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Posts posted by ErikGen

  1. Commodore 64 ... my first computer before the Amiga 500 and a looong series of M$ compatible PC. Today, on wave of memories, i have installed C64 , Zx Spectrum and Nintendo 64 emulators into my smart phone :grin: .

    AAAAAHHHH ... Maurizio was a Sinclair guy ... just erased from friends list :bye: .

  2. Same post in the Fiddler thread.

    My fault, the readme is not clear.

    Aghape, the update i'm doing for my planes is mainly intended to fix shadow issue but people with SF2 June 2010 patched do not have this issue and do not need this udate.

    I can not start to make versions for all my mods for every configuration (june 2010 patch, Exp.2 patched, DirectX9(*), DirectX10(*)) ; hope TW will release a patch in order to get the most at the same level.

    (*) During test i did find that exporting weapons with the last exporter and specular, glossiness and reflection value set, there are problems if the system runs SF2 Exp.2 under DirectX9.

    For the Fiddler you should download the previous release and use it.

  3. My fault, the readme is not clear.

    Aghape, the update i'm doing for my planes is mainly intended to fix shadow issue but people with SF2 June 2010 patched do not have this issue and do not need this udate.

    I can not start to make versions for all my mods for every configuration (june 2010 patch, Exp.2 patched, DirectX9(*), DirectX10(*)) ; hope TW will release a patch in order to get the most at the same level.

    (*) During test i did find that exporting weapons with the last exporter and specular, glossiness and reflection value set, there are problems if the system runs SF2 Exp.2 under DirectX9.

    For the Fiddler you should download the previous release and use it.

  4. Agaphe, the download section have the capability to store the previous version and make it available with the new one but i did a mistake and the old one is gone, sorry.

    At this moment i cant instal SF2 with June 2010 patch; fortunately i'm able to use the old exporter to remake LODs (external and pit).

    Please, could you make some test and give me feedback about?


    Thank you very much.


  5. La vittoria del colonnello non era poi così scantata, se ha dovuto ripiegare anche su mercenari è perchè una parte dell'esercito o si è schierata con i ribelli (o rivoluzionari o patrioti ... il nome alla fine dipende da chi vince) o comunque si rifiuta di sparare ai propri connazionali.

    La partita in Libia è anche un fattore importante nello scenario più vasto dell'intero medio oriente; lo schierarsi della ONU e della NATO contro Geddafi potrebbe anche incentivare altri paesi a tentare la strada della rivolta verso il loro dispotico governo ... la stessa Libia si è sollevata sull'onda dei fatti Egiziani e non solo.

    In quanto a noi, visti i recenti trascorsi di "connivenza" nei confronti del colonnello, forse faremmo più bella figura a seguire l'esempio della Germania.


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