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Hawk MMS

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Everything posted by Hawk MMS

  1. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    WEEEE.... That was fun
  2. F-14 shoots down F-4...

    All i meant was shooting down an f-4 was an expensive mistake. sorry i didn't clarify. i am sitting at work ALL night bored. Just making 'conversation'.
  3. Re: Eurofighter from http://www.eurofighter.com/et_sr_mc_as.asp Air Superiority Configuration 6 x BVRAAM 2 x SRAAM 27mm Mauser 3 x 1000 litre fuel tanks
  4. F-14 shoots down F-4...

    IMHO Southwest is not a decent airline, it was not a serious statement I hate me some Southwest. The cattlecar of the sky. A, B or C my @$$. Why is it such a big deal to not assign a friggin' seat? That is one expensive mistake.
  5. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    With re: to the unknown trailer with the explosion and statue of liberty getting her head ripped off... CHECK THIS OUT... referred to as Cloverfield... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloverfield I have heard Godzilla and Voltron thrown around as possibilities
  6. F-14 shoots down F-4...

    Amazing, how much of a career ender was that? I remember a story about a hawk battery during Desert Shield launched a missile by accident. They were running a test or a sim and BAM away she went. W/O rear reference she blew. That is one thing but, to actually shoot down a friendly while training. i would think that would get you flying for Southwest in no time.
  7. The Dark Knight Trailer

    http://www.whysoserious.com/ Sounds like it is keeping in line with the last bat flick. The question doesn't seem to be if a good Super hero sequel can be made, but if a third installment can hold up to the originals (i.e. Spider-man 3, X-men 3, The entire Original batman franchise, Superman 3 and on).
  8. Hidden Talents?

    Ever since I bought my house 4 years ago and went through the whole thing I would have to say home improvement. We went through the whole thing. I really love my miter saw and table saw On the side this year I have remodeled my inlaws home, redone their kitchen, wood flooring, electrical. Last time my mom asked my brother in law (who is a contractor) for some help with crown molding and some flooring my step-sister said, "Why don't you ask Todd he's so handy now..." What a piece of crap.
  9. This sim, this board, you the modders, moderators, admins totally frakkin' rule. I look forward to the Finback, the SU's, 'what if's' and all the other mods with anticipation. I have enjoyed the mods i have downloaded so far (i think most of the one's here and C5). Thanks to Marcfighter/Razbam for an additional aircraft to add even more depth to the sim. I guess one man's target is another mans dream machine
  10. 2 pilots die in collission. Very sad. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,291240,00.html
  11. Hope the controller wasn't intoxicated Blended Wing Body Plane Takes Successful Test Flight Friday , July 27, 2007 EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. — An experimental jet that resembles a flying wing successfully flew for the first time in a program that could lead to more fuel-efficient, quieter and higher-capacity aircraft, NASA said Thursday. The remotely controlled, 500-pound, three-engine jet with a 21-foot wingspan took off July 20, climbed to an altitude of 7,500 feet and landed about a half-hour later, NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center said. The X-48B Blended Wing Body aircraft was controlled by a pilot at a ground station. NASA and Boeing said data from the flight are already being compared with data from wind tunnel tests. The aircraft and a duplicate were designed by Boeing Co.'s Phantom Works in cooperation with NASA and the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Built by Cranfield Aerospace Ltd. in Bedford, England, they are 8.5 percent-scale versions of a future full-size design. The X-48B resembles a flying wing, but the wing blends into a wide, flat and tailless fuselage, NASA and Boeing said. The design is intended to provide more lift with less drag compared with the cylindrical fuselage of a traditional aircraft, reducing fuel consumption while cruising. The engines are located high on the back of the aircraft, which should mean it is quieter inside and less noise reaches the ground during flights. The planes are initially flying at low speeds to gather information about the stability and flight-control characteristics of the design, particularly during takeoff and landing. Another X-48B used for wind tunnel testing is available as a backup for flight tests.
  12. Bad day for domestic aviation... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,291233,00.html
  13. P-51 Crash @ Oshkosh

    Amazing shot of a terrible accident...
  14. Thanks. Worked out. I will download the drivers when I get home tommorrow. For now turned off the shadows. thanks again.
  15. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    They only killed the G1 characters to market their crap follow up characters for Hasbro. We were scammed as kids. That movie marked the end of transformers as far as I was concerned.
  16. DEATH GLIDER!!!!!!!!! That is sick. I have been an SG1 fan since the beginning. Sorry to digress from the overall topic but, couldn't resist. Will there be staff weapons for the ground guys and zats
  17. Think that left some smudges on the glass?
  18. I can't look around my pit with the mouse anymore. I don't know what i did but i am sure i did it when i did it.
  19. Thanks for the assist i rocked out on that one.
  20. I never saw this before but, WOW!!!! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=730_1185180023
  21. Loving this SIM. Where else can ya get a a talon, ucavs, f-16xl, f-23, everything from the history of flight almost Thanks for the mod. It is much appreciated and enjoyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The F-16xl reminds me of when I was a kid looking through books and seeing the xl. There was also an F-16 with a pair of forward canards on the fuselage up front? or the FSW version? they would be sick mods.
  22. What is with the constant need?

    I really enjoy these boards and the downloads provided. It has made the sim/game community much more enjoyable. I know people will probably get up in arms over this but... What is with the constant need to always point out things such as 'it has already been discussed here...and include a link' (ever think that maybe one hasn't looked through the 17000+ topics) or my personal favorite 'this thread is about xxxxxx not yyyyyy' Threads are conversations and conversations delve in to other things as they progress. i.e. if you are talking about the Super Hornet odds are the conversation will include the Tomcat and its demise. I really don't want to post a pic in a thread and then the next response is correcting me about the appropriateness of the pic related to the title of the thread. Maybe it related to the previous post in the thread as that is where the thread has taken the topic to. How is it possible to start a thread about a major issue and not expect the political side to seep in to it. i.e. enviromental hippie talk will digress in to a conversation that includes the political component. To excpect it not too is unrealistic and unfair. Just some of my thoughts...
  23. Combat ACE Merchandising?

    Have you guys considered mouse pads, note pads, t-shirts, hats, etc? It may help fund this grand design you have put in to place. With 22000 members and all the traffic you get. You could do some cool things. The graphic on the top of the page is great...
  24. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    Hybrid cars do not make financial sense as it can take 5-10 years to recoup the additional money they cost over a standard 38 mpg commuter. Has anyone seen the South Park episode about the hybrids and the cloud of SMUG (no not smog, smug). Loved it.

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