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Weasel Keeper

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Everything posted by Weasel Keeper

  1. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    LOL Kordy, it is all fun. I new this would be interesting since this forum seems to be packed full of Squids. ;) *poking PHates in the eye for his comment*
  2. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    For now will let the "Air Farce/Farts" line slide... Topic was in jest, and was just phunning. All in good phun, but don't phuck with the phorce... ;) :D I'll sick the ninjas on ya :ph34r: Damn, am I stuck in the PHs cuz I was a Phantom Phixer?..... :D Phooey! Suppose I phorgot the Navy Beans weren't issued a phunny bone with their silly pants...other than Navy Chief, SD, and da Cowboy. :P
  3. A Few Aircraft Pictures

    The ally thing is pretty simple...we were all good friends (through flying online) before the ODB guys got organized. ;) It's all about fun! Great pics from the Museum! I see my F-4G is on the ramp now. It was in the new hangar back in July. Next August a dedication for a Wild Weasel exhibit will happen with many members of the Society of Wild Weasel's in attendance. I'll more than likely go to that...as well as another reunion if it gets planned. I'm in Ft Wayne so I'm only about 2 hours away from Dayton. :)
  4. Aviation Clocks

    They have 8 day aircraft clocks? Oh wait, guess I could check the link...lol.
  5. V1.5 Patch And Phillippines Map Are Finally Out!

    Sign up for the EA newsletter. The EA servers were very fast a week before the official release when I got it. ;) PT boats are schweeeeet!
  6. If You Know Who These (hockey) Ppl Are....

    OMG that's too f'n funny!!!
  7. Nhl 2004 Review

    Hey! Great link for the Depot! I didn't want to waste all my time editing all of the rosters. I just picked up a MS Sidewinder gamepad...because I've always liked Sidewinder (my last three flight sticks have been SW). It has 10 buttons and seems to get the job done so far. :) One thing I like about 03 (not sure if it's in 04) is the custom player feature. I hooked my daughter up with a hockey player who is also a good friend of mine. Big Steve Fletcher (77) who signed with the Habs in 86 and played a few NHL games over his career...but spent most of his time in the IHL in my home town (Ft Wayne Komets). He has the Ft Wayne (and maybe IHL) record for PIMs in a season and his career...lol. He's a good guy to hang out with at the clubs. :D With the custom player feature I set up my guy to look just like him and play like he did...pretty cool. The guys skating around a loose puck is pretty sad, but as long as I can switch to that guy and put on the brakes I can usually control it. I've got the fever again now so I'll be grabbing 04 soon. :)
  8. Nhl 2004 Review

    I also just picked up NHL 03, heck it was only $9.00 at Best Buy. I figure this can hold me over until I get around to paying full price for 04. :) It's not too bad, but like you said the commentary really blows, and the fighting isn't very good.
  9. Nhl 2004 Review

    Cool reviews by you folks! I've been a long time NHL gamer going back to Blades of Steel on Nintendo. I had NHL 94 through 97 for Sega, and NHL 98 and 99 for Playstation. I recently picked up a bargain bin game pack from EA that included NHL 02, Fifa 02, Madden 02, and Tiger Wood 02 for $20 at Walmart or Target. The NHL game is buggy and freezes when I use my gamepad. I don't want to use the keyboard to play, so this blows. Luckily Madden and Tiger Woods is fun so the money wasn't waisted. :D I'll have to check out NHL 04!
  10. Insane. Might want to read a little deeper. I just counted 56 testers who are working with the beta patch. B) What you may have read was that one person (TK) is working almost alone to fix the bugs that are reported to him.
  11. Patch

    I'd like to comment on Stategy First, but the last time I did TK slapped me around. ;) The 2nd patch is still in the works and getting closer every day. As far as when...I don't know. The funny thing about fixing bugs is that you fix one problem and that breaks two other things. I don't pretend to know anything about programming, but I have learned this much. As far as TK doing the Wright Flyer sim...big deal. TK loves aviation as much as any of us (probably/likely more than most). Wouldn't you do work for the 100th anniversary of powered flight if you were asked? I give a big hats off to TK for working on that project. That shows me his dedication to aviation in general...plus he's still working as pretty much a one man team to fix SFP1. No flames intended. :)
  12. Colts Take Bucks In Ot

    2002 is sooooooooo......yesterday! :P ;)
  13. Colts Take Bucks In Ot

    "For you Colts fans, dont get to excited. Remember there is a reason why you have dungy now. You will make the playoffs of course, but only to get schooled in the first or second round like last year." Hmmm...looks like school's already in session after Monday night. :P ;)
  14. Colts Take Bucks In Ot

    Couple questionable calls, but gotta admit, the Colts deserved that win! 21 points in three minutes. Was starting to worry about that "liquored up" kicker Vanderjagdt.
  15. Falcon 4 Gold Announced

    Hmmm...didn't Xicrap do Jane's A'crap Squadron?
  16. What Do You Think Of The New Forums?

    Very good looking and seems pretty fast. Although for some reason I wasn't allowed to reply to the "Welcome Beer" post. *shrugs* :)
  17. Action over praphics is working well for me...although even with graphics on low everything still looks pretty decent! I could use rocket and missle smoke, but that would just drop my FPS down. ;) I'm running below suggested rig...and it's working surprisingly well. P3 500 256MB RAM 98SE GF4 MX420 (1024x768x32) SB Live! X-Gamer Sidewinder Precision Pro My A-10 has a small stability problem down low...I could use some roll trim. The Mig-29 is a blast for all of 30 seconds before the Mirage takes me out. All in all though I'm having a lot of fun and still learning. :)
  18. A Little Help?

    SD bud, I regret to inform you that X-plane pulled the plug on my account without any warning...and deleted EVERYTHING I had stored in there. Sorry.
  19. Cool New Airline...

    Okay, this site rocks and I've been posting it at every board I frequent. ;) http://www.skyhighairlines.com/main.asp
  20. Cool New Airline...

    Hehe, I hadn't even read the MadJeff employee of the month thing until later. Now lock yourself in the lav and count slowly to 1000 to bring back GoodJeff. ;)
  21. AA

    This game is definately good enough for the huge D/L. Even a few die hard flight sim only guys in my squad who said they'd never play ground pounder games have turned to the dark side and love it. :) Plus, you just can't beat *FREE*!
  22. Avast Me Scurvies!

    Arrrrrrr...I just returned from St Thomas and St John, USVI...so I've already been talking like a pirate for a week!
  23. Biohaz Football Pool - Interested??

    I'm in an online pool now at superbrawl.com that's sponcered by our local tv station. Actually last week I placed #1 out of about 700 people with 13 wins for preseason warm up picks. :D http://www.superbrawl.com/rcs/pools/wpta/i...php?action=home Last season I played a different pool at clickoff classic and had one week that I won out of about 1,000 folks, and I won a t shirt. I'm all for it! :twisted:
  24. The area under the radome where the gun was in the F-4E is where most of the powerful APR-38 RHAWS (Radar Homing and Warning System) radar detecting equipment and components went in the F-4G. Along with a tail mounted receiver and various APR-38 antennas mounted on the top, bottom, and sides of the F-4G, the Weasel would be able to detect even for a moment and lock on to a SAM or AAA site's radar signature. The F-4G is labelled the Advanced Wild Weasel. Where the F-100F and F-105G had to get down and dirty in Viet Nam because of the early technology, the F-4G'easel's advanced technology was a lot more effective by being able to not get so close and making it out in one piece. I'm not aware of a single F-4G ever being lost in combat other than one running out of fuel and crashing back at home plate during Desert Storm. The Wild Weasel's specialized mission is SAM suppression or strike. It carried three AIM-7s for protection, but normally had F-4Es (or other fighters) to fly cover while they were busy. Bottom line, with SAMs and AAA using radar to track and aim their weapons, I don't think going in for a strafing run with guns would be such a good idea. http://www.wpafb.af.mil/museum/research/fi...fighter/f4g.htm http://wildweasels.org/
  25. PhantomWarrior's Death - Or Not? PLEASE READ!!

    I've been trying to keep an open mind about this situation, however Jeff's evidence is really starting to turn my stomach. I really hate to jump to conclusions and damn anyone without hearing both sides...but if (and it's looking good from here) Jeff's findings are true, then I must agree with Dice Man's (et al's) observation regarding POS!!! The odd thing I've found is going to PW's squad site and not hearing any mention of his demise...and the same goes for the rest of the flight sim boards I travel frequently. I know if someone in my virtual squad met his maker, my squad site would be the very first with this info and then a memorial would go out to other sim boards... Being an Air Force veteran, my salutes (<S>) only go out for those deserving (I'm dead serious, and a very proud veteran). Right now IMO, you'd better prove your sources and story or come clean...or forever (with my blessings for what it's worth) be banned from here or any other sim community. <S> Biohaz for seeking the truth

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