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Posts posted by ErikGen

  1. G91-R4 GINA

    This is the R4 Germany/Portugal (mainly used by the second) version of the G91 with 4 hardpoints and 4 1/2 inch guns; to install copy the G91R4 folder in your ...\Objects\Aircraft\ folder.

    In the folder you will find the weapons folder with two new type of fuel tank and the AS20 radio guided missile.


    Many thanks to Andriam "Kreelin" who made the Flight Model and Maurizio "NGHENGO" for the loading and hangar screens...


    ... and thank you to all the peoples that helped me with suggestions and good words.

    Enjoy it.


    Enrico "ErikGen"


  2. G91-R3 GINA

    Here another version of the FIAT Gina ... this is the R3 German version of the G91 with 4 hardpoints and 2 30mm guns; to install copy the G91R3 folder in your ...\Objects\Aircraft\ folder.

    In the folder you will find the weapons folder with two new type of fuel tank and the AS20 radio guided missile.


    Many thanks to Andriam "Kreelin" who made the Flight Model and Maurizio "NGHENGO" for the loading and hangar screens...


    ... and thank you to all the peoples that helped me with suggestions and good words.

    Enjoy it.


    Enrico "ErikGen"


  3. G91-R1 Gina

    Well... this is my first attempt to build an airplane ... this is the R1 Italian version of the G91 with two hardpoints and 4 1/2 inch guns; to install copy the G91R1 folder in your ...\Objects\Aircraft\ folder.

    In the folder you will find the weapons folder with two new type of fuel tank and the AS20 radio guided missile.


    Many thanks to Andriam "Kreelin" who made the Flight Model and Maurizio "NGHENGO" for the loading and hangar screens...


    ... and thank you to all the peoples that helped me with suggestions and good words.

    Enjoy it.


    Enrico "ErikGen"



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