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Posts posted by SandyC

  1. Oh,man... I just rode an F-105 Wild Weasel raid prior to a B-52 strike on a North Vietnamese airfield near Hanoi. The strings of B-52 bomb strikes had to be seen to be believed. Pressure waves, beautiful mushrooms of fire and the - the piece de resistance - the dust and dirt plumes shrouding the target and blowing in the breeze. This set takes WoV to new levels of immersion, especially when an angry, orange flak ball burst next to my head! Magic. Thanks, CA for another great mod.

  2. This is not rocket science - just basic electrical work. This is really bad stuff. Suicide bombers is one thing but being electrocuted by your own guys?!!!

  3. Thanks for the real life information on the Buffs. By setting up cells of 3 as single aircraft, it is possible to get the formation you describe. I have gone back into KMD, reduced the separation on takeoff to 15 seconds and got them flying line astern. I have also adjusted the flying heights to give the 500' separation you describe. Just to try to be authentic, are you able to tell me if the lead aircraft flew highest, lowest or in the middle of the cell? May as well get this one dead right. Thanks again.

  4. I know this was dealt with to your satisfaction some time ago but I have found a total solution if you are making your own missions. I tried the ini. fix but it did not make a great difference. It is great to have massed B-52 strikes but I have found that with anything more than two ships, the following bombers in a flight of 4 or more spray their ordnance all over North Vietnam. They drop their bombloads at the same time as the lead aircraft. Also, with the wild roll in the aircraft, the bombs come down randomly across miles of real estate.


    I have set up a nine ship attack in three cells of three. I set them up as single aircraft US bomber 'formations' in KMD, then clone the first aircraft twice, then have them take off 20 seconds apart (15 would probably be better but I have not tried that yet). This also gets them off the ground quicker than a multi-aircraft flight setup of 4 or 8 bombers. I then adjust the flight paths so that they are very, very slightly separated. That way, each aircraft flies straight and level but in 'formation' and bombs the target right on the money. To get a good spread of bombs, I adjusted the objective point slightly for each aircraft for an airfield attack during Linebacker II - one on the runway, one on the main hangar, one on the windsock, etc. Otherwise they literally bomb the same craters as the preceding aircraft. The rain of fire on the airfield was fantastic to watch from my escorting Wild Weasel F-105G. The lead aircraft walked 24 bombs across the field, lighting the fuel tanks. They made a great aiming point for the follow-up cells. :blowup:


    It is a bit finicky initiallyt but you quickly get the hang of it and the results are definitely worth it in terms of immersion! The Buffs experienced few problems with SAMs as the WW flights kept them busy.


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