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Everything posted by irati

  1. There is a suu-16 gun pod in one of the weapons pack for generation1 series and they are all in the download section. I don't know which one exactly since i merged several weaponpacks together.
  2. I've been playing Wings over Europe for some time and i like flying Ground attack aircrafts. I like CAS mission because you get to kill tanks, but i sometimes i don't even get the chance to attack the tanks because my allied tanks have taking them out before i get there. Is there a way to set a mission typ where you just attack tanks, i think it's called battlefield air interdiction (BAI)?
  3. Is there a way to assign the gunpods to a button, i though you could fire the gunpods with the secondary weapon button but that doesn't work. And when i press the fire button it fire both my primary gun and the Gun Pods. Is there a way to fix this. Note: the game i'm playing is Wings over Europe.
  4. I used to play F-22 Raptor back in the late 90s but lost the cd. Well now i bought the game for a very good price. And tried playing it but the game doesn't recognize my Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas Stick X so i tried my older usb joystick with no luck. The game seems to have a problem with usb Joysticks. Has anybody tried this game with thier joystick . If yes, what joystick did you use?
  5. I been using some jets with a gun-pod to supplement the internal gun and i can't firing the guns seperately even with the secondary weapons button. Is it possibly to to edit the gun to fire as a normal weapons. Another question! Is there a GPU-5/A gunpod availible for download?
  6. Hi, is there a way to stop planes in WOx series from ejecting thier external fuel pods and A2G weapons when going into Air combat. I heared it is possible for a Fighter to engage A2A with the external stores in real life.
  7. I recently flew a CAS Mission in WOE with the F-16C and use my M61 cannon to destroy Tanks (T-72) it usually took 1-2 rounds to destroy them is this realistic, because i thought only the GAU-8 can take out a tank with one round. And i also shoot down Fighters with one round. I can't imagine one shot killing a jet unless you hit something sensitive.
  8. I just merged WOE and WOV the installer copied all the necessary WOV files to the WOE folder. Does this mean i can uninstall WOV now or will the files in the WOE folder also be deleted.
  9. I've been playing WOE for 2-Years now just playing single missions with modern jets since i read that the campaigns are pretty boring, so i'm use to dropping bombs with the CCIP. But i'm thinking of trying the campaigns so i started practicing with some of the older 60s jets with no real hud. Now i find it difficult hitting my target while dropping bombs. Is there a way use some kind of Targeting sight on these old Cockpits?
  10. Hi, i recently downloaded the Mi-35 helicopter for sfp1. But i have a problem with my wingmen. They just roll around the runway and don't takeoff. Is there a fix for this or a way i can do this myself.
  11. Mi-35

    Main rotors don't move. do i have to changed something mi-35data.
  12. Hi everyone, i have been playing WOE for 1 year now and i am really enjoying this game, i play generated Single missions mostly and i prefer the Close Air Support missions it's really fun killing those tanks with the A-10's gun and rockets. But recently i notice that the Tanks and APC's don't fire at Aircrafts. Which make the Missions boring, because basicly your just shooting at defenseless Armoure. To my question! Is there a way to make the tanks use thier Guns against air targets, the same way the ZSU-23s do. I would be really appreciate some help on this.
  13. Thanks! So i guess the Tank will fire both it's main Cannon and th MGs at planes, i should be careful with my SuperCobra now.
  14. I tried editing a MBTs Data.ini. But the tanks don't work after i added the "TargetType=AIR" to both entries. [DetectSystem] TargetType=GROUND TargetType=AIR DataLink=FALSE OpticalSight=TRUE NightSight=True VisualRange=2000.0 ViewportPosition=0.0,0.0,2.30 MaxVisibleDistance=7000.0 RadarCrossSection=10 [WeaponSystem] TargetType=GROUND TargetType=AIR GunRange=1800.0 PitchAngleRate=16 MaxPitch=21.0 MinPitch=-4.0 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=FALSE YawAngleRate=24 DefaultYawAngle=0 ReloadGunAtAngle=False GunReloadPitchAngle=17.0 GunRecoil=100 GunStabilization=TRUE GunRadarTracking=FALSE RangeFinder=4 BallisticComputer=2 YawModelNodeName=turret PitchModelNodeName=barrel
  15. Since there are so many Helicopter Models for download and the FM is improving. I want to know if it's possible to make an automatic aiming main cannon for Helocopters. The OH-6 model which is in the Download section has two Soldiers on the back seat armed with assault rifles and the AI controlled choppers aim at targets automaticly. So is it be possible???
  16. So it doesn't work on Ground Targets? How did you set the gun to aim at aircrafts?

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