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Weasel Keeper

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Everything posted by Weasel Keeper

  1. Should Biohaz add some FPS forums?

    Jeff, I wasn't around for the first few weeks of AAO...mainly due to the fact I still was using a Voodoo 3 video card...which is not supported. :( After I got my GeForce4 MX 420, I reinstalled it and it ran like a dream. This was probably three months after it was released so I haven't had hardly any server problems. I've been lucky when I have the time to spend upwards of 6 hours playing on the servers without even having to reboot. Be aware there are a couple of patches out since the initial release that can be found on the site. I'd suggest giving it another, serious play time, test. It's hellafun! :)
  2. Should Biohaz add some FPS forums?

    I know this is a "SIM" site, however with the state of recent sims, along with the realistic "sim-like" play of some of the FPS's out I think it would be good to add them to the forum. I consider AAO (America's Army Online) pretty much a SIM because it is very realistic. Watching the recent war coverage on TV, I recognized many of the weapons and their sounds due to this game. Pointing to a guy on TV firing a SAW, I'd tell my wife "oh yeah, I fire that weapon all the time"...lol. Did I mention AAO is absolutely FREE? http://americasarmy.com/ By far one of the best FPS Teamwork games/sims out. :)
  3. So where's Baghdad Bob now? Hmmmmm?

    Yeah, kind of bad when the Americans who are all "commiting suicide" at Baghdad airport just helped yank down a huge statue downtown. And the airport that we don't hold now bases 7,000 troops as a coalition airbase with 20,000 more suicidal troops to be in place very soon. Iraqi people are kissing these...these...American criminals. ;) I know it's not over, but it sure does feel better! :D
  4. Daughter's Navy Pen Pal

    My 9 year old daughter has a (email) pen pal. Her pen pal is an avionics tech on the USS Kitty Hawk which is in the Gulf now supporting Iraqi Freedom. I thought I'd share some pics she sent to my daughter. :)
  5. Daughter's Navy Pen Pal

    Kind of a cool sidenote. My dad was an aircraft refueler on the USS Bon Homme Richard for 4 years during Viet Nam from '63-'67. He had a buddy who was on the brand new Kitty Hawk and got to tour it while in port back then. Dad's ship circa 1965 (CVA-31). He calls her affectionately the "Bonnie Dick". :D

    Holy cow Jeff! I've been waiting for a decent helo sim for awhile...since LB2 at least. This one looks like the LOMAC of helos. System requirements look about the same too. :shock: Great find...as I haven't even heard of this until now. They're projecting 4th quarter 2003 so in time for Christmas. <S>
  7. The post your pic thread

    Jeff represents the Lollypop Guild.....
  8. Cookies?

    Hey Jeff, does this site use cookies that expire after a period of time? I notice about once a month or so I have to re-log in to the main page. Most of the time I don't have to log in because it remembers me. Just wondering. :)
  9. Cookies?

    My wife's computer is on a dial up modem and she has aol. If I go on there I usually minimize aol after I sign on and go through Internet Explorer anyway. Aol windows are always too small.
  10. The post your pic thread

    Which one are you again Beer???
  11. The post your pic thread

  12. Ummmmm......

    Did I miss something on the front page about this? What's up? I need info.
  13. See ya for now

    <S> Best of luck to you *Fast Eagle*! I think it goes without saying, you have our support! Give 'em hell!!!
  14. This is NOT a war about oil!!! Oh wait, wrong topic. Very nice work Beerman! :D
  15. Mig Alley...

    I picked it up a few weeks ago from SimHQ Buy/Sell/Trade forum, but I haven't installed it yet. I got it the same time I also got FS 2002 and have been flying that a lot. Maybe this weekend I'll throw it on the ol hard drive and take it for a spin. :)
  16. I'm not sure who created the IP connection program for SFP1, but I love it! It says it's in a beta stage, but it worked great for me and a squad mate tonight. We flew a few "successful" strike coops (successful is used loosly as I was shot down a couple times...lol) and we had a blast. A squad mate of mine who has been flying with the Dambusters (Floor_87FIS) brought up a good point about MP in SFP1. He says it's kind of like Falcon 4 in that people had to tweek that sim a lot to get it to work right. For some reason with my squad guys, there's been little if any problems flying MP. If the sim runs fine on your system then there's hardly any problems with MP...but if you're having trouble anyway then it carries over into MP. For us we've been having a blast. We used to be a Janes USAF squad (3 years of it) and always had fun with MP coops in there...this kind of reminds me of those days but much better. Trying to get more of my guys to get SFP1 and try it out, so check 6. :twisted: <S>
  17. Ummmmm......

    Hehe Fates, it is time for a new machine, but I still like 98SE for gaming. :shock: Nice to meet you propulsor, welcome aboard. This does look nice so far.
  18. Ummmmm......

    Thanks Jeff. DOH! :shock: Only for Win 2000 and XP?
  19. USS John C. Stennis

    It wasn't a stupid question Dutchy. :) If you know where she's from, David Letterman did his top ten list from the Stennis last night. She's at home. Nothing classified if it's on national television.
  20. USS John C. Stennis

    Okay, OPSEC's been breached by David Letterman's top ten list from the Stennis tonight. :roll: She's not in the gulf...k?
  21. USAF beginner?

    Another possibility is SimHQ.com "Buy/Sell/Trade" forums, or the same titled forum at Frugalsworld.com. I see USAF sold in there a lot, and it is an international community so you may find someone in France or Europe who might help you. I didn't want to spend the $60.00 (still) for FS 2002 Pro so I asked at SimHQ B/S/T forum and within a couple weeks I had a copy of it for $20.00. :D
  22. USS John C. Stennis

    Good point, OPSEC starts here. I did a google search and found a list of ships deployed to the gulf...which is common knowledge. I couldn't find anything up to date about the Stennis...and as far as I know during these nervous days, that's a good thing.
  23. got to fly F-4 in MP as a RIO with a Live pilot!

    Is resistance a pay for add on?
  24. got to fly F-4 in MP as a RIO with a Live pilot!

    I don't know much about OFP but I did just buy a copy of OFP Gold with Red Hammer over at SimHQ "Buy/Sell/Trade" forum ($5.00, couldn't beat it). A very odd thing happened to me after I installed it to get the feel for it. I'll usually tinker around for a long time whether a game's very good or not...but after about an hour or two I actually uninstalled it and shelved it. Maybe after newer games like America's Army, BF 1942, and RTCW I just expected more, but I didn't care for OFP at all. Don't think this is any kind of flame because I know many people enjoy OFP. I just don't see what all the hype is about (just my opinion). Of course I suppose if I were to spend more time and get some of the add on stuff it might be better, but I think I'll just stick to AAO for good teamwork and BF42 for good clean blow up stuff arcade fun. :)

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