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Russkie Raider

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Posts posted by Russkie Raider

  1. I was coming home from some delicious KFC when I noticed some weird lights near the city (Roanoke). As we were driving this thing was just floating there. Also I noticed that up in the sky there were aircraft flying in a finger-four formation. Sound weird to anyone?


    PS- just got a call from a friend that he just saw a triangle go over his house.


    PSS- just saw it myself, weird...

  2. from the reading I've done on the airwar in SEA I definately got the impression that the AAA was near impossible. I can't remember the last time if ever that I even got a hit from the 37s or 57's or higher. I find that its only the 20mm or 12.7 that ever hit me. EVEN after several passes to see if I could get my ass shot off. Does anybody know how the A.I. for the AAA can be improved or the lethality manipulated to greater simulate the reality?



    I think those big calibers are for higher altitude targets.


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