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Hawk MMS

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Everything posted by Hawk MMS

  1. Blue Angel crash

    Do the Blue Angels wear G suits during their performance? My coworker heard that they don't wear them?
  2. I understand that. Just dropping some real world (i guess past world) info
  3. Hawk engagement parameters required a target to have a possitive range rate toward the site. it could not be going away from the battery. We set up a PTL to orientate the direction of the battery towards the Primary Threat Line (anticipated direction the threat will be coming from).
  4. Wouldnt upload correctly last night. This is from Mountan Top at barking Sands pacific Missile Range Kauai. The only time I went some where other than the desert. We were using Remote Engagement Sites (RES) which would consist of a HIPIR, 2 launchers a humvee a TAS camera set up and a laptop (plus reloads, pallets, loader, generators, etc). Acquisiton was through a remoted CWAR miles down the beach, AWACS, AEGIS, TPS-59 and the CEC system. http://techdigest.jhuapl.edu/td1804/zinger.pdf
  5. Is there a BSG sim?

    Ask and ye shall receive. Thanks for the heads up.
  6. Man does that take me back. Post Cold War days. Hawk without a viable threat. Post desert storm. it took less than a decade for the Corps to send us packing. Layout looks good.
  7. SAMs

    I downloaded those the other day. I was flying a Mig 29 against an airfield and did not expect what happened next. 20 mm and chapparal were everywhere. They seemed to be fairly accurate in their aim too Great add ons!!!!!!!!
  8. Looks great. Are the nose cones purple? The launchers are usually a little further away from the HIPIR. Also the USMC configuration is 2 launchers for 1 HIPIR.. NOt sure about the way the army did it.
  9. NASA Whacko

    http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,267462,00.html I have been to the johnson space center. just last september actually. something is in the water i guess...
  10. I am fairly new to the board and to WOE. I hadn't picked up a flight sim since the USNF/ATF/FA series. AWACS... I know there is an E-2 for download but, do these systems work? Can you fly in an silent emcon state and receive track data? I liked the fact that in FA you could fly silent and still have awareness if you had an E-3 up.
  11. The right hand Su would be a cool skin!!! Hint Hint. (not that i can do it but you guys could for sure ) The funny thing is i am not even a Flanker fan (as some may know) but, I like that scheme.
  12. Douchebag of the day

    WOW, I missed all this. It is only about an hour and a half from my town
  13. Even though I am not mister super flanker lover I will say this... They have some of the coolest, most varied camo schemes around. I wish the US had more variety in its schemes.
  14. Hawk batteries were spread out. From the BCP to each radar you tried to maximize the distance and use up all of the data cable length you had (350+ feet). from the HIPIR to the launcher box would be another cable length (350+). Then it went from the launcher box to the launchers. This is not from hawk but it shows what the bed loaded BCP looks like (same box just different antannaes). I think the one below is related to patriot systems.
  15. THANKS You have helped my WOE get that much cooler. I am going to have to attempt a skin project in the future. What programs do you guys use?
  16. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    The history channel and a Modern marvels doc that showed the osprey, ch-47 and some other "mega movers" on as they called them. The osprey looks good. Seems they have figured it out.
  17. A must see!

    At least I am no the only other bored one out there! These past 2 days have dragged out at work. I can't wait for 1400.
  18. Gramps posted it here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=4549 Thanks!!! It looks great. I have the model and the skin. Cool
  19. I did not take these. I received a Powerpoint presentation via e-mail and thought I would share the picture here. The credit for the shots goes to the individual at the bottom of the pics. Hope you enjoy these shots from the 2007 Russian airshow. At least that is what the powerpoint said. I don't know if all the pics are from the 2007 Russian airshow as the powerpoint presentation said (as I have seen some before I think) but, there are some amazing aircraft and shots. The first slide states: Located on the shoreline of Galendzhik lake, some three hours drive from downtown Moscow, Zhukovsky Airport, once a secret test airport, is the perfect location to host the Russian Air Show: the reason is that flying boats are a major concern for Russians designers, so a large mass of water to display their impressive performances was considered a must. This is a wildlife show. Not only is this a chance to behold the extremely refined stage of Russian aircraft design, but also to watch live and much closer than you could ever do in the west, since European safety regulations concerning flight displays over civilian audiences do not apply in Russia. So get ready for the noise and the blast, and be welcome to Zhukovsky for the 2007 Russian Industry Air Show.
  20. Thank you for removing them from the site. I had not noticed the copyright as the power point did not show the bottom of the pic. It was not visible when copied because it was covered in the power point by a red/blue Russian Air Show border.
  21. Too bad the F-14 is no longer. It would have made that picture cooler than it already is. great pic.
  22. The Marines used Hawk in support of the MAGTF (Marine Air Ground task Force). We were never stationary, always leap frogging units to provide continuos coverage. The CWAR receives first terrain priority to provide for better target acquisition. We often would receive track data from other sources via data link and not radiate in order to not give away location. Below is a fact file but, is not completely accurate. Primary function: To provide surface-to-air missile defense. Manufacturer: Raytheon Corporation Power plant: Solid propellant rocket motor Propulsion: Solid propellant rocket motor Length: 12.5 feet (3.81 meters) Diameter: 13.5 inches (3.84 centimeters) Height: 13.5 inches (3.84 centimeters) Weight: 1400 pounds (635 kilograms) Weight fully armed: 1400 pounds (635 kilograms) Range: 14.9 miles (24 kilometers) (we have engaged drones at greater distance) Ceiling: 30,000 feet (9.14 kilometers) Speed: Supersonic Aircraft: Transported by C-130/C-141/C-5 and heavy lift helo (extended load) Units: 2 active duty and 1 reserve Light Anti-aircraft Missile Battalion Crew: Officer: 2 Enlisted: 49 (prior to 1996) Guidance system: Radar directed semi-active homing Warheads: One 300 pound (136.2 kg) high explosive missile. Type of fire: Operator directed/automatic modes Magazine capacity: 48 missiles/battery Missile guidance: Semi-active homing. Target detection: Continuous wave radar and pulse acquisition radars. Target tracking: High power illuminating continuous wave radar and passive optical. Rate of fire: 1 missile every 3 seconds Sensors: High power continuous wave radar (HIPIR) Continuous wave acquisition radar (CWAR) Pulse Acquisition Radar (PAR)(removed from service early 90's when it was determined there was no high alt threat) and passive optical scan Introduction date: 1962 Unit Replacement Cost: $25,000,000.00 Mission: To provide surface-to-air missile defense of assigned areas of operation or installations therein, against low and medium air attack. Features: The system can be divided into three sections: acquisition, fire control, and firing sections. Target detection is provided to the fire control section from pulse and continuous wave radars for engagement evaluation. Target data can also be received from remote sensors via data link. The fire control section locks onto the target with high-powered tracking radar. A missile or missiles can be launched manually or in an automatic mode from the firing section by the fire control section. Radars and missile have extensive electronic counter counter measures (ECCM) capabilities.
  23. THE BCP Battery Command Post The IFF antannae rotates on top.

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