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Hawk MMS

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Everything posted by Hawk MMS

  1. A friend emailed this link to me. Amazing. http://www.sonnyradio.com/F15.wmv
  2. Have you seen this?

    I like the fact that the pilot says that if had seen the wing was missing he probably would have ejected
  3. I know this would be just one other thing for the modders of this community but, a Hawk battery would be cool.
  4. Is this coming out? What do you guys know? It is based on the SFP engine the website said.
  5. Man 12 Hours Day Shifts

    We work 12 hours 0600-1800 2 days and then 1800-0600 for two nights then off for 4 days
  6. Is the Mig Mad Marine skin available on CA?
  7. Whenever I have to work vacation coverage for a night guy (1800-0600), I swing by Barnes and Nobles and pick up some magazines. One is usually 'Combat Aircraft'. There is an article in the current issue about Raptors participating in Red Flag. Its a good read. The kill ratio is astounding. There is also a really good article on BRAC (Base Realignments and Closures). There is also an article Mig-35 (29) Good cockpit shots.
  8. Is there a P-47D? I have seen skins for it on other sites. I am unable to locate it though
  9. P-47D

    I see thanks a lot. I went through all the WW2 planes prior to the question. Thanks again.
  10. Yeah I understamd the recruiting tool part. Like AA when it came out.
  11. If I wanted to have a setup of all American planes in my drop down menu but, how can i add extra sviet models without having them in my aircraft select list. I though it would be cool to have one install of BLUE vs Red and a seperate install for RED vs Blue.
  12. Does a Chippy Ho skin exist?
  13. On my way in to work today...

    I leave my house @ 0450 today. Doing some vacation relief for some much needed OT (0600-1800). Sunday morning so i am cruising at 85 mph. next thing i see in the mirror is CHP behind me so i slow to a more respectable 75 mph. Motorcyle cop blows right by me. Whew. Get to work to relieve the night shift guy and he is listening to the news... http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=l...&id=5255492 The driver survived.
  14. This is Funny

    That's great. You gotta wonder sometimes WTF.
  15. I really need to learn how to tweak this game. I have downloaded almost every piece of bad a$$ equipment/mod/terrain/skin you guys have done. I am impressed. Sounds like farsi to me though when you guys get technical. Guess I should load another WOE up, So i can screw it up i think the stuff that has been done is a blast and am very appreciative of this board (others) and all the modders that work on it. I love Hawk and GBAD so much that I want to do what you guys are doing to it. i say this now but, alas I will get home and have to put a new kitchen floor in, caulk the baseboards, clean the cat box, mow the lawn and then come back to work So, until I move I am only sneaking a mod here and there from the board and playing in the shadows (that is not what it sounds like, I have to leave the light in the office or else).
  16. On my way in to work today...

    My Dad and I work for the same company and we were talking today about that very thing. If they never thought of it before it is all over the news now. I used to be a technician for BP Arco and we ran a marine terminal where we unloaded ships of gasoline, jet and diesel. They would bring in loads of 120000+ bbls (bbls=42 gallons of gasoline). That always seemed like a floating bomb to me. Scary. And then you think to yourself "did i just give someone an idea?"
  17. On my way in to work today...

    It made for an interesting morning work wise. We have 2 petroleum pipelines in the area. Phone would not stop ringing. I drive (used to) this freeway on average twice a week to do facility inspections. Guess I will be taking alternate routes for the immediate future.
  18. Has anyone rode this?

    The e-mail said this was in ohio. I am sure you have to sign a medical/legal waiver.
  19. Has anyone rode this?

    Here are some more shots. INSANE. The last shot in the e-mail i rec'd showed a girl holding her head after the ride. She had pee'd her pants. I didn't upload that one
  20. The other day i was usiing the B-66 for a strike and was coming in on the target when an Su-9 jumped me from the rear. Great thing was as I looked at an rearward external view all i saw was the tail gun dismantling the fishpot. I didn't expect that. well i went back to the front view and took out the target. I am going with strike aircraft over fighter aircraft.
  21. ValueSoft Ed. of SF Copies available!

    Great Deal and quick shipping. Thank you very much.
  22. Blue Angel crash

    My coworker stated that it is to keep the suit from interfering with the stick. I wouldn't think it would but...
  23. Is C5 going the way of CA?

    Yeah I figured.. an inside joke thread...
  24. Is C5 going the way of CA?

    Not that I have any idea what you are talking about but, Who's from Nigeria?

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