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Posts posted by SidDogg

  1. You know. the A-7F could have been THE tactical fighter plane of tomorrow...


    real urban legend...funny story actually. :biggrin:


    So the Wing Commander at the South Carolina ANG has units flying the Delta, and he's ready to place orders for this new Foxtrot machine with the afterburner and wat not.... :yes:


    So on the day that they were supposed to receive the first A-7F's sice they had nothing else to do that day, the ground crews are just doin routine maintenance.....


    And they look up to see a crapload of F-16A's land at the airfield and taxi into the revetments with all eagerness....and no owner...... :rolleyes:


    ...So the Wing Commander's like..... [oh..... :blink: well..... well..... well that's just fine. :ok::good: ]


    ....and so 'happened' the story of a failed reality..... and the tactical fighter of yesterday :biggrin:

  2. I am making the J-10,some screenshots here.

    I will add the little "wings" on the nose later,and how do you call that in English?


    And a question,If I want the aileron and the level stablizer (hope I spelled that right) use the same mesh,what should I change in the .inis?


    Thanks.And please write your suggestions below.


    I've been checking out the J-10 for a while now.....


    Jus saying, if you want help... :yes:


    I was looking at your landing gear, you might want to enlarge it :yes:


    The way it looks, it just doesn't fit proportionally to the rest of the aircraft :dntknw:


    Great work though!!!! :good:

  3. Actually that is entirely normal. No bull dude, you will almost literally have to beat them off with a stick.


    i understand, but it's just that i might run into one of those kickboxers and might be ill-prepared..... :blink:


    i can hold my own now, but i ain't got time for kung-fu flicks lol :biggrin:

  4. I am shocked and appalled that a sailor such as yourself hasn't been properly trained in Gender Recognition Techniques (Sausage Check). Seek out your TPO or LPO for training upon arrival in the 7th Fleet AOR. At absolute worst before your first liberty port.


    This training is CRU-CI-AL.


    true :wink:


    well, basically we know that most women aren't so quick to just COME ON to a guy in a split second.....


    what i do know is if in thailand and a chick comes up and just starts feelin on you and shii, something is not right..... :no:


    .....this "female" may have certain manly features about the face, not to mention the overall build..... :ok:


    but i see where i am deficient..... :yes:


    i will complete this training as soon as possible..... :biggrin:

  5. I've been to Hong Kong. I thought it was overrated. Malaysia was frankly a surprise (in a good way). Singapore was pretty much tops though. Although it's a legitimately nice place, so I'm reluctance to rape horses and steal women to the same degree as in a place like Thailand. Plus the SPGs weren't anywhere near as in love with "Chocolate Man" as the Thais were. Which, I'm pretty sure, is something Sidd would want to know.


    Strictly so he knows to beat them off with a stick on his way to building a new church for blind orphans, of course.


    yo iss cool about the females yo :good:


    i jus gotta figure out which ones are really MEN :blink: [digg meeh?? :biggrin: ]

  6. If you're going to Yokosuka, I'd suggest you visit the Mikasa memorial ship. They have a pretty neat Yamato museum on board as well. Then you have only like a 2hr ride into Tokyo where I'd suggest you go to places like Shibouya (Nightclubs), Asakusa (It's a temple district and they have this pretty neat shopping street where you can find all sorts of traditional japanese things), Akihabara which is also known as Electric Town where you can find tons of cheap electronic stuff as well as some quite extensive hobby shops. And if you ever get bored all you have to do is take the Shinkansen some two hours to Gala Yukuzawa where they have some neat skislopes.


    hmmmm..... :blink:


    hokely dokely :ok::biggrin:

  7. why the nervousness?


    Well...... Since then, the Navy has changed, VERY MUCH :mellow:


    .....a sailor beats an 80-year-old woman to death.....


    ...marines and sailors raping females... :blink:


    Makes for a pretty crappy liberty policy---heard that's wat's goin on now at HS-14..... :fie:


    Sierra Hotel command though , they're just working to keep bad things from happening i guess... :good:

  8. Hello, all.


    I have just bought a new computer [the other one died =( ], and it operates Windows Vista.


    I don't mean to sound redundant, but I HAVE read the thread on Windows Vista and Strike Fighters, and implemented all the proposed fixes.


    However, when I start it up, even BEFORE i can get to the main screen, I get a dialog box with a "FlightSim stopped working" error, and it tries to "gather information". I have already downloaded the DX Web updater, and now have the latest DX drivers.


    NOTE: It WORKED on Vista BEFORE I applied the Latest Service Packs to it..... now that I attempt to apply the Service Packs, they seem to REFUSE to install properly.....



    PLEASE HELP :dntknw:

  9. Well, to give context, they seem to think Over G Fighters had better and more realistic (as it was) gameplay, but AC6 looks better.


    Yeah, that's true[Over G - great game, by the way :biggrin: ]


    But it's just that sometimes, you gotta take it to a whole new level, Master Jedi.....


    Being an Ace Combat Vet myself, I can just tell by looking at the screens that combat's gonna be a handful :good:

  10. The few people I know who've played it found only the graphics impressive.


    Well, truth be told, great Jedi, many people who complain about it probably have not become proficient as easily as with the previous installments of this game...... :no:


    To tell the truth, though, I've been tracking this game since they hinted at it back in March, this IS essentially "Strike Fighters meets Ace Combat" :biggrin:


    fo sho :good:

  11. Just a short sidekick-question:


    What does a "lot" number indicate? Is it similar to the "Blocks" on F-16s or is it a whole new thing?

    Also, you guys talked about Blocks on the F-18.

    Is there any source where I could read and collect unclassified data about that?


    LOTs on F/A-18s are the same as Blocks on Air Force aircraft.


    The only difference is that when you number LOTs, you use Roman Numerals..... :ok:


    i.e., LOT X, LOT XIX, etc. :biggrin:

  12. So you should have a cities list. This is where you make your cities / airfields. You would define it in size and position and then save it. Hit save on the main under File and it writes that new city into a "Yourterrain"_targets_proto.ini. Then you have to take that information and move it over to your "yourterrain"_targets.ini. The below that information you would have to add a city target info or airfield information.


    Once you have saved it into the targets_proto then you can flatten airfields. Cities list BTW is the targets_proto.ini


    One thing I do is watch the placement of the targets by using Kreelin's mission editor. Open a map up of your terrain and make the changes in the targets.ini and open the map again and you can see the changes as you make them.


    Oooooooh :blink: OK :biggrin:


    Off to try it out, be back later :ok:


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