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  1. Jeez, I came into this only owning NA and Europe. I needed Israel for Desert Storm and now I need Vietnam and Vanilla for RSR. $120 more for a 10+ old year old game... Oh well, as long as it is fun! Thanks all :)
  2. I think I am good now. Thank you VERY much :)
  3. I found this one... and it says... " Just drop contents into any SF2 series Mod Folder. " I read that the mods folder needs to go in the save games folder so I put the unzipped files in this path but I do not see the F-18 available. Did I put the mods folder in the wrong place? C:\Users\me\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic\Mods
  4. I just installed the Desert Storm Mod and it adds an F-18 to the game. How can I use that or maybe another mod to add the F-18 to the North Atlantic campaign? Thank you!
  5. Thank you for your response, sir. I will give it a shot when I get home from work.
  6. Nobody else has encountered this?
  7. Hello, I installed... http://combatace.com/files/file/9879-fa-18a-a-and-c-by-the-mirage-factory-for-sf2/ Over my vanilla NA install. It seems to work fine except for selecting radar targets. Anyone know if there is a compatibility issue between this mod an NA? Thanks!
  8. F-14D V1.4

    Ok, I found the MF weapons pack and installed it. I was able to mount some sort of targeting system but, the LANTIRN was not an option. Gonna mess around some and see what happens. Thanks!
  9. F-14D V1.4

    Awesome! I am using this weapons pack: WeaponsPack_03Jul06.exe Is that the wrong one? Thank you!
  10. I can not wait to get home and play with this information. Thank you VERY much!
  11. F-14D V1.4

    Thank you very much. Is the Lantirn pod functional or is it just eye candy? Can I self laze? Thanks!
  12. F-14D V1.4

    I just installed it over a merged wov/woe that, as far as I can tell, had a perfect F-14A install. I noticed 3 things: No visual Burner No LANTIRN pod visable It looks like its using the TF-30 exhaust? Thank you!
  13. Hey pfunk. I read about your modern day campaign and I am looking forward to it. Any hopes for an F-14D? :)
  14. The more I play this game, the more I think it really suits my style of play. Enough depth for a challenge, not so deep that I need to go crazy memorizing switchology. I like those games to but, I just dont have the time anymore. I REALLY want to get a Tomcat up and running in a campaign. I guess I will just put my nose to the grindstone and figure it out. I installed WoV then... Service Pack v05.15.06 (43.1 MB) Patch v08.30.06 (5.91 MB) SFP1_F-14a_TOMCAT_V1.1-Light.exe WeaponsPack_03Jul06.exe VF-84 Skin Jumped in and played a Single Mission in a Tomcat with era specific weapons so I know I am good up to here. Now to get a Tomcat off the deck of a carrier in the stock WoV campaign.
  15. Ok I got the Tomcat in the campaign list but when I went into the campaign, I was given Nato missions... Went into the .ini files and whacked anything not concerning the Tomcat. Now I get the Tomcat missions but no weapons... I installed the nato fighters packages and the weapons pack and I understand there are conflicts. I guess that is my problem. Think I will kill this whole install and start with just WoV and trying to get the Tomcat going on that. Thanks again guys. I am sure you have answered all of my questions a thousand other times. Thanks for your patience.

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