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Posts posted by SandyC

  1. I would be grateful if anyone could help me with this eccentric machine but favourite of mine. I have searched the forum, but there is no post that I can find on this. I have installed the M109 and M50 Ontos from RebelRyder and the Update Artillery files. The gundata files are sorted out. The M109 blasts away merrily, but while the machine gun has fired, the M50 recoilless rifles are mute. Is this because the SF1 coding does not allow multiple guns firing, or do I have another problem with it? If anyone else has managed to get the Ontos lobbing multiple rounds across the Perfume River or into the Citadel, I would be grateful for a steer on how to fix it. I was wondering if maybe I should neutralise five of the six barrels. It is not vital to the mission I have constructed, but it would be good to have the extra immersion I am getting from the M109 and M107. Many thanks in anticipation.

  2. I have searched the forums and this problem does not show up. I have FRAPs 2.9.5 installed and it works perfectly on capturing video from other screens and videos. However, it does not work when I fly WoV. The yellow and red FPS figures do not show up on screen and there is no recording when I press the hotkey. Have tested it on other screens, and capturing takes place as expected, as I say, so it does not appear to be FRAPs itself. Has anyone else experienced the same problem? Or can anyone who is tech savvy help? I have reached the limits of my tinkering abilities. Thanks for any assistance.

  3. Thanks for the responses, guys. That makes sense as I have the BUFFs flying in historically correct formations, and the F4-Ds escorting have no ECM. Great ECM bubble for the B52s though. Just got blown away in another hailstorm of SAMs after posting. Some good advice from Migbuster. Next time I shall fly/hide amongst the big fellas and see what happens. :blowup:

  4. I have made a mission in KMD involving an attack by B52Gs on Hanoi. The SAM and AAA environment is pretty deadly, but a strange thing happens. The escorting F-4s get shot out of the sky like fish in a barrel, including me as the player, despite jinking and weaving like a weasel, to switch similes. I have not survived a mission and it is the SAMs who blow me and the other F4s away. I expected then to see bits of B52 raining from the skies, but not a bit of it. All of them lumber on through the sky untouched while Phantoms fall around them. Is this just luck, or are the B52s modded to be indestructible? I am not complaining as the selfless sacrifice of those of us in the F4s means they get to lumber on and wreak revenge on Hanoi, but I would quite like to survive one mission! When I read the logs afterwards, the number of SAMs flung at the two F4 flights is staggering. I wondered if anyone else has had the same experience? :help: Thanks.

  5. I have just been through the same rigmarole with the A4-F. In the end I got it down to using the names TANK300_A4a and Tank300_A4nf in the end and it works fine but they may be the wrong colour for you because you are looking for the A4-K. It took a lot of to-ing and fro-ing between the various inis and the weapons editor and weaponsdata.ini, but I got there in the end. The critical thing is to have all of the same designations everywhere! This is what it looked like, for example, for the FAC, and the tanks all showed:













  6. That's really weird for a coincidence! I was flying through some monsoon rain clouds over India this afternoon and I was thinking about the missions for WoV I had made in KMD. I was thinking that I should come on to the forum when I got to Delhi and ask about the same issue. When I tried to vary the heights of cloud banks in the missions I designed through the KMD editor, nothing happened. Now I have something to go on to figure out how to deal with this issue. Thanks, Ticket1.


    Weird, man: what a small world it is. :superstition:

  7. Thanks for your work on this. The Skyray is my all-time favourite aircraft for sentimental reasons. Thanks for your efforts to improve the look and feel of this classic plane.


    I was wondering if anyone else has found the textures on Julhelm's brilliant model a little flat/matte? It may just be my perception and/or my rig, but the photographs of real Skyray models seem to show glossier textures, which the Alphasim model approximates more closely on my machine. Does anyone know if there is a way of 'glossing up' a texture, or is that embedded in the .lod?

  8. Having said that, once you get the hang of it, I find KMD pretty quick. It has some quirky features but once you know them, things speed up. Sure, it is not like Il-2 but I have had hours of excitement from my own KMD-generated missions. Many of the parameters you are looking for are there: you can pick your plane(s), the size and skill of the flight, its formation, the weather, AI levels for planes and SAM systems, targets, etc. Sometimes you have to set one aircraft at a time, e.g. B52s sometimes plunge around like bucking broncos if you put them in a flight of 4 or 8. You can also have carrier takeoffs, no problems, ships blasting at enemy aircraft. I have had a reconstruction of the Higbee incident from Vietnam when NVAF Mig-17s attacked the Higbee and were shot down by missiles from US ships. It can be a little frustrating at times but I have found the community here really helpful (as well as the Knowledge Base and search function). One key thing to do is to just have a look at the mission in notepad before you complete it. Sometimes you have to tweak a mission at that stage. You also get some funky effects you never intended and may want to keep. I have had some really testing knife fights between Crusaders and Mig-17s and Mig-19s. But when the MiGs go home, you can stalk them and blow them away as they make their approach landing.


    But, yep, it is hard to beat Il-2 for mission magic.

  9. Brilliant pics, especially the spherical orange sunset and the pressure bursts! Spectacular air-to-air collision as well.


    I had the same problem with the Buffs jinking and weaving and cavortin' around the sky as well when I set up big Linebacker strikes. I am away from my games machine, so this is from memory. A while back when I was making those missions, someone gave me advice in these forums about how the real formations flew in Vietnam. If I remember correctly, he said the Buffs flew line astern with vertical gaps of 500 feet between them in cells of three to avoid jetwash effects. The first bomber was lowest and the third highest. By setting each bomber as a single ship, I was able to run in large, accurate formations that flew straight and level in the correct historical formation and walked the bombs across the target (in this case a NVN airfield). It was a bit of a pain but trial and error on KMD did the trick.


    A massed B52 strike is something majestic.

  10. As the topic description says, I have no especial wish to die in more simulated exotic ways but am I the only one able to survive major strings of flak in WoV? I regularly get hit by SAMs and lose bits to smaller calibre flak when I am down in the weeds. But I have not been taken out by heavier flak for a very, very long time - and neither have members of my flight. The flak comes up in considerable volume and lights up the sky and there is stuff everywhere - but it is just ineffective. Or maybe I am just lucky? How many of you guys get blown away by heavy flak in WoV, WoE and SF? :skull:


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