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Posts posted by Shin_kazama

  1. Am I too late to join...?




    This was my take on the same thing from last night... too low, combination of a sam hit (maybe AAA too) whilst using napalm to knock out oil tanks, I should have kept my distance! :rolleyes:





    I've got the realism setting to mostly hard settings, yet it was still surprisingly smooth to fly! Landing on the other hand... that presented a few problems.






    ...although I got her down in one piece. I was pretty happy with that! :biggrin:



    what was that bomb you got back there?


    it must have helped balance the truder.

  2. one day on a recon.....



    and 8 truck convoy was spotted.


    red crown said do anything to stop them.


    so i flew low, rotors at 80 deg,



    and blew em all up by ramming them.


    and no damage or anything to my osprey.



    and they say osprey was a deathtrap.


    i beg to differ.



    only on WoE





    BTW:i saw ospreys have flaperons, so i edited the flaps too, in the in file.anyone want a copy?

  3. Here is reason why my WIP of the F-35 is on hold. Originally, this was for a project that I was a part of. But I've been told that there is an issue with the AI to use helos in a campaign. So my end of the project got scrubbed. So now I'm free to release the reason why my F-35 has been on hold. Obviously, it's still a WIP. And if you ask how long till release, you'll get an time frame that you should probably expect by now.


    we all understand.


    we got a new baby for christmas anywayz, the new v-22!!!! by zur.


    that would keep us busy for until the end of the holidays!!!


    just enjoy christmas!!


    is that flying tank of yours have a good helo FM?



    goodluck with it man!!!


    we virtual pilots salute your skill!!


    i hope that i could make a nice mod for woe too.


    but time will come!!



    merry christmas!!!


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