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Weasel Keeper

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Everything posted by Weasel Keeper

  1. The wife...

    That sounds like my wife. My wife tolerates it a lot because I have my computer in the living room where the TV is and not in a different room of the house. At least this way we're "together". On my days off we spend most of the day together so my sim time is limited to the evenings or late nights.
  2. Icehockey

    So far nothing on tv here. Luckily we have a minor league team here in the United Hockey League. It's like a minor of a minor league team, but it's still fun to watch. My city's team is made up of all Canadians and 2 guys from the US. We'll never see any stars down in this league. Before the IHL folded, we were in that for 50 years. Now that was a good league. We were Detroit and Winnipeg's farm team so we had many stars who either started or finished up here.
  3. Welcome

    Still in beta. http://www.wovgame.com/ http://simhq.com/_air2/air_035a.html http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...ubb=forum;f=119
  4. Unreal Bullshiiii

    The "kids out there" are probably wondering (and concerned about) who is going to be their CinC when all is said and done....and whether the job they've performed over the past 18 months is going to be taken seriously or thrown aside. Although they know they can vote absentee and aren't really that worried... Should we have some guy who has ties with the Kennedy's...doesn't want to supply/finance more money for troops/wants troops out now (and betray's the VN troops he led for a few months...and generalizes the entire 15 years in his 4 month tour)? Should we have a guy who projects power, not afraid to take on terrorists or rogue nations who hate everyone, who supports and wants to finance troops abroad so they are well equiped and not scraping by to defend freedom? Shall we bail out of Iraq, Afghanistan and let them go back to their backward ass ways, or should we stay and promote democracy...which has worked in much of the world to promote...*gasp*...PEACE?
  5. Alive and Well

    Good to see you're okay Faust! Unfortunately, Ivan is getting bigger and stronger and looks to be heading to western Cuba and Florida. :(
  6. Stolen Honor: POWs Commenting on Kerry

    http://www.stolenhonor.com/documentary/samples.asp Check the links on the 7 Vietnam POWs...but first check their REAL awards and medals awarded to each...plus the time they spent in the Hanoi Hilton. These are TRUE American heros. You have doubts about anything they say? :) BTW, Third down is CMOH winner Leo K Thorsness...an F-105G Wild Weasel and member of the Society of Wild Weasels (SoWW). ;) Thomas Sterling (5th down and also a SoWW member) was Leo's wingman Wild Weasel who was shot down...which Thorsness hung around to protect to earn the CMOH. These aren't like the 'Swiftboat' commercials, just true American hero's speaking their minds about what they feel are 'untruths' about war attrocities coming from Kerry.
  7. Right stuff vs

    Fooman is on a roll! Here's one for Bush dammit...lol. Who would you rather have lead the nation?... or..... <_< That'll leave a mark!
  8. The best comeback, ever!

    *Original Topic* It might be fictitious as far as the story goes, but it's oh so true! I may be an oddity in today's society, but I was a *gasp* boy scout back in the late 70s. I was taught all the 'paramilitary' things like wilderness survival, bow shooting, first aid, canoeing, tying knots, how to properly use a hatchet/axe to chop wood, swimming, cooking on a campfire, etc... For my 12th birthday my dad gave me a *duck and cover* 16 guage bolt action shotgun (which I still have) for conservation club "turkey shoots" (shooting targets as a contest to win prizes). He also passed down to me from my grandfather a pump .22cal rifle on my 16th birthday that my grandfather got on his 16th and my dad did also, and gave me another semi auto .22 rifle on my 20th birthday (I still have all of them and I'm closing in on 38 years old). ******"FEMALE INTERVIEWER: But you're equipping them to become violent killers."****** Guess what, I've had and been trained properly to use guns for 25 years since I was 12 and a boyscout...I've never killed or plan to kill anyone.
  9. Ollie North weighs in on Kerry

    I've stayed out of this for now, and appreciate the civil discussions and POVs so far. Definately good reading from all sides. I don't understand how if we (the US) remained a neutral and uncommited country as pre WWI and half way through WWII that terrorism would pass us by. As I recall, both of my great grandfathers served in WW1 in the trenches of France and Germany in the US infantry helping to make France a free country at the time. Perhaps not going into bragging on the US, but if we had remained neutral, would England still be under British rule? Britain might have hung on and overcome German aggression. However, would Germany have been pushed out of France, Netherlands, Italy and eventually defeated? Maybe in time. Would all of Germany be a free democratic society in the 80s-90s without an Iron Curtain in the east? Doubtful. I suppose if we in the US built walls and remained uncommitted to the world's problems, we'd be free of the world's aggression. No I don't. We'd be an island with no trade, no support, and end up another third or second world country struggling to survive. As far as Kerry in Nam...kudos and a salute for even being there. I'm not satisfied with a simple 4 month tour equalling "3" Purple Hearts...with two of them being questionable (read self inflicted and questioned by his own crew). My dad alone for an example served a year tour in the USN on the USS Bon Homme Richard (65) and another year in the USAF at Bien Hoa (67) without forging/writing his own performance records or asking for medals not entitled to him. Non vets may not totally understand, but being a vet is being included in a special brotherhood. Vets are the most honorable people you could imagine...to other vets. I can't expect you to understand if you never served, and I don't put you down for not being one if you're not. If I were to lie and say I received a Purple Heart in say Panama (which I most certainly did NOT) you all would discredit me in a heartbeat and never respect another word I uttered on these boards (look as far as the old Ranger332 posts here). Now look at it in a countrywide venue. And if I were to come in here and speak of attrocities committed that aren't alltogether true in a war that I was only a small part of? IMO, Sen (Lt) Kerry wasn't around nearly long enough to see anything even close to a war crime while cruising the rivers on his little boat facing some "small arms fire" from the shore. The same has been said from his "mates". Sure W was "only" in the ANG during Vietnam. To be honest, there was only one F-102 squadron called to Nam and they did fighter intercept with perhaps 12 aircraft (one squadron) to protect the bombers. The fact that he didn't go to Nam wasn't because he didn't want to, it was because the aircraft that he piloted wasn't required at the time. The Duece and Six were needed for high altitude interception of strategic bombers...something not required during the Nam conflict. I suppose if I were to run for office in the future I'd be critisized for being in the ANG during GW1 because there were already plenty of F-16 squadrons there and the war ended before we shipped. Not that I didn't want to go, just that I couldn't because orders were cancelled due to air dominance and lack of targets. ;) Disclaimer: I'm a flight sim junkie who gets along in life like in virtual flight...on a wing and a prayer. I'm not here to piss anyone off, just tossing out my POV. :D
  10. Mmmm...Beer B*tch (Beer Bear)

    Bear Beer A bear walks into a bar in Billings, Montana and sits down. He bangs on the bar with his paw and demands a beer. The bartender approaches and says, "We don't serve beer to bears in bars in Billings." The bear, becoming angry, demands again that he be served a beer. The bartender tells him again, more forcefully, "We don't serve beer to belligerent bears in bars in Billings." The bear, very angry now, says, "If you don't serve me a beer, I'm going to eat that lady sitting at the end of the bar." The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully bears in bars in Billings" The bear goes to the end of the bar, and, as promised, eats the woman. He comes back to his seat and again demands a beer. The bartender states, "Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully bears in bars in Billings who are on drugs." The bear says, "I'm NOT on drugs." .........You're gonna love this......... The bartender says, "You are now. That was a barbitchyouate."
  11. Aviation Art

    Frenchie, nice work on your site. I really like your F-100D sketches. It should be a winner when it's completed!
  12. B-17 and B-24

    Oh wow Raptor! Great pics and planes!!! Sorry for ever doubting you. ;) Those are definately not the same that were here last week...lol.
  13. B-17 and B-24

    You sure it's a B-17? Not questioning your aircraft ID skills, but we just had from the Confederate AF a B-29 (Fifi) and B-24 (Diamond Lil) stop at our airport (FWA) last week and were offering tours. They both left Saturday or Sunday afternoon. It was pretty cool when they left. I was sitting at home...about 10 miles from the airport when I heard the B-24 flying over, still climbing slowly from it's takeoff so I ran outside to watch it. It was only probably 400-500 feet over my house. I didn't see or hear the B-29 though.
  14. ATC

    I was held at PIT in heavy fog one time too. Kinda sucked after I had spent all that time setting up a flight plan and everything. Of course I took off anyway and got in big trouble. :D
  15. I am bored!!!!! I need a new flight sim

    Also not to flame...but aircraft in BF1942? C'mon Fates! ;) Firehawk, I reinstalled CFS2 in the last 6 months and am having a good time with it again. There are some good links and patches over at SimHQ/CFS2 forum. There's one huge 3rd party patch over there that makes graphics better...like weapons effects and terrain as well as a few good A2G missions (since CFS2 only came with A2A missions), and improved flight models. Attacking ships is quite tough and you'd be lucky to make a pass on one without a little self damage...but it's hellafun. I haven't tried IL2 of CFS3 so I can't comment on them, although IL2 seems pretty popular. Like you, my machine isn't quite up to par with Lomac's specs, but real life keeps stepping in the way of upgrading. <_<
  16. gotta love this sheriff!!

    Hmmm...must not be too bad there. ;) Glen Campbell performs Friday for inmates at Maricopa County's outdoor jail, where he is serving a 10-day sentence for DUI.
  17. Election Video

    LMAO Fates! Great show! <S>
  18. gotta love this sheriff!!

    Yummmmm...116 degree boloney. At least they can throw it on a rock and fry it.
  19. Why?

    Heyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! (where???) :D
  20. Why?

    **Thinking a sailor would be the last person to leave the room....but I'm outnumbered here by squids.....hehe** Airpower! :D
  21. Why?

    Welcome to Texas...Where The Sheep No Longer Have To Hide! *Weasel flees*
  22. Roswell 1947

    What's funny is that I'll debate my wife about Area-51 (Groom Lake/Skunkworks) and UFOs. I was in the Air Force and like the rest of the public wasn't aware of the F-117 until years after it's developement when they unveiled it. So I tell her, look at the F-117 and tell me if you'd think it was a UFO back in the early 80s flying around the Nevada desert. She fires back by saying it's designed from UFO technology. DOH! <_<
  23. King Air 350 problem

    Okay, a little glass. I don't consider this a "glass" cockpit though. Too many analog gauges. This is more of a glass pit (A320)
  24. King Air 350 problem

    Good reply Fates. I do quite a bit of engine runs and taxiing in our Saab 340s (turboprops) and I can taxi all the way from our maintenance hangar to the passenger terminal without advancing the power levers at all...of course it would be slow going at first...lol. Normally I bump up the power levers to get rolling faster at first, but once I'm rolling I set the power levers back to ground idle and "coast". Our aircraft, just like the King Air 350 in FS will roll foward without any throttle. I love the 350 in FS since unlike Fates, I'm a turboprop guy used to very little glass in the pit. :D
  25. Internet radio

    http://www.accuradio.com/ Not sure about the country music section, but they have decent radio quality 80s music that I listen to. Or: http://launch.yahoo.com/ and click "LaunchCast Radio" for stations. I just tried the medium quality and it was pretty good. The hi quality is for premium members.

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