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Everything posted by FLT

  1. check the names of the bmp´s. They named usually like F-15C-01.bmp and F-15C-02.bmp. And like Sag said, if it is a different F-15 Model (like the one from Mirage Factory) you have to check if you have the right skins.
  2. looking forward to see your new site! Good luck!
  3. thats right! Both jets are looking great! Hope to see these two jets flying soon.
  4. the F/A-18 Hornet pit from Mirage Factory. Looks just great!
  5. i found a very good video which is, first of all a "must watch" for EF2000 Fans but the important thing is...at some scenes you can take a look at the original HUD of the EF2000. video
  6. i know exactly the answer to the F-104, F-4 and F-8. These Jets are equipt with the M61 Vulcan Gatling Gun. The M61 is still in service in the Wingtips or Fuselages of F-15´s and F/A-18´s today. Even the new F-22 Raptor has the M61 inside i assume. So the M61 don´t eject any shells because the shells going, after the round is fired, back to the magazine. Looked from top you have two "pipelines". The right one carries the rounds to the the topbarrel to be fired and the left one transports the shells back to magazine. The Starfighter (F-104) was the first plane equipt with the M61. So if your planes with M61´s eject shells you have to take look in the plane_DATA.INI, there you can set shells be ejected or not. :yes: I found a homepage with the description of the M61. Unfortunally it is in german. http://www.waffenhq.de/flugzeuge/m61vulcan.htm
  7. first of all: outstanding work! Now a carrier based Flanker and the ocean rocks!
  8. thats right...you can also give Opera a try.
  9. i just tested my C-130J Hercules and then i remembered the pimped formation.ini...holy crab!
  10. i found a pic form a game, i don´t know the name of it but it shows the HUD of the EF2000 very well
  11. looks outstanding! Really a big interceptor fighter...
  12. The F/A - 18 E Super Hornet is in work by Marc, i assume
  13. the world-famous "bomb full of sh.." EDIT: i´m anxious to see the weapons effect when these thing hits the ground!
  14. thx drdoyo! looking forward to pimp my formation.ini :yes:
  15. Meteor 1 and one pic form a Gripen
  16. looks just awsome! Keep it going!
  17. fist of all: very nice work! i´ve got two questions: 1. What terrain you were flying by taking these screenshots?? (looks great too!) 2. What have i to edit in the formation.ini to get my wingman so close on my wing??
  18. Hi @ all i´m looking for a pilot skin for my CF-188 Hornets. I found some nice pics in the net of canadian pilots but i found no way to skin them. and i found a detailed description of the flight helmet. description

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