equal to the mig-21, then why am i able to execute the "slice" with no problems? the 21 doesnt lose so much alt when i turn pulling more than 6 g's(balckout set to easy.) but the f-5 does...... and when i do a 45 degrees climb, the thing stalls in less than 20 seconds. (from 450 kts level+fullburners)
  13. i am downloading the new talon fighter as i am typing this.. i still have to see if the engine sounds resemble that of in the movie stealth. i wish zur mods it up. i am sck of the whine of an ordinary jet engine. i want a pulse engine noise please, zur, if you are reading this... any ways, the first verion is exemplary...
  14. anyone has any info about the su-27 brotherhood? like the canad equipped Su-33(hopefully with Thrust Vector nozzles) anyways this plane just eats eagles like peanuts. took a 3v3 dogfight and i end up alone in my eagle. but the situation changes with the F-23 guns only. much more in my new talon.......
  15. is this version mach-5 capable? can i ncage my sidewinders now? i've had trouble knowing if my sidewinder is tracking or not resultng in misses i would like to test the full capabilities of this version.. go mach 5 and pull straight up and go to space.... :yes:
  16. More Flankers!

    is tis a delta winged version of the JAS-39 gripen?
  17. oooh i just cant wait..... make it quick please.
  18. ahh. nice. exactly what .ini file must i change this? is it possible for internal weapons systems like F-19,F-23 and (hopefully when it is released) F-22 could i also try it for my talon?(F/A-37) kinda sick of just having 3 pairs of missiles.
  19. i already have learned the importance of the turn called "Slice" in the f-16 and other aircraft, this maneuver has no problems. but in an f-5 i lose everything. a slice 180 turn means to climb then perform a slight dive whilst executing a tight 180 turn. the surprising thing is, when my eyes is set on my target, i dont often see that ive lost altitude that i'm about to crash. is the f-5 FM realistic?
  20. as mentioned, reverse movement of wing aileron... any assistance please?
  21. ok. now it looks right. better. now how about the speed limiter? you know for the talon. i want my talon to go mach 5. what can i change there? so it would not explode @ 1200 knots?
  22. More Flankers!

    nice flanker variants were can i download these for my WoE game? tried the original flanker and it was good. now i want to try the newer canard equipped flankers and the bigger fighter bomber version of the flanker too.
  23. when i bought my WoE, i quickly got bored. then i read the package. it said MANY DOWNLOADABEL PLANES ON THE INTERNET. then i set forth on my search. some sites were good. some were worse. but combat ace was the best!!! from lock on to Falcon 4.AF to MSFS2K, it gave me the tools to tinker looks of my favorite FS games. long live Combat Ace!!!!

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