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Weasel Keeper

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Everything posted by Weasel Keeper

  1. Are these FMs anywhere close?

    I always flew it at 135% with only target ID being my 5% off of 140. Khe Sahn is a bear to pass, took me many times trying before I did. Thud flies like the F-15? Not in the Khe Sahn mission. Get that Thud in low and try to keep the speed and altitude while turning for the next pass. More times than I care to remember my butt was on fire from the AAA. Actual F-4E CAN turn like the one in USAF...however that F-4E will end up in the boneyard due to stress and cracks...lol.
  2. SR-71

    Not a lot of weapons delivery options (well, none), but if it's what you want to fly around in by all means go for it. :) Now a B-58 Hustler on the other hand...that would be cool. Blow stuff up AND go really fast.
  3. Lossa' rockets

    LOL! Use the "[" to select the maximum number. "Pickle" is the term for your bomb release trigger...in your case you say it's the Space bar. Hold down the pickle (space bar) and you should have multiple rocket launch.
  4. ^^^^ What he said! Plus, the beauty and detail of the aircraft. If you look closely you can identify almost every service panel, vent, fuel stain, etc. That was one thing that sold me on this sim way back before it was beta when I saw sneak peak screen shots on the Thirdwire site. My jaw dropped the first time I saw a shot of the F-4's aux air doors opened. I've never seen that before in any sim. Sounds like a simple answer, but as an ex Phantom Phixer it's the little things like that that hooked me. :D
  5. Sorry bud, when it comes to answering questions I don't usually kid around much. One ray of hope maybe, I sent off for my gold a couple months ago when SF1st was pretty busy getting everyone elses out too. Maybe...just maybe they have more time now. **slides another round down to NefariousKoel**
  6. USS Saratoga ferry boat capsizing, December 1990

    Chief, thanks for sharing that with us. It was deeply moving to say the least. <S>
  7. It took about 3 weeks for mine to get here after I faxed them. **ducking**
  8. Try an A-4 or an F-4 with gun pod, you'll also see the shell casings falling while firing. :D
  9. If ANYONE has the bad...errrrr...no version number copy, send in the info to Strategy First and they'll replace it with the gold. You could try to battle with Amazon, but you'll get guaranteed results dealing with Strat First. :)
  10. I had a few problems like this before, I think I had to fly in the same screen resolution as my desktop. I keep desktop at 800x600 but fly at 1024x768...had to bump desktop to 1024x768 and it worked fine. <shrugs> :)
  11. Nascar 2003 by Papyrus

    You know, there was a time when I might have paid to play for an EA game site...Jane's Combat Net...but for now I still have a bit of a sore spot with EA. Plus, I can't keep up with the damn Nascar games. A couple months after I got Nascar 4, they released N2002. Papy servers for N4 all but dried up and I was left almost alone...lol.
  12. After the patch Tuesday I'm sure you'll see shloads of folks flying HL and/or GSpy. :)
  13. You might want to hold off on this until you get the patch next week. F-100 I know has been tweaked officially, and I'm not sure about the F-104 because I don't fly it much, but it might be fixed too.
  14. I'm just happy I don't have to keep saying "Wait for the patch" anymore. :shock: :twisted:
  15. Holy cow, I thought that was real until you said it was a model. :shock:
  16. Welcome BBQ as the newest Biohaz Staff member!

    Way cool Ranger!!! :shock: :D :twisted:
  17. Very cool. Must...have....two....seater....F-105G......Wild Weasel..... :D
  18. 49th moving to per war deployment phase

    I wish them well also. A member of my squad, Stealth_87FIS is in this wing in real life. Haven't heard from him for about a year when he went someplace classified. Had to call em fighters because Stealth Bomber is taken...lol. (Just kidding)
  19. Welcome BBQ as the newest Biohaz Staff member!

    Thanks Fates and Weasel! BTW, Weasel, I'm in Indianapolis--what do you do in Ft. Wayne--isn't there an airforce base there? There's the 122FW Air National Guard base in Ft Wayne. I was with them for 4 years after I did 4 years active AF. Now I do maintenance for US Airways Express. Hey Fates, another Hoosier! :D
  20. Welcome BBQ as the newest Biohaz Staff member!

    **bout time someone else bought a round** ;) I'll hold my glass up and salute! Welcome aboard BBQ. <S>
  21. Not only are we working on 01-10 beta patch, we testers have been getting updates at least once a week (sometimes more) since this puppy went "gold" from TK. TK's working his butt off...as well as beta testers. :)
  22. Whiners

    AAA and SAMs are frikken deadly in the latest beta patch I've tried. I know it's hard to hear from beta testers that things are moving along nicely, but I'm sure when the patch is finally released you'll be back to good Seawolf. :) I've talked myself silly in a few forums trying to sell this game for what it'll be, so I'll just say come back when the patch is released. It may not be the sim to beat all sims, but it's starting to be "hellafun" as Cartman would say. 8)
  23. Damn! Really glad they made it because at first it was pretty disturbing seeing their helmets just laying next to the fuselage. Whew! :shock:
  24. Oh well, guess I'll be about a year behind everyone flying LOMAC until I get a new rig. Kinda figured it was going to be bad for the computerly challenged.

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