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Weasel Keeper

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Everything posted by Weasel Keeper

  1. Can You Identify THis?

    It's a movie prop for this summer's release of the movie "Stealth". Pretty cool looking bird though. :)
  2. Airline crew lands at wrong airport

    From what I've heard, the runways are pretty much lined up the same, and the two airports are only within something like 7 miles of each other. Simple mistake that quite a few pilots I know have either done or almost done at least once.
  3. New Pics From The Game

    Okay, I've put off upgrading long enough!!! WOW! :D
  4. Phantoms To Get At Alpha

    Rats, they say no good for FS9. :(
  5. My Girl Done Graduated 8th Grade

    Congratulations Firehawk! As another very proud daddy, my daughter "graduates" the 5th grade tomorrow and will be off to middle school this fall. Damn, I'm starting to feel old....UGH! Her last report card was straight As...and that was the first time ever for her. :D
  6. Question About Tcas And Radar

    You are the devil Beer! I think I do still have the Rude pic around here somewhere... Thanks TG.
  7. Question About Tcas And Radar

    Good question! TCAS would be nice...unless they consider ATC warnings of close acft enough... BTW....Fly Air Force. :D
  8. Hi Jeff I've been having light speed connections to this site for the past couple weeks, and had a small delay this morning. I'm wondering if it's the America's Army banner that might be bogging it down a little, since when the AAO banner is up it seems that's when I have slower web page load times. Just a thought. :)
  9. Slow Load Time...possibility?

    Disregard Jeff, same banner still showing, and it's hellafast again. Like Fates said, it must have been Ft Wayne cable...maybe a busy time of day.
  10. What In The Hell Are Them Idiots Thinking?

    **had a nice big reply, yet decided rum was talking and feared being banned...** However, our Armed Forces are a great deal more than for just killing folks and breaking things. Perhaps you should...as I'm doing...let the alcohol wear off. Cheers!
  11. Calling Navychief, Firehawkordy

    BTW Falcon...and no disrespect intended...that pic IS a joke since it's a plastic model. I could add a beer keg to an F-4 model and say it was a party fighter...which isn't a bad idea...but it's still a joke. ;)
  12. Calling Navychief, Firehawkordy

    I doubt it's an actual aircraft design, but look at the old faithful C-130...(who knows?) EC-130E:
  13. Eglin Afb Locked Garagedoors

    Throwing my own slightly interesting story in here... At the last house I lived at, my garage door frequency must have matched one of my neighbors a few houses down. I'd hit the door opener and his door would open. I always had to make sure to hit the button again (in my own garage) to close his door. Oddly enough, I never found my door open.
  14. Bard, I'm afraid that if we don't embrace the new flight sims in some way, we'll be left with no flightsims in the future. I see your point, yet i have to support the flightsim community if we want to keep our hobby alive. If we fail the developers who work on the newer tiltles (Lomac, SFP1) who is going to make a new sim for us? It kind of blows in a way, but we as a community really need to support any flight sim developer so we can keep our dream of flight a reality. Both of the big name devs (UBI, Thirdwire) need all the support we can muster, because they are the two major players. I'm a beta tester for TW, but I'm still looking for great success with UBI...just because I'm a huge combat flight sim fan.
  15. But on the same hand, we can't go embracing those that have been pushed out the door before they are ready. My hope is for eventually a flight sim that everone would embrace and would work right out of the gate. From my personal experience with the other flight sim (SFP1), and the uber flight sim Lomac, I don't see any great sims coming out from the gate as the latest greatest anything. Honestly, I don't remember anything super great since USAF (99), CFS2, or IL2 that worked fairly well from the get-go. Honestly, MSFS 2004 has been the greatest flight sim I've seen in two years, but unfortunately you can't kill anyone with it. All I want is a great...really great flight sim. I'm tired of holding out for the latest greatest. Without a flamefest, I've been holding out for one that holds my interest for longer than a couple months like the past few titles. The problem I see is that we (the realistic flight sim community) has been holding out for more than they can offer at this time.
  16. What I'm finding VERY interesting about this whole deal is the fact that Lomac was supposed to be the sim of all sims. Now before you shoot me down, I was also on that fence looking at Lomac and hoping for the sim to end all sims. All of this bickering is reminding me alot of the earlier days of Strike Fighters when we were trying to defend the fudged up release and fairly long delays on patches. Delays with SFP1 made folks back off and not even give it a second chance. As a SFP1 beta tester for almost two years it's been hard not to release any info to the public per TK's request, but seeing how the Lomac devs are striking out at nay sayers I can now respect TK's requests. While I can and do respect the Lomac Dev's opinions about their sim...I also look up to TK more for his restraint and subsequent good feelings of the community when the patches do arrive. I DO hope the best for Lomac, while I also hope folks will continue to follow SFP1 (or 2). Good flight sims are few and far between...we need to start embracing them so we can continue to get better ones.
  17. Graduating

    Ahhhhhh 1972...I remember it well... I was clutching on to my dad's leg and crying as he was leaving me at kindergarten. Congratulations on your graduations guys! <S>
  18. Hidden Dangers Of Iraq

    At my job I was recently in a Dowty propeller repair class and our instructor was a Canadian Air Force (C-130 crew chief) veteran who had spent a bit of time in Somalia, Iraq and Kuwait. He had pictures of these monsters and backed up a couple of the stories. He said these spiders feared nothing due to there size and he even saw one that chased a guy up a ladder. It waited at the bottom while the dude sat on top of it. *shiver*
  19. Slow Site Load Times?

    Okay...odd. Today it loaded at light speed...lol. *shrugs*
  20. Slow Site Load Times?

    As a matter of fact I was just thinking about asking about this. It took me around 20-30 secs to load (frozen) on the main page just prior to coming into the forum now. It also happened yesterday for a longer period of time and I thought it was just my browser since everything froze for so long and I rebooted. BTW, I'm cable... 2.4 megabits per second Communications: 2.4 megabits per second Storage: 296.6 kilobytes per second 1MB file download: 3.5 seconds Subjective rating: Great http://bandwidthplace.com/speedtest/
  21. Hog Wild Van

    **Wiping tears from my face** That was AWESOME!!! After I explained what was happening to my wife she was also rolling. Thanks!!!
  22. Nascar

    Still waiting to see if my guy (Jerry Nadeau) will come back to racing after his near death accident last year. He says he's getting better, but still a little slow since his brain was bruised and wants to get back to racing eventually. While he's gone, I'm sticking with his car and "new" driver Joe Nemechek in the Army 01 car. Was hanging in the top 5 most of the race last weekend and in 2nd when he ran out of gas near the end...arghhhh! I'd like to root for Ruttman...but he never goes more than two laps in any race before he parks in the garage. (I'm kidding! I hate field fillers!)
  23. Stanley Cup Playoffs....

    I don't know if I can take this anymore after last night's Flames/Wings game! Sat on the edge of my seat for all four periods...well, got up long enough to grab beer. ;) It's great to see the Wings go down by an under rated team who played harder. Tonight should be as exciting... Go Avs and Flyers!!!
  24. See U Guys In 6 Months

    Forget about us,....YOU stay safe! We'll back you from here while you protect US! YOU are our first line of defence, and we thank god or whoever that you are there. As a vet, I thank you personally for your service. Don't lose focus...Do your duty. <S>
  25. Check out the new CH/MH-53 at Hovercontrol. Great new freeware helos! http://www.hovercontrol.com Downloads/ helicopters Me checking out a suspicious cargo ship. :D

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