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Weasel Keeper

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Everything posted by Weasel Keeper

  1. Biohaz Bf1942 Night?

    I'm in, but like GhostDog said, give me a good ETA so I can get patched up. Been busy with a couple of "other" patches lately and haven't gotten around to patching BF42 yet. ;) Is it time to get rid of the Santa smilies yet? :D
  2. I grabbed it as soon as I heard about it from Gamershell...before I heard of any "warnings" of a leak. It works great for me!!! And I'm a 98SE guy who couldn't fly it at all before. :D
  3. Biohazcentral Public Fs2k4 Server Online!

    To be honest I've never flown FS online. For a fly in is FS2002 still used? I know I probably couldn't connect with FS04 guys, but are there other guys who still fly FS02?
  4. Biohazcentral Public Fs2k4 Server Online!

    Am I too late to connect? I got the FSHostSpy thingy, and it shows BioHaz, but I can't seem to connect to anything. Nothing happens when I double click BioHaz, and I've even tried the IP in MP for FS2k2 with no joy. Hopefully I'm just missing a step somewhere...although I'm currently showing 0 of 100 pilots...lol.
  5. <S> Guys I was looking for a fight in hyperlobby tonight and didn't find anyone, so I went over to GameSpy to find a few pilots. Had a couple successful flights there, but I ran into a bug that I hadn't seen before. Any time I launched a game in GS, I get an error message about an (SFP1) illegal operation and it will be closed down. If I close it I go back to GS a frustrated player...however if I ignore it, the game loads and I can fly. To be honest, as a beta tester, I spent most of my MP testing time in hyperlobby and have never run into this problem before. I really don't like pop ups and ads so I hardly ever tested in GS (GameSpy)(and I'm not about to pay for GS either ;)). A few of the pilots in GS had already gone back to the SP1 patch because they had no luck with SP2...and this caused major concern for me. My recommendation is for everyone who wants to fly MP...get the Hyperlobby client until we figure out what's going on with GS. Hyperlobby has been a very stable launching platform for various games and sims for the past three years, and it's free. http://hyperfighter.jinak.cz/modules.php?n...wdownload&cid=2 I've reported this to TK. :)
  6. Patch 2 Is Out!!!!!!!

    LOL Seawolf...welcome back. :)
  7. Happy Birthday Fates

    <S> <C> Fates **Uploading a case of Yuengling for a true ODB. **
  8. Which Flight Sim Should I Get 1st

    King Air is my bird of choice! Great medium sized turbo prop. :)
  9. The Newbies List Of Forum Acronyms

    Memebers of online squadrons may sometimes end a post with a salute, and I've seen a few styles...(not meaning that only squadrons can use them). B) <S> S! <C> (a cheers salute)
  10. Desert Combat 0.6 Released

    Heck yeah Jeff...one of the best things about this game is that every vehicle is drivable or flyable. From Jeeps, Hummers, Tanks, to Helos and planes, to ships, PT boats, Subs, and landing craft. Remember it's arcadey though...but still hella fun.
  11. Which Flight Sim Should I Get 1st

    I haven't picked up FS2004 yet, but I do have FS2000 and 2002 Pro. There are some pretty boring flights at times, but if you turn on failures or fly in bad weather it can be very exciting trying to land in one piece. ;)
  12. Dhl Bird Bahgdad Int'l Airport

    This was attached to the pics I received: Aircraft was hit at 8000 FT, lost ALL hydraulics and therefore had no flight controls, actually did a missed approach using only engine thrust and eventually (after about 16mins) landed heavily on runway 33L at Baghdad. This was fortunate because with no steering the aircraft veered of the runway to the left, had they landed on 33R veering to the left would have taken them straight into the fire station. The aircraft then travelled about 600 metres through soft sand taking out a razor wire fence in the process, see LH engine pic, and came to rest almost at the bottom of the sloping area between the runway and a taxiway. All three crew evacuated safely down the second slide, the first one tore on the razor wire. *The rest of the text is all technical (nuts and bolts) stuff so I clipped it*
  13. Dhl Bird Bahgdad Int'l Airport

    Here are some pics I received from a Technical Director, DHL International, Bahrain: Lots of reverse sucking to get this beast to stop! Don't want your blades looking like this.
  14. Callsign Origins

    Hmmmm, my first callsign in Jane's Combat Net flying USAF was Hoosier469. I wasn't really thinking at the time, but I had used the name in AOL for a couple years and the actual meaning was that I'm from Indiana (Hoosier) and at the time I was living near the I-469 bypass around Ft Wayne, IN. ;) When I joined the (virtual) 87th Fighter Interceptor Squadron almost four years ago I was going to go by Hoosier_87FIS but at the time in JCN your callsign couldn't be longer than 12 characters so I had to choose something one letter shorter. Since I had been a crew chief on F-4G Wild Weasels in the Air Force, I chose Weasel. B) Now, depending on which MP game I play I either go by Weasel_87FIS in flight sims, Weasel_Keeper or just plain Weasel in ground pounders (AAO, BF42, RTCW ET). Adding a little to Big_Beer's post, I did a small stint in the HOs before joining the 87FIS as Big_Balls_Ho...so my evil side could show through just a little.
  15. What Music Evokes Flying To You The Most?

    Just about anything from Metallica's Black album...ohhhh yeahhhh! I also used to listen to that album to get pumped up to play hockey. B)
  16. I didn't see anything about this posted in here so I figured I'd throw it in. If anyone is trying to run Lomac on 98SE (like me) and not having much luck, there's a workaround posted over at the lo-mac.com tech forums. The biggest thing seems to be you have to fire up the demo first to maybe load a .dll file that was changed from the demo to the retail version. After you fire up the demo and fly it for a second, shut it down and fire up the retail version. It works! Also suggested there is to change virtual memory settings to min-0, max-2000MB. After a week of trying almost every OS tweak I could without success...I'm now finally flying. :D There's a post in the SimHQ forums from Stormin asking if this is helping anyone...so hopefully there will be a quick fix soon instead of the workaround. B) <S>
  17. Driving To Arizona For Thanksgivingn

    On your way back when you past Holloman, maybe you'll get lucky and see either German F-4Fs or Tornados, or F-117s. Keep your eyes peeled.
  18. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    With the recent Supreme Court ruling, overthrowing the anti-sodomy laws of Texas (and presumably other states as well), the military has been forced to revisit their "Don't ask, don't tell" policy as it relates to both recruiting and retention of service members. As usual, the Navy is out front and after reviewing potential changes in policy and procedures has hired a PR firm to articulate the new stance on this matter. From now on, the new Navy recruiting slogan will be... "Join the Navy and You'll Never Have to Leave Your Friend's Behind!" ;) :P :D *Weasy flees!*
  19. I Got It......

    Hmmmm...I'm on 98se and also getting white screens...but not really CTDs. My aircraft are all white, cockpits are only partial, and the ground is white for the most part. After I quit, most of the buttons on the menu dissappear and I usually have to Alt-Tab out to quit all the way back to desktop. Ughhhh...I need a new rig bad!
  20. I Got It......

    Damn, speaking of defragging.....just finished a 5 1/2 hour defrag...WHEW! Guess I need to do it more often.....lol.
  21. WOOHOO! Guess I'm first!!! :P Picked it up at Babbages around noon...they had to look in back to find it since it just came in. $40...not too shabby for a new title! Gotta fly!!!!!!!!!!! <S> B)
  22. Bio Clan

    Would we have to wear pointy white hats and sheets? Oops, wrong Clan. *cough* Squadrons (Squads) fly *cough* ;)
  23. New Navy Recruiting Slogan

    Yanno Chief, that would have been funnier...if it didn't make so much since... LOL! :D

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