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Everything posted by IamFritz

  1. I've flown Normal and Hard. I stick to Normal, but occasionally select Hard when I've been reading up on my ACM. I've found in Hard that AI planes get on your 6 much more quickly, pull higher G loads, and get on my six and stay there much more successfully. In Normal, I rarely exceed 6 Gs, but in Hard, I will fly the needle to 7-9 Gs regularly. Need to go vertical, snake, use actual ACM/BFM moves. Whereas in Normal, I can just keep pulling around 6 Gs nad I'll wind up on their tail. Also, In Hard I get missiles lobbed at me from farther away, and in greater number. Also, my flight model in Hard... is harder. Gs register sooner, and high AOA and stall behaviors match what I rad about in engineer books (for the F-15, -14, -16 and -18). I can't even guess how many Tomcats and Hornets I've leafed into the ground.
  2. At high AOA the air curls/flats out on the top of the wing, sucking in the flares and their smoke, giving the appearance of the jet burning. Surprisingly, I just used my Maisto Su-33 and MiGBuster's above photos to explain this to my 7-year-old. And then he explained it back to me! He got it. My son, the future aeronautical engineer... >sniff<
  3. Anadolu Press, Mainstream Press... Puh-TAH-toe... Poe-TAY-toe... They all missed it. Bottom line for me is Vipers : MiGs is still +1 : 0 Oh... about every other year since the 90's IIRC. They finally made it part of the routine. Seriously though- Russian Airshow acts put out the flares like nobody's business! Just Google their act and you'll see. YouTube, too.
  4. The photo on the above BBC link shows a photo of an Su-27 performing at an airshow, and is credited to ANADOLU Agency claiming it's the MiG-23 going down in flames. Or else Syria got Flankers and the Turkish F-16 shot one of those down...
  5. The shading on those clouds is gorgeous! What mod is that?
  6. Just downloaded US Southwest terrain. Gorgeous. Took me straight back to my old Falcon 3 days! Just a different (better, IMHO) ride. I realize it's a mountain of work, and one I could only wish to have time to contribute to, but it would be awesome to be able to buzz "The Las Vegas Strip" . And are there any Easter Eggs? Thanks JSF_Aggie and all others involved!
  7. I would love some kind of Naval Warfare mod with this sim. I know it's a big reach, but still...
  8. Some F-35A screenies. Since it's coming our way, anyways. I'm just trying to acclimate to it. The flight model on this bird is a little too sluggish, from what I've heard of its thrust in interviews. And, it decelerates WAY too fast in a turn. Otherwise... if we could just figure out how to get the HUD to stay in front no matter what...! Probably my fault, but the images didn't upload in order. They should show the MiG-31s first, the birds we're up against. Then, my bird loosing an AMRAAM at them. Then the trail of smoke as I kill one, then my jet gunning one to bits. And some Eagle screenies... Turning to face the threat, then loosing 2xAIM-7s per target (since they've been kinda fussy on me lately), one of them about to poke the pilot's eye out, and then my jet returning to base while my wingie with more fuel follows the waypoints to land.
  9. Stick, that F-16A with old `Winders reminds me of the old days flying Falcon (1) and living an hour south of Hill AFB.... Thanks!
  10. F-15 Super Pack (Version 2.4)

    Being a huge F-15 fanboi, I thought I'd throw in some great F-15 data downloadables: http://www.scribd.com/doc/94122923/PS-940-F-15-Armament-Handbook-Oct-1979 http://www.scribd.com/doc/94838033/TO-1F-15A-1-Preliminary-Flight-Manual-USAF-Series-F-TF-15A-Aircraft-Block-7-and-Up-Change-2-15-Mar-1975 http://www.scribd.com/doc/98286102/TO-1F-15E-1-Flight-Manual-USAF-Series-F-15E-Aircraft-15-Apr-1993 http://www.scribd.com/doc/98285380/to-1f-15c-34-1-1-nonnuclear-weapon-delivery-manual-air-to-air-usaf-series-f-15c-and-f-15d-aircraft-change-6-15
  11. I've sat in the cockpit of an F-15 and it's not that bright, if noticeable at all. I actually just went into the files and blacked it all out: It's less distracting, and felt much more realistic. I mean, isn't it enough that canopy bow gets so in the way?
  12. OUt of missiles, altitude, abullets and ideas.
  13. Hey FastCargo- I thought you might get a kick out of this... http://boeingspotter.tumblr.com/ Your -SE model was used to demo the F-15SE on a web site.
  14. Is this my first post? I think so. So I was Google-browsing SF screenies, and found some incredible shots of a SF1 terrain called "AmericanNW" and "SouthernCal". The link to the AmericanNW was broken (it was external from Combatace.com). So I'd like to see if it's out there anywhere, and would it (they) be compatible with SF2? Here's the link I found: http://combatace.com/topic/2504-question-about-terrains/ Any info or hints would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! Fritz
  15. And bikers. Add bikers on side roads so I can strafe them.
  16. It's called the J-10. Israel helped China develop it.
  17. Funky double vortex coming off the wingtip at 0:08. After all these years, it's still weird to look into the cockpit and not see a HUD.
  18. First of all, gotta say it- this is a fun sim/game. It doesn't have all the button pushing I'm used to, but it still rocks visually and flight model wise- awesome. Thanks to the developers and modding community. My system is a Lenovo desktop 3.1 GHz x 4, 6 GB RAM and GeForce GT 620 w/2 GB RAM. I will be posting screenshots. My aircraft preference is the F-15 Eagle in all its carnations (Thank you, the creator of the F-15 Super Pack). I currently have SF2, SF2E, SF2I and SF2NA. I have a few questions about mods and what not. Let me get this one out of the way: Why, with THAT system, does North Atlantic bring my system to its knees? It's 4 fps, no kidding. The tiles don't seem that complex or anything. If that's the status quo for NA, has someone made a mod/fix for it? I'd love to get a little carrier action from time to time, but the only way to play now is to crank all teh detail down so it looks like a 90's flight sim, well... it's a cryin' shame, isn't it? OK, now onto other questions. I'd love to install the GermanyCE mods, but I have no folder. My Israel game has a folder. But my Europe, NA and SF2 mod folders have no Terrain folder. Now, in the program's directory (c:Program Files (x86)/Thirdwire/Strike Fighters 2/Terrains) there is a Terrains folder, but it has "security catalog" files by the terrain names (Desert, GermanyCE, IcelandNA, IsraelME), instead of folders. Why is there no corresponding folder for each game? I'd love to find these folders and get that beaufitul rolling, tree-covered countryside for Germany. Oh, and I'm updated all the way up to the latest patches. Really stinks they fixed the cloud level up high- that made for some great dogfights at first. It's a lot, but thanks in advance for all your help.
  19. I figured out I was installing the NF4, which was meant for SF1, onto my SF2 install. That's why it went south. I downloaded and installed NF5 and now Europe is all pretty and awesome. Next are the NA FPS mod, and the hires default desert mods. Which I had running before, but had to remove to fix NF5. Thanks for your post- It'll prove helpful as I mod along.
  20. ...aaaaaand crap. Now none of the mods are working. Once again, I can add planes and effects fine. But the theater terrain mods aren't working. I'm using Windows 7, how much of a difference does that make with the mod folders?
  21. I got Germany to work, but the sky was wrecked. GRRR. Tryiing a re-install from the ground up.
  22. F-22 Cockpit

    Awesome! Thanks!
  23. Heh heh heh. Now I see what I did wrong. Embarrassing, not admitting to it publicly.
  24. One of them did have that typo- my default desert one, and when I fixed it, it now works- thanks! But Germany still doesn't.

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