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Posts posted by SidDogg

  1. It may also be a AvSim




    Be prepared to be disappointed...it was never finished, and is very buggy...lots of little weird problems, coastlines, mountains, etc being 'strange'.


    The entire terrain needs a rebuild from the bottom up. I was fiddling with is earler this year, and gave up.


    You can still fly over it, there are targets to bomb, etc....just lots of General Weirdness. (Murphy's brother-in-law)



    kevin stein


    cool ^_^ i'm think i'll work with it a little; see if i can't use it for my mod :biggrin:




    449th and 450th Bomb Groups






    In 1941, a bunch of yung African-American boyz from around the country came to Tuskegee

    Institute wit a passion for flying and for battle. While the skies over the MTO and ETO would

    eventually claim 66 of their lives, They would ultimately become arguably the finest Fighter Group

    ever to help conquer the skies over Hitler's Germany.


    They were the Tuskegee Airmen.


    This is Their Mod.





    Wings of Tuskegee, coming soon to CombatACE

  3. ***MORE SKINS***


    376th Bomb Group






    In 1941, a bunch of yung African-American boyz from around the country came to Tuskegee

    Institute wit a passion for flying and for battle. While the skies over the MTO and ETO would

    eventually claim 66 of their lives, They would ultimately become arguably the finest Fighter Group

    ever to help conquer the skies over Hitler's Germany.


    They were the Tuskegee Airmen.


    This is Their Mod.





    Wings of Tuskegee, coming soon to CombatACE




    98th Bomb Group




    ***MORE TO COME***



    In 1941, a bunch of yung African-American boyz from around the country came to Tuskegee

    Institute wit a passion for flying and for battle. While the skies over the MTO and ETO would

    eventually claim 66 of their lives, They would ultimately become arguably the finest Fighter Group

    ever to help conquer the skies over Hitler's Germany.


    They were the Tuskegee Airmen.


    This is Their Mod.



    Wings of Tuskegee, coming soon to CombatACE

  5. i remember once seeing a picture,

    an artist's impression of the f-35 in different comou schemes, including Israeli air force scheme.


    it pictured the 35 with wingtip sidewinder stations ala f-16.


    i dunno if LM is considering that idea, but it would be great to have 2 more sidewinders to complement.

    and sidewinders dont have much of an

    rcs signature, right?


    Well, anyhting with right angles will ALWAYS show up strongly on radar, unless of course made of composite materials :biggrin:

  6. I saw that while doing my many searches, but did not grab it because it didn't quite have the right name, which is something I've discovered about several of the required files.


    Not complaining, just makes it harder to find things.


    Anyway, off to start searching again...


    Doing more looking for files, than flying lately... :search:


    Found it!! :biggrin:


    Ya know, it's also know as the Shenyang J-6 if that was what you're looking for :biggrin:

  7. I'm I bit new to SFP1 after having picked it up several years ago and never really playing it. I've been looking around on the net and have discovered this sim has a ton of support. I've been looking to get into it a little as I really like the 50's and 60's time frame. I have a few questions that are probably general info but I'm not sure about it. Here goes:


    I've got SFP1 (non-Walmart with patch and service pack installed and working) and want to know if all the terrrains, carriers and other freeware add-ons and downloads for all the other thirdwire stuff can be added to it? Basically can you use SFP1 to build all the flight sims available (WW1, WWII and the newer European stuff) or do you have to by each one individually and then build them up?


    Do the ships, like carriers, actually move or are they static like FS2004? Do you need to add arrestor wires to the carriers or are they all inclusive in the download?


    Basically, I'd like to do WW1 and the Cold War, Modern with carriers so I need to know if you can use SFP1 as the base to all these things or if I should get a different version that may be better and build it up say WOV or First Eagles? I'd like to keep what I have and build it up if possible but any info ideas are welcome. Thanks in advance.




    Yes, Carriers do move and you can operate from them :biggrin:


    You can find a thread on this forum about adding ships to Strike Fighters.


    You should really check it out :wink:


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