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Hawk MMS

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Everything posted by Hawk MMS

  1. I have a skin named 'edriver'. When I modify the data file to use this skin I get no pilot sitting in the seat?
  2. Poll: Batman vs. Superman

    Batman has files and plans already worked out on how to take down each of the heavy hitters in the JLA.
  3. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    More likely AH-1 Cobra's. My brother in law just back from his second tour in Anbar. He saw Ospreys flying all over and involved in ops.
  4. Which type of song?

    I commute 2+ hours a day so my ipod gets a workout. Just a quick list... Led Zeppelin Black Sabbath Faith No More Metallica Dokken Ozzy GNR I can run down the whole list but won't Alice in Chains (Mad Season also) Fair to Midland Soundgarden Audioslave Weezer Willie Nelson Waylon Jennings Johnny Cash
  5. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    Well, you have all confirmed my line of thinking. I got in to it with a coworker today. I also used the F-104 as an example. How about the space shuttle and so many more.
  6. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    Time magazine has an article on the Osprey that is less than possitve. Saw it on the rack at the store and picked it up(10/08/07 issue). Usually don't read Time but, I made an exception. The cover alone tells their stance on the bird. Look at the cross shadow...
  7. I get a CTD when I go to an external view... any thoughts?
  8. Blue Angels defeat Measure...

    I shudder at the thought of this crap ever succeeding. You haven't seen the BA's until you have seen them fly the golden gate and alcatraz. I saw them when they flew A-4's over the bay and have seen the 18's a half a dozen times over the bay. Once during fleet week about 6 years ago I even saw them launch a hornet off of the carrier inside the bay for the first time ever. We used to have so much in aviation, naval and military involvement that has been abandoned by the local governments since the mid 90's but, do not judge us all by what the cities do. many of us that live in the east bay, north bay and south bay cringe and SF, Oakland and berkeley. I recently went on the Hornet which is based at the former Alameda NAS and to the Alameda Air museum also on the former base. It was sobering to say the least as i ran down the list of bases in Northern CA that are no more: Alameda NAS Mare Island Fort Ord Mather AFB McClellan AFB Moffett Field Fort Mason The Presidio and more. many reserve units are gone as well. At least travis (i live next door) and beale are still around. I will be at fleet week on Sunday for the BA's and will watch them practice on Friday from nearby my work. I wanted to go Saturday but, I am putting a 80' fence in for the in laws (can you say 'sucker'). this guy took some good shots... http://www.pbase.com/bill_adams/blue_angels_air_show_2002
  9. Is there a Pacific Terrain that goes by the designation PAW1. I was trying to install the Enterprise CV-6 and it came with a mission that referred to the PAW1 map. I have not seen this terrain and was unable to locate it. If i missed it I apologize. In any regards thanks for any help. I am really getting in to my warbirds as of late OK... I found it But, I can't make it work. I get a nice blue ocean and that's it.
  10. Halo 3 out earn Spidey on opening day?!

    Plus my movie ticket costs $8 and not $60
  11. Semper Fi Marine!, but not in their town........

    A friend of mine made a similar observation. He said that if there is another large scale terrorist attack on US soil he almost wishes it would be on the west coast (SF specifically) in order to beat a rain check in to the citizenry. not that he wished harm on any one just that the Northern CA, oregon, Seatlle, Hollywood types have no attachment or concept of reality as to what really happened on 9/11 and the threat posed.
  12. http://www1.dfrc.nasa.gov/gallery/photo/index.html Great photo's. you guys have probably seen these before but, just in case i thought i would post. there are some great historical photo's.
  13. Semper Fi Marine!, but not in their town........

    SF also tried to prevent the Blue Angels from flying at Fleet Week. They argue safety but ya know it's more than that. I have had it. I live in a twon between SF and Sacramento. I used to live in the East Bay and moved further out about 3 years ago. I love the city itself. Just can't stomach the politics and people. i will attend fleet week and there may a fund set up to bail me out on the Monday following. I've had it.
  14. Syria Claims to Have Fired on Israeli Aircraft Violating Its Airspace Thursday , September 06, 2007 DAMASCUS, Syria — Syrian air defenses opened fire on Israeli aircraft after they violated Syrian airspace overnight Thursday, a Syrian military spokesman said, in a new development in cross-border tensions that have brewed for months. The Israelis flew east from the Mediterranean Sea over the northern part of the country, broke the sound barrier and "dropped ammunition" over deserted areas of Syria overnight, the spokesman was quoted as saying by the official Syrian Arab News Agency. "Air defense units confronted them and forced them to leave after they dropped some ammunition in deserted areas without causing any human or material damage," the spokesman said. Israel's army spokesman declined to comment, saying under customary condition of anonymity, "We cannot discuss military operations." Witnesses said the incident occurred in the al-Abyad area near Syria's northeast border with Turkey. The Syrians did not say the aircraft struck targets, and it was not clear what the spokesman meant by dropping ammunition. Warplanes sometimes drop extra fuel tanks to make the aircraft lighter and easier to maneuver. Syrian Cabinet Minister Buthaina Shaaban, speaking on Al-Jazeera television's English service, would not confirm that Israel had attacked Syria, but did say the aircraft violated the country's airspace. "We are a sovereign country. They cannot do that," said Shaaban. The Syrian military spokesman did not specify whether the military used surface-to-air missiles or anti-aircraft artillery when confronting the aircraft. "We warn the Israeli enemy government against this flagrant aggressive act, and retain the right to respond in an appropriate way," the Syrian spokesman said, speaking on customary condition of anonymity. Syrian Information Minister Mohsen Bilal said the government was "seriously studying the nature of the response," but refused to indicate in an interview with Al-Jazeera television whether the reaction would be on the military or diplomatic level. He would not give any more details about the incident, but said it proved Israel's policies are based on hostility. "Israel in fact does not want peace," said Bilal. "It cannot survive without aggression, treachery and military messages." He said recent U.S. aid of US$30 billion over 10 years to Israel encouraged its government to "such arrogance that it delivered this morning message." Israeli defense officials have been concerned about an outbreak of hostilities, and had sent messages recently that the country is not interested in going to war, Israeli officials said. Israel acknowledges flying over Lebanon routinely, but it is unclear how often its aircraft fly over Syria. Israeli aircraft are believed to fly routine reconnaissance flights over the Golan Heights, in the south of the country, apparently to monitor Syrian army moves near the disputed territory. But the incident Thursday was reported over the other side of Syria, in the northeast near the Mediterranean. Israeli counterterrorism expert Boaz Ganor said that if Thursday's overflight occurred, it's possible Israel was "collecting intelligence on long-range missiles" deployed by Syria in the north. Imad Fawzi Shoaibi, a Syrian political analyst, speculated that Israel may have been probing Syria's new air defense systems provided by Russia, at a time when tension is running high between the two countries. Syrian officials, including President Bashar Assad, have repeatedly warned Israel in recent weeks that the occupation of the Golan Heights "cannot last forever." Concerns grew over the summer that tensions along the frontier could escalate into conflict, but both Syrian and Israeli officials publicly and repeatedly said they had no interest in war. Thursday's incident could stoke the tensions again, however. Late last month, Israeli security officials said the army had determined that war with Syria, whose military had reduced its war readiness, was unlikely and Israel began rotating forces out of the Israeli-held Golan Heights. Syria also is believed unhappy that other Arab countries are headed to a peace meeting in November at which the United States hopes for a high-profile meeting between the Palestinians and Israelis, and perhaps also with Saudi officials. Syria has long disputed any notion that a comprehensive Arab peace deal can be reached unless it also involves some resolution of the Golan Heights, which it wants back in full. At the beginning of last summer's war against Lebanon, Israeli warplanes buzzed the palace of Syrian President Bashar Assad in what analysts called a warning to Damascus. In June of the same year, they also flew over Assad's summer home in the coastal city of Latakia, after Syrian-backed Palestinian militants in Gaza captured a young Israeli soldier. In October 2003, Israeli warplanes bombed a Palestinian guerrilla base near Damascus, the first airstrike since the 1973 war.
  15. Have them all (DL WOV this past week) and will be picking up FE in the near future
  16. I installed WOV 1984. I gotta say i really enjoy the menu screens. I ran in to a problem at the loadout. Everything shows empty with no poption for weapons. Any idea's?
  17. I posted pics from the Marin headlands Nike site. Very Cool. See here... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...um&album=27 The Cold War even reached San Francisco... How quick Northern CA turned its back on the military. http://www.nps.gov/goga/historyculture/cold-war.htm Just outside of SF in the Marin Headlands lies a great trip down memory lane. That memory is the Cold War. Even northern CA couldn't avoid it http://www.nikemissile.org/site_sf88.htm
  18. Stirring the pot I guess... Associated Press Norwegian and British fighters scrambled twice Thursday to monitor eight Russian bombers that neared the Nordic country's territory in the latest show of air power by the Kremlin, defense officials said. Lt. Col. John Inge Oeglaend, of the Norwegian Joint Headquarters, said the Tupolev-95 strategic bombers, also called Tu-95MC or Bears, neared but did not enter Norwegian air space in the far north. British defense officials said four Royal Air Force fighters also scrambled to monitor the flight, which did not enter British territory. "They followed a normal route in international air space," Oeglaend said by telephone from the western Norway port of Stavanger. He said they flew near Norway's northern tip over the Barents Sea, then over the North Atlantic and back. Oeglaend said two Norwegian F-16 fighters were sent up both times that the Russian aircraft approached Norway, in keeping with normal practice. Norway, a member of the NATO alliance, and Russia share land and ocean borders in the Arctic, including the vast Barents Sea. According to Oeglaend, this is the third time Norwegian fighters have scrambled since mid-July to monitor a rising number of Russian military air exercises. A British Defense Ministry spokesman, speaking on traditional condition of anonymity, said, "I can confirm that in the early hours of this morning four F3s launched from RAF Leeming and RAF Waddington to intercept eight Russian Bears, which had not entered U.K. airspace." Russian news agencies quoted air force spokesman Alexander Drobyshevsky as saying Thursday that Russian long-range bombers had begun patrols of distant areas of the globe late Wednesday, in accordance with plans announced by President Vladimir Putin for a resumption of the flights. "In accordance with the confirmed plan, 14 Tu-95MC strategic bombers on Wednesday evening began regular air patrols over the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans involving in-flight refueling," ITAR-Tass and Interfax quoted Drobyshevsky as saying. He said the flights were not violating international regulations and that the planes "are flying over neutral waters, not approaching close to the air borders of foreign countries," according to ITAR-Tass. Drobyshevsky said that "practically all (the bombers involved) are being shadowed by NATO jets," the reports said. In mid-August, Norwegian fighters scrambled to monitor a flight of 11 Russian bombers exercising off western Norway in the biggest show of Russian air power over the Norwegian Sea since the early 1990s.
  19. Nike.JPG

    From the album USMC Hawker

    http://www.nps.gov/goga/historyculture/cold-war.htm Just outside of SF in the Marin Headlands lies a great trip down memory lane. That memory is the Cold War. Even northern CA couldn't avoid it http://www.nikemissile.org/site_sf88.htm
  20. Schematic.JPG

    From the album USMC Hawker

    http://www.nps.gov/goga/historyculture/cold-war.htm Just outside of SF in the Marin Headlands lies a great trip down memory lane. That memory is the Cold War. Even northern CA couldn't avoid it http://www.nikemissile.org/site_sf88.htm
  21. Nike1.JPG

    From the album USMC Hawker

    http://www.nps.gov/goga/historyculture/cold-war.htm Just outside of SF in the Marin Headlands lies a great trip down memory lane. That memory is the Cold War. Even northern CA couldn't avoid it http://www.nikemissile.org/site_sf88.htm
  22. Nike3.JPG

    From the album USMC Hawker

    http://www.nps.gov/goga/historyculture/cold-war.htm Just outside of SF in the Marin Headlands lies a great trip down memory lane. That memory is the Cold War. Even northern CA couldn't avoid it http://www.nikemissile.org/site_sf88.htm

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