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Everything posted by PythonOne

  1. I have a Saitek X-52, but I have 2 questions 1.) When i throttle up, it seems that it is hitting max power (AB) a little early (around 70-80%). I want to make the AB kick in at 100%, is there a way to make that happen? Because i notice there's no calibration in the options menu for WOV. And yes my X52 is calibrated correctly, all my other games work fine like Lock On, Falcon, Il2...etc. 2.) Is this normal?- When i roll or bank my plane, the plane slowly returns back to wing level when the joystick is centered again. In most flight sims, once you roll a certain angel, the plane will stay in that position unless another signal is added. Hope this makes sense.
  2. I was wondering was it possible to enable 6d0f in WOV? Because sometimes when i look around the cockpit, i get these "new angles" so i was wondering was there a mod or something out there that can fully open this feature.
  3. hey lex, is it possible for you to make only a sun mod for the latest patch for WOV?
  4. oh i guess i didn't notice it before, does the x and y axis move only slightly?
  5. Is there a better sun mod available anywhere for WOV? The stock one seems kinda "cartoon-ish," i was looking for a bit realistic look to it. If there isn't one, does anyone know the files located at for the sun mod so i can see if i can alter it through photoshop or something.
  6. my question was are the x and y axis already enabled because i recall trying it out a couple days before and it didn't work. I had it set up with my trackir 4, i was wondering did i had to activate something within WOV to allow it to be recongize and work.
  7. FS2004, FSX Falcon 4.0 patched up to OF or RV pretty soon lock on with black shark
  8. oh, any recommended settings i should add to the files? Like have any of you edited the sun mod, if so, could you PM me and upload your file so i can use it as an example and see if i like it in my WOV?
  9. Alright so it was the X and Y axis, but are they already enabled? I sometime can see the Y axis when i zoom out and i"m alot closer to the canopy. But what about the X?
  10. What are the advantages of Installing WOE on top of WOV? I heard I can merge install but haven't done so since i was mainly looking for a Vietnam era game, i got other sims to satisfy my modern aircraft needs. But other than adding a couple of new aircraft/weapon, and the europe terrain, are there any improvements to the effects/graphics. If so, i'll install WOE on top of WOV but if it doesn't, then i guess i'll stick with a clean WOV.
  11. are they already enabled? Or is there something i have to edit in order to get them to work. So far I know we have pitch, and yaw. We also have zoom, but what's the last 2? I don't think we have roll, is it X, and Y axis?
  12. Where can i find the best cockpit/FM for WOV for these 2 planes flayble: F-86 and MiG-15. (For the F-86, i guess I'm looking for the F model because i think that sortof equals the MiG-15 in terms of weight, speed, and maneuverability. Any links would be appreciated, i looked here at the download section but didn't exactly find what i was looking for. If there is any other sites that host WOV stuff please post them. Thanks in advance!
  13. this one seems to have a better cockpit than the one in the pack though.
  14. hows the MiG-15 located on this site http://home.earthlink.net/~pasko_patak/planes.html It seems to have a better cockpit but not sure how accurate it is. And i don't know how the fm compares to the MiG-15 Pack link that was posted above.
  15. Aside from Enhanced WOV terrain, and Enhanced WOV terrain upgrade from Deuces that I got from here http://www.sfmods.com/terrain.html Are there any other terrain mod that would improve the eye-candy? I’m looking for improvements to Vietnam to enhance my gaming experience, such as more trees, better terrain, better airbase, buildings….etc. I hope you guys can give me some links to these mods (if they exist) Also, would buying yankee air pirate addon improve the terrain?
  16. cool so i install the DRVv1.51 on top of Enhanced WOV terrain by Deuce
  17. For Zur's Sabre, how accurate is that cockpit?
  18. Thanks for all your input, if anyone can help me find this concrete runway I'll really appreciate it. I've searched int he static object section but it doesn't seem like its there unless its merged with another mod. Also, i keep hearing about this DRV terrain, what does it do? Will it be better that Enhanced WOV terrain from Deuce?
  19. Sorry for all the questions, i'm trying to get up to speed on everything. And searching didn't really come up with anything. 1.) I need to edit the particlesystem.ini file but i can't seem to find it, can anyone point me in the right direction? 2.) I have my X-52 slider set to change my FOV, is there any way to increase the speed of the FOV change? Right now its a slow zoom in/out. 4.) My Mig-21MF has its canopy open when its on the ground, since there's no toggle canopy button and only open and close depending on speed, i rather have the thing closed all the time. What do i have to edit inside the data file to have it close? 5.) Is there a mod that improves the city structure? I mange to get better tiles, sea, clouds, but whenever i fly over cities its kinda sad to see only blocks of buildings. I want to see some in different shapes. Thanks to all who have been helping me, this is a great forum. I wish there was some sort of rep giving on this forum so i can give you guys some.
  20. yea i meant like random shape buildings because most of them are just blocks in the city, i want some bigger, some smaller...etc.
  21. ah that's a shame, i thought the MiG-15 would be in high demand though. Since the MiG-15 and the F-86 face-off a lot during the Korean war
  22. why are there no accurate MiG-15 cockpit? So i have to use A-4 or MiG-17's cockpit?
  23. I was looking for some sound mods for WOV and was recommended Fubar512's Sounds, but i can't seem to find it. Any link? I did a search but didn't find it.

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