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Weasel Keeper

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Posts posted by Weasel Keeper

  1. I actually think of those three I would vote for Larry Flynt. He knows quite a bit about the law due to a few heated legal battles...that he usually came out on top.


    I wonder if the Miss California beauty pagent would become the next Beaver Hunt? :shock: :lol:

  2. I believe it's recommended to play the MOUT map to build honor and experience. This map was designed as a training map for new players and teaches a lot.


    One thing to remember, this is a simulation and it's not like the respawning fast pace games like CS or RTCW. You have to take your time and know what you're shooting at. Accidently kill your own guys and you might end up in Leavenworth. Once you go to jail you have to restart the game to get out and will lose valuable honor points.


    Other than that, it's a hellafun game! :D

  3. My all time favorite intro was for Longbow 2! It was cartoony but most excellent, and I felt bad for the gecko sitting in the tree when the tank rolled up and fired just under him. :lol:


    The longbows pop up over the hill and lay waste to the tanks who are attacking the compound...HOOAH!

  4. Most likely they meant Para Rescue or Jumpers (PJs). These are the boys who go in and rescue downed pilots in places that only a SF member would go...which makes them a SF team.


    The AF also has Forward Combat Controllers who also go in deep behind the lines.

  5. Good link Fates. Be advised that PunkBuster software will be included with the next patch and this helps weed out the cheats from even being able to join a pure server.


    Punkbuster most recently has been working with RTCW and it works very well. :)

  6. Man Fates, those WOW (weight on wheels) switches can bite ya. We have one set of WOW switch tools with RBF streamers, but we usually have at least three planes a night for overnight mx and inspections. Part of our LC2 includes tricking the WOW so we can check the AOA stall stick shaker. If we can't get the tool when we need it, flat tip screwdrivers work just as well...but luckily most of the guys know where their tools are when we finish inspections.



    There was an incident in Bedford MA I believe where one of our technicians left his screwdrivers in the WOW switches and the aircraft ran into the grass during a taxi. I think the nose wheel steering doesn't work with WOW.


    BTW, Fates knows me but for everyone else, I'm a maintenance technician for Shuttle America Airlines. We're a small regional airline flying Saab 340 turbo props for US Airways Express. http://shuttleamerica.com/

    I was also an F-4E/G and F-16C crew chief in the Air Force.


    One cool hangar story...


    I had just helped wing walk one of our Saab 340s out of the hangar. We have to have our planes to the gate at least an hour before departure and I think we were running a bit late this particular morning. A technician who has taxied many times before fires up the plane and has a new guy riding left seat (we have to have 2 guys to taxi). This guy forgot to set the parking brake and also forgot to make sure the hydraulics were on (we turn them off in the hangar for various checks and so we don't hear the damned hydraulic pumps running every minute). I glance out to the ramp to see the taxi light on and hear the props come out of feather...no biggie, we do it everyday. Next I hear strange prop pitch sounds, see the light coming right at the hangar, and then CRUNCH! right into the hangar door. Without hydraulics you have no nose wheel steering or brakes. They were just along for the ride. The prop pitch change was his panicky attempt to throw the props into reverse which might have saved the plane from further damage. Luckily only the NLG door was slightly damaged and we replaced it. It flew later that day after the investigation...lol.


    Moral to the story...NEVER hurry and ALWAYS do your checks. :shock:


    Being kind of new to this aircraft I now have approx 50 hours taxiing and about 50 hours worth of engine runs. We taxi our aircraft from the mx hangar to the terminal ramp on the other side of the airport and vise versa. I learned from that guys mistake and always make sure first thing I do is prime the hydros and set the brake before I start up. :)

  7. Maybe F5 will have realistic "bugs on the windscreen", clickable seat belts, piddle packs, bird strikes.


    Or better yet for total realism, cold starts...15 minutes of preflight (post start up) ops checks, breathing exercises (grunting), wait 10 minutes for wingmen to be ready to taxi, taxi to EOR and spend another half an hour waiting for EOR crews to pull your pins and do your last chance ops checks. After take off, ingress for about 45 minutes to an hour to target, kill the bad guys, catch Shell on the way home, do 10 minutes of post flight ops checks prior to shut down. Total time from cold start to shut down...approx 3 hours. Add an extra half hour in case your Falcon doesn't start and you need to grab the spare. :wink:


    Nothing against F4 or F5...just poking fun. :lol:

  8. Too bad they don't have the woman in this version...she's kind of hot. :lol: I think she was supposed to be in the single player version.


    Another cool thing I found out is you can record your missions. It has a built in recorder, like Janes USAF did, so you can watch your game after you play it. I haven't tried it yet though. I've been having a lot of fun playing this, and I've been quite lucky to find the majority of servers are pretty good. It's a very stable game and even on my old-tired P3 500 it's running pretty smooth.

  9. I posted this in the TAC Sim board, but I'm so excited I figured I'd throw it in here too. :o


    Those of you who played RTCW awhile back may remember they were working on an expansion pack (Enemy Territory) that was going to cost extra. Kind of like BF42's Road to Rome expansion pack.


    The project was cancelled, but they're releasing ET for multiplayer for free! It includes 6 new maps that you can play seperately, or two campaigns that have three of the maps each. The good thing about it, you don't even have to have RTCW...ET is a stand-alone game.


    Engineers can build MG nests and bridges now.


    A new class is "Spy". You can switch uniforms and infiltrate.


    Engineers can now lay mines. :twisted:


    Pretty hefty download at 257.8 MB, but it's pretty cool and did I mention free? :shock:



  10. Those of you who played RTCW awhile back may remember they were working on an expansion pack (Enemy Territory) that was going to cost extra. Kind of like BF42's Road to Rome expansion pack.


    The project was cancelled, but they're releasing ET for multiplayer for free! It includes 6 new maps that you can play seperately, or two campaigns that have three of the maps each. The good thing about it, you don't even have to have RTCW...ET is a stand-alone game.


    Engineers can build MG nests and bridges now.


    A new class is "Spy". You can switch uniforms and infiltrate.


    Engineers can now lay mines. :twisted:



    Oops, forgot the link. :lol:






    Pretty hefty download at 257.8 MB, but it's pretty cool and did I mention free? :shock:

  11. Sorry I'm late...Welcome aboard InVader.


    Impatience and frustration is pulling at everyone around most message boards. Some folks are frustrated by the long wait and missing features, while others are frustrated by liking the sim and hearing all the negative stuff...because we hear it a lot on other boards.


    Anyhoo, glad to see everyone calmed down because this is a great site. :)

  12. Which as a multiplayer, this is a good thing. You wouldn't want to be flying stock F-4E against a modded F-22 or something. ;) I've already been there with Janes USAF and it wasn't much fun. Or the same with CFS2...flying a P-38 vs an F-15 someone added.


    Although as squad based MP it will also be good if everyone on your squad has the same files.

  13. I got the box set for my birthday back in November and have watched through it twice...and also watched it all twice on HBO before that. :) It's great on surround sound. :shock:


    Checked at Walmart and Blockbuster...$89.00.

  14. The biggie solution with sound is to make sure you're not set up for surround sound when you fly. SFP1 doesn't support surround sound. I have my speakers set up in Windows as "Desktop Speakers" and all my sounds work great and are in stereo.


    This solution may be different in your case, so like Nightshade said, let us know your sound card and info. :)

  15. Thanks Jeff, I knew you'd come to the dark side! :twisted:


    For those who live under a rock and still haven't heard that America's Army is one of the best and most realistic FPSs out...not to mention the $7,000,000 budget to develop...and did I mention it's free for the taking???


    Yes I said FREE...and no it's not warez punk type stuff. The US Army developed and released this sim/game as a recruiting tool, and has since been downloaded or grabbed at the recruiter's office by some 15,000,000 people since July last year from all over the world.


    Read about or grab it here: http://americasarmy.com


    If you're looking for pure teamwork and a realistic FPS, then AAO has it. Just like the real Army, you must first complete Army basic training before you can go online to play. This isn't too difficult, and before you know it you'll be a SSgt in charge of a fire team assaulting an OPFOR base without mercy. :)


    Lots of training involved, but it adds to the fun. 36 of 40 targets hit at the rifle range and you can go onto sniper school. Pass this and you're eligible to be a sniper ingame. Pass Airborne school and you're free to jump out of airplanes and take part in a few airborne assault maps.


    I still love the blowem up real good games like BF42 and RTCW, but for realism and pure teamwork, AAO is my game of choice. If you're used to multiple spawning and not worrying about being killed, then this might be a shock. In AAO you pretty much have 10 minutes to play. If you happen to be killed...say within a minute...you have to wait 9 minutes or until one team wins before you can start again. Makes it very interesting and intense because you DON'T want to die very soon. :)


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