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Posts posted by SandyC

  1. You have downloaded the demo version. If/when you pay for the full version, you get unlimited recording time - though the files are huge and eat up your hard disk space in no time. In the bought version you also get rid of the annoying Fraps title at the top. It is definitely worth pying for it, unless you want to drive yourself nuts doing 30 second bursts of fliming.

  2. Brainless


    Thanks. Yep, following all procedures exactly. The problem is solved now. Following on from your suggestion, it is likely that I may not have zoomed in close enough when setting up the take-off and I was not looking closely at the airbase name when KMD assigned the airbase runway. But before this, there was no mysterious runway that close in to Udorn. I think I know what is going on now, thanks to Eightlein's cryptic response. On my planning map, all other airbases have the black runway symbol on the runway. In this case, the runway symbol itself is offset. When you fly over that area, you cannot see Runway 9 in that location. I think it is those mysterious aliens, the Yaps, who have something in the pipeline and who have taken over my mind and modified my reality. My targets.ini is for YAP and the answer lies therein.




    Your answer I thank you for. May the Force be with you. :wink::secret:

  3. I opened up in KMD a mission I had created - Wild Weasels taking off from and landing at Udorn RTAFB - to place some static aircraft on the hangar aprons. When I zoom in on the planning map, the main Udorn airbase is there - hangars, revetments, etc. The landing point is on what appears to be the runway - Runway 5 in the targets list at 272000.0, 676000.0 - but the takeoff point is on a black runway surface displaced a little further east in the middle of nowhere at 274000.0,676000.0 and appearing in the target list as Runway 9 at Udon Thani! Weird '*&%! Consequently, when I watch them, the Thuds try to take off from the jungle and blow up big time. I have rooted around in the .ini files and not found an obvious editing solution to the issue. Not sure how to fix it as I am not clear on the interplay between the terrain, the map, two runways and the coordinates!. I have looked in search and The KB but have not come across this specific issue. Is it as simple as just a few edits to this and that or is it a more complex issue? I am not sure anymore if Runway 9 exists in the stock game or if it has come from one of the numerous terrain or runway mods I have installed over the years. Is Runway 9 the Area 51 of WoV/YAP? Any fellow sufferers? I am diving back into the mysterious Thai jungle but any steer would be gratefully received. :dntknw:

  4. When creating missions, I have had CTDs of the same type when there are too many groundobject targets that can fire back! I once tried to set up a massed tank and mobile AA attack and had to strip out the formations of four and place them as singles. It then did not CTD. The same with flak. Too many weapons in too small an area and CTD at 100%. Stripped out a few of them and mission worked. This has been a bit hit and miss but density of firing targets seemed to be the issue for one or two of the missions I created. Don't know if that helps.

  5. Always land manually. Well, 'land' is not strictly correct as I sometimes overshoot and end up in the drink or smear myself all over the fantail of the stern. :haha::oops: Worst one was when the carrier went straight over the top of me. Nice big 'kaboom!' ensued as the plane blew, which really impressed me. I find the A-4 a dream to land, as well as the Tomcat. Find the F-4 a little trickier, for some reason.

  6. Very fair comment, Max. On balance, your overall colour scheme is going to look like more of the region than the reddish hue. I hope I did not come across as being critical as I had already downloaded your terrain set and I shall be installing it this weekend. I am also very appreciative of the effort any modder makes to the games. Like you say, at present everything in the sim world is a trade-off because of the limitations of the game engine. Thanks for your work on this one!

  7. Just a sympathizer, I'm afraid! Place went down the plughole before I had the chance to get there.


    I have done a few SRAF-RRAF-RhAF and SAAF skins for CFS3, among other things, though!


    Where are you from?


    I grew up there and noticed your badge from my youth there. I served in the Rhodesian forces and have a book coming out soon on the Rhodesian war. It is a revised edition of a co-authored book I wrote some years ago. It has stuff on the Rhodesian air force, including a transcript of the Green Leader cockpit tape from one of the RhAF attacks into Zambia. I live in England now.


    There is probably enough stuff in this series now, bar skins and an Alouette III model, to replicate some of the bush war in southern Africa.



  8. Just been reading 'First In, Last Out', the story of the Wild Weasels. There is a description of a MiG trap laid by a Sidewinder-armed F-105 WW flight, with a 12-strong flight of F-4s masquerading as the follow-up F-105 strike force. MiGs, including 21s came up to greet them. It is instructive reading how many Sparrows and Sidewinders were expended by 16 fighters for a nil result, and how difficult and restricted the parameters were for the Thuds' Sidewinders. TK's got it right, it seems.

  9. Wow! What a blast! Just taken four beautiful F8-Es off Yankee Station carriers to escort a big Alpha strike of 12 Scooters and four F-4s on sites near Hanoi. Eight MiG-17s got into a fast and furious knife fight with us. What an adrenalin buzz. There were SAMs whizzing and flak bursting everywhere and MiGs diving and weaving right in my face. The 17s were really aggressive. After an exhausting set of manoeuvres in which I thought I broke the joystick, I nailed one MiG-17 - one out of four AIM-9Gs - and whacked another with a snapshot from the cannons. My wingie took out another with his guns before he was nailed (by Colonel Tomb?). A SAM got me just as I was roaring skyward to drop back down on another. I didn't realise that the North Vietnamese were so good at an integrated air defence.


    There is no way I could have done that well in any other crate than the Crusader. Brilliant stuff, Mirage factory.


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