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Everything posted by Shin_kazama

  1. it work on me busted pc, now it dont seem to work now!!!
  2. my new pc is actually a laptop, ibm thinkpad. i'll check the model, since i am in school as of this post.
  3. nice afterburner effect!!! can i download just that?
  4. whoever uploaded this here, please explain this photo:
  5. here's a thought, how bout hand the project to someone you trust?
  6. finally, a lavi copy: the j-10. would you create a different cockpit and skin for a lavi? lets give the original designers a tribute ok?
  7. wingmen are not that useless. i use them in arade formations. thats all,
  8. supersonic cloud effect must be good to look at. but in reality it only shows up at or near sea level. sonic boom sounds may not be possible, but i was recommending that the DopplerEffect in (?) in soundlist.ini i think, so that ther would be no sound before the plane passes, then a suddden barrage of jet noise as it passes. anybody tried to do this? i try,but i am not sure how.
  9. wow!!! i hope someone had uploaded a 3d model of that beauty. anyone has news about the sylphs and FRX-00 mave 3d models?
  10. draken vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do4EYztU2yg also tomcat doing the same
  11. i dunno if there is such a topic in the knowledge base....
  12. hmmm. good to hear that j-11 can do cobras.... about the 1st video, where could i get the burner effects? looks nice and realistic. and what on earth is that F-23 doing @ 2:17? new weapons? new flares?
  13. test vids on youtube have proven its really a death arrow. hits 90 deg off bore at a head on target.
  14. REAL FACT: J-10 was copy of the IAI lavi. nearly no differences to the airframe. one Lavi airframe sold to chinese lavi was indigenously produced as J-10
  15. cool. anyone got info on turn radius? of this and other planes(rl)?
  16. even when i pass right under their noses at night? even with no jammer on even those shilkas if i mod one harrier with stealthiness, non fire back at me.(even when hovering beside it.)
  17. one question, is it going to use the aim9x super sidewinder?
  18. hmm.. weird..... well, it works against those pesky shilka and everything else. its always nice to sneak up on the enemy's 6'0clock low, lol when you see their faces when they realize it is too damn late for evasive ACM.
  19. since we could never get what lomac has, then how bout this: how can we modify the external sounds, so that no noise is heard from something supersonic and then it all comes back just after it passes. i saw this ini line sometime ago i think it went like this: DopplerEffect= yadayada......
  20. of course, it must sound okay if it slows subsonically. right? tell me what to edit. thanks.

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