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Everything posted by Shin_kazama

  1. what F-1c model sre those? sure looks different from the ones i had downloaded.
  2. AV-8C

    the trick with any harrier is to constantly adjust your attitude and your noz position. its easier if you have a joystick. but i can hover for a maximum of 5 minutes using keys and no joystick.(so i can watch the rest of my squadron take off while hovering on the side of the runway) and use the external view to observe the relation of the plane to the ground.
  3. hey where can i download this B-E-A-U-tiful baby? is the FM realistic? any new weapons along with it? any stealthy? (most swedes say it has a low RCS) anyways i would really like to try flying(FIGHTING? ) it against mig-29s
  4. i couldnt find my topice so i'll make another one. someone has DELETED my WoE exe file. everywhere. trash bin woe directory send your help to the ff e-mail: touge_deifter@hotmail.com touge_drifter1@yahoo.com
  5. ahh ok... . do we have a reliable source where you can base F-23 FM? what are the usual sites where we can know of an aircraft's Flight characteristics?
  6. oohh lala.... B-E-A-U-tiful..... i see that there is still more work needed on the outside... anyways.. where can get a flyable version of this raptor? so i can update you on whats wrong and whats not.... so you can fix it........ does it have the realistic cockpit or are you using other cockpit data files for it?
  7. hello.. just like to know if there are available or in progress exotic or stealth aircraft or helicopter available for the thirdwire series like the ff: >F-117 Nighthawk >RAH-66 Comanche >B-2 Spirit >SR-71 Blackbird >UI-4045 Aurora >B-1B Lancer >Tu-160 Blackjack >MiG 1.42 (MFI) >Iranian Shafagh Fighter >Iranian Saegheh fighter >F-26 Stalma
  8. F/a 37 Talon

    of couse the acceleration would kill me... but would it in the game? i trried tweaking the engine thrust of the talon so i can go fast wihtout bureners but got the same thing.....blowin up....... so its just both.. engine temp and airspeed are the culprits why the F/A-37 talon explodes..... does anyone know how to disable this high speed explosions? tried also to tweak the f-16 to reach 1k kts, but blew up @ 980kts.... so it must be also individual settings for each of the A/C, right? if i knew just what to change to achieve Hypersonic speeds....... any help would do.... :yes:
  9. i knew of it.... the downed nighthawk.... it could not be stealthy when sighted in another angle... only head-on stealthiness is garranteed same with the raptor i think but i just cant wait for the jsf and the raptor....
  10. F/a 37 Talon

    oopss i meant Jessica biel........
  11. F/a 37 Talon

    TEST PILOT'S ALPHA REPORT: Talon aircraft extremely maneuverable, and unbeliveably stable at high AoA. Have tried some extremely low speed high AoA, over top(loops) and successfull against newer MiGs. Kill rate have been increased to 5x when compared to F-16/15/14. PROBLEMS: Engine and airspeed:Talon explodes due to the FF: >Airspeed: above 1250 Kts Talon explodes even when not in full burner. Tried to reach Max speed by climbing to 60k feet and full burner dive for 15 secs after which, maintained 69% thrust. Exploded @ 19k feet @ 1298 kts after 95 secs >Engine full AB time: 45- 60 secs aprox. Engines exploded @ 34k feet after full Engine AB fo 55 secs. much shorter if on vertical climb
  12. is that a raptor in the bagkground? anyways tried the black widow, it was horrible to fly in. it wobbles during high g maneuvres, spoiling gun angles.... i thought that the widow & the raptor had the same engines? but this was sluggish.
  13. well oww,says my pocket at that price tag... since i am studying in a computer course here in the philippines, i just might know someone who has 3dsmax or similar software... hopefully ....
  14. F/a 37 Talon

    hope you include the ff for the 3.0 Talon... -realistic pulse detonation engine sounds -ability to go mach 5+ no blow-ups.(so i can go from WP-1 to WP-4 fast) -Catherine Biel's helmeted face on the left mfd(arrrrrrr... lol) -nice betty voice hope you can make UCAV EDI "Tinman" even without hud, but with "Tinman"'s voice good work anyways on the Talon. i can fight anyone even online with confidence with the talon... but it all depends not on the crate but on who flies the crate.... "My chances of survivial is now 90%"
  15. is this nighthawk ready or not? i hope it is really invisible to IR and radar.... (i cant fight in this!, but i sure can sneak in with two 2kpounders....) ........ ........ ok new topic... anyone here knows what software, or anything neede to start my own skinning projects? ty....
  16. thats alright if you havent contributed anything... as long as you play the game,its enough...... i have not contributed any mods or skins, but i enjoy using the mods and aircraft available here.... sukhoi's Su-27 Flanker is in the works right now, along with its canard and thrust vector equipped brother, the Su-33/35 latest MiG variants(except for the MiG's answer to the S-47 Berkut FSW fighter, the delta winged, twin engined MiG 1.44/42 MFI) are available on the downloads section. hope you enjoy what they all made.........
  17. awwww. hell no..... are we not going to get our beloved raptor? aaawwwwww.. can someone teach me to skin and mod aircraft? so i can help Wpnssgt make the raptor, jsf, and other stealth aircraft for thirdwire series. just tell me how to do mods ok? if anyone can teach me i can be a willing apprentice.....
  18. okay here is a photo comparison on the lavi and Chinese j-10 J_10_vs_Lavi.bmp
  19. F/a 37 Talon

    Really? talon engine explodes when O.H.? didnt know that. i just downloaded it few hours ago, still havent flown it yet.(my friend borrowed my laptop 4 a few days) but i want to know from those who have downloaded and flown the talon aircraft, it capabilities, dangers, top speed(does it really go mach 5?), stall speed, and other hiccups and complications they have experienced with this aircraft
  20. hey where could i find the mach 1 sound efx(external & internal) and cockpit soundproofing mods/patches around here? i improved my sidewinder growl(IRGrowl) but in the cockpit, i cant near hear it except when tracking a hot target(IRgrowllock) i both imported new sidewinder growls from falcon 4.0 Af. i envy so much the sonic booms in LOMAC videos ive seen in youtube. and lastly can you tell me how to "video" my gameplay and save it? arrigato.
  21. it would be so cool if sumone made thirdwire capable SAF jets.. and no i dont want JAM aircraft....... They do seem to vibrate in flight, so it would be very difficult to simulate it it Thirdwire games. any other exotic aircraft i would like to know if available or in the works are: -firefox -airwolf(lol) -F-23 F-29
  22. gee thanks...... just curious, if anyone playing thridwire series has encountered Sentou yousei yukikaze anime? just interested to know if anyone has tried to make aircraft based from this anime film.
  23. the jsf i think would fulfil the job of the f-16 for the air force, and f-18 for the navy. why on earth did they still make th superhornet? while the jsf is on the way? still puzzled on that. maybe corporate warfare. (Mcdonnell douglas VS lockheed martin) anyways i forgot to ask if there is a superbug(F/A-18E) ready for download?
  24. hope they are concidering the developement of the loser jet in the jsf competition, the XF-32. its ugly but still wan to see if it flies nice.

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