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Everything posted by Shin_kazama

  1. Russo UK's Sukhoi Prototype

    is this mof available for download?
  2. just cut out the executioners thingie. if i may, would giving you my version of pulse detonation engine sounds help? i have worked do long into achieving the nice sound. it is different from what i uploaded in the past, now the popping sound more nicely random.
  3. not to worrry. just take it at your own pace. we know making mods take so much time. just make sure it will be great. lots a luck dude!!!
  4. yaeh, just edit ini file for dual racks, and she could kill.
  5. zur, do you have this on soft release? i hope you do, like the talon.
  6. i was trying to improve my mig ovt's handling by putting pitch rcs from those vtols and linking them to the controls. worked bu verry weak. not even enought to maneuver the plane at 300 kts, with not elevator movement. then i used the lift fans from the yak. same results. then it tried to recode the tvc by putting maxvectorangle=20; minvectorangle=-20. i did not remove the rcs anf lift fans and then funny things happened, after liftoff, the plane overpitched upwards and crashed. any proper ini coding for upwards and downwards thrust control? if not possible, maybe an invisible control surface modeled into the mod, placed right behind the exhaust would work? what are the techniques the makers of the raptor are using to make this possible?
  7. you know what i do? every computer shop i get into, i make back-ups of my dl'd mods, even a whole installation of my woe. so when my mom's(i play woe in it yes. dont have my own pc yet.)laptop is not available, i head off to nearest pc shop where i had placed back-ups, and go flying.
  8. now, does anybody know how to animate "aero-elastic control surfaces"? it would not be complete without it. and the cockpit? personally i prefer a helmet mounted hud where radar and basic flight instruments are projected. simple as that. and that UCAV voice................... and a mission with three talons and this ucav.
  9. yep, like what gabilon said about his yakkie, take it slow, relax. how bout the transition from horizontal to vertical, is it possible to put the nacelles all the way up at 0% thrust and wait it to slow down like what i do when flying vtol? or also slow?
  10. to them, i say bakero! why? a dandy f-2 with half as much missile and guns? no deal. i'd go with an F-8.
  11. so i am free to make quad ir racks? okay... how do i make dual ahm racks?
  12. i have seen a video of kreelin's realistic flight model of a huey some time ago. i wonder if he has uploaded it here? also, i want to know the updates on the following aircraft: >F-22 >JAS-39 Gripen. >XB-70 >B-2 Spirit >macross gerwalk >F-117 Nighthawk stealth...... thnks....
  13. oh my, great job!!! i have a nifty technique when you tangling with a tighter turning US fighter behind you, put you nozzles all the way down and light up burners,, flip 2-3 times, level your nozzles, engage wing levele, p.s. do this at altitude......... anyways, are there real freestyles with dual AHM and IRM racks? i know how to mod dua; ir racks, but how on AHM racks? btw, anyone made a pit for it?
  14. what's YAP? do those hueys mentioned have heli-like flight engine too?
  15. are those helos you mentioned have helo-like flight models, like that of that huey you uploaded on youtube? how much for the huey?
  16. regardin block 50-52 falcons, my block 50/52 addon began acting weird... all their hud is all white? what could i have done wrong? what fixes do you recommend? same happened to my F-14 and F-15c and E eagles.
  17. i agree with the last sentence..... could you recommend to me a camapaign setup with ac carriers missions?
  18. what do you think should we "mow" with these things? soviet shovel-heads?
  19. oh my god it's the french frankenstein fighter! the monster mirage IV. watch out for that one.
  20. ah, like those placed on the F-16's.
  21. what jammer pod is that on the left wing station of the 3rd photo?
  22. yeah, like an uber gun platform? like mashin up an apache gunship with that v-22 clled ACV-22 Gunship Osprey?
  23. hey, got an idea!!! make a "what if" ACV-22 with guns at the sides a la ac-130!!! or a helmet sighted gun a la cobra!!!

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