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Weasel Keeper

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Posts posted by Weasel Keeper

  1. Weasy tippy toes around hoping not to offend. :shock:


    In MY opinion...likely not many other's, I think the WWII sims have been done to death. Not saying CFS3 or even IL2 is bad...on the contrary they look great. I even have CFS2 and enjoyed it until there were things like F-15s and F-16 modded in. My bag is online multiplayer first...along with good flight models and graphics. Add ons and mods are great for single player, but they tend to take away from fair online play. I think CFS3 will be a great single player sim.


    LO:MAC looks fantastic and I'll surely give it a whirl, but IMO again, I'm not a cockpit clicker. I like the speed and quick thinking/reaction time in a heated dogfight. I don't have time to learn Falcon 4 type systems and having to think about every system and subsystem that needs to be done before I can achieve a clean kill.


    Right in the middle of WWII style and LO:MAC hardcore style sims I think is Strike Fighters. You've got your low tech targeting systems like a prop sim, yet with the speed of high tech jets in a 60s-70s era fighter sim. This title has had me excited about a return to online squad buisiness for nearly a year. Plus being the first one due out of the three helps too. :wink: These are the aircraft I grew up watching as an Air Force brat, and later actually working on F-4E/Gs myself so they've already found a place in my heart. There's still some concern about it being SO open ended for modding, but I think (hope) skunkworks will be able to keep some control about what the online guys are using...as well as Hyperlobby code matching (if Hyperlobby takes it on later). I'm sure at least for my squad I'll be keeping an eye on what SWs does...which all looks good so far, and keeping an eye on what other squads pick up in the way of added aircraft or whatever.


    Anyhoo.....these are only my opinions and aren't meant to put any of the sims down at all. No doubt I'll pick up all three and enjoy each of them. No matter what we like best, this IS an exciting time for flight simmers! :D

  2. This forum seems pretty good, but I'm getting a little glitch with it. I'm not sure if it's just me and something on my end or not, but when I move my cursor over the forum topics it "whites" out the area I'm looking at. What I mean by that is I think the area I put my mouse over is being highlighted by all white. The text explaining what the forum topic area is all turns black...which is no problem, but the link to enter that area becomes invisible. I can still click it by moving my mouse around and finding it, but I can't see it until I click it.


    Not sure if it's just me or not, but thought I'd point that out. :)


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