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Hawk MMS

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Everything posted by Hawk MMS

  1. The BCP Battery Command Post was a small trailer box that had an IFF antennae on it the tactical officer and 2 radar operators in it plus a comm guy usually. I will see if i have any pics at home. We would even bed load it on the back of a 5 ton truck some times.
  2. I am trying to attach the layout drawing i did. I know it is basic but, it may help.
  3. This is a generic layout of a battery. A battery consists of 1 BCP (Battery Command Post), 1 CWAR (Continuos Wave Acquisition Radar), 1 PAR (Pulse Acquisition Radar Pre-1993), 2 HIPIR (High Power Illumination Radar), 4 launchers and other items such as generators. Post 1994 things start to change culminating in Excercise Mountain Top which changes everything. I could explain that some other time. This crude layout was done quickly at work today.
  4. Very Cool! You do good work. I'll be on the look out for it. SEMPER FI
  5. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    You get the order and you get in and fly. At least it is faster and quieter than any other means of vertical insertion. Besides, Everyone is a critic these days. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The military's controversial V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft will head to Iraq for its first combat tour later this year, Marine officials announced Friday. After 18 years and $20 billion in development, the plane will deploy to western Iraq in September to support Marine Corps combat operations for seven months, Marine officials said. The plane, which is intended to replace the Corps' 40-year-old fleet of CH-46 helicopters by 2018, can fly like a plane and land like a helicopter, giving the Marines more flexibility in the field, officials said. The V-22 can carry troops three times as far, twice as fast and has six to seven times more survivability than the CH-46 widely used now in Iraq, the military says. The Osprey's performance has also been noticed by the Air Force, which has plans to use it as a special operations aircraft. The aircraft has been redesigned after two fatal accidents in 2000 that killed 23 Marines. Accidents in 1991 and 1992 killed seven other people, but Marines say the plane's problems are in the past. "It's been through extensive operational testing and evaluation, and it is our fervent feeling that this aircraft is the most capable, survivable aircraft that we carry our most important weapon system in, which is the Marine or rifleman, and that we will successfully introduce this aircraft in combat," said Lt. Gen. John G. Castellaw, deputy commandant for aviation. Critics say the tilt-rotor design may still be too unsafe for the complexities of flying in combat operations. The Marine Corps maintains it is a much more controllable aircraft in those situations. Since 2003, the Marines have lost seven aircraft in combat operations. The Marine Corps says the V-22 can better avoid being shot down because it can fly higher than the missiles that have been targeting helicopters. In addition, people on the ground cannot hear the aircraft approaching, giving insurgents less time to prepare to shoot as it flies at low altitude. "I flown the V-22, and I have taken it and used it in a tactical manner," Castellaw said. "The ability to maneuver this aircraft is far in excess of what we have with the existing helicopters."
  6. I think this one is available in one of the aggressor packs. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...um=10&st=10
  7. I take these responses as a flacon NO
  8. Ha I never noticed that This is from a 1/72 scale diecast model I have.
  9. Still Unkown

    A rear looking shot of the same unkonwn AC. I forgot the designation of this single seat flying wing. It is very rare if i remember correctly. If it wasn't yellow i don't think we could of tracked it in the sky. Sorry for poor pic quality. Wings Over the Wine Country, Sonoma, CA
  10. I think a Red Storm Rising type scenario in the early 80's would be cool. you could do a campaign that includes the fleet/carrier defense storyline and the over land air ops.or Red Phoenix by larry Bond Or a great What if? is Dale brown's Flight of the Old Dog line of novels and aircraft that are modified and described in them .http://www.megafortress.com/index03.htm
  11. 300 The Movie

    For a March release this is a big money maker$$$$$$$$$$$ In 3 weeks it has made 161 million. barely got beat by the number 1 movie TMNT. If you haven't seen it, SEE IT
  12. Armor Sims?

    Are there any good tank sims out? I remember the armor fist series but, haven't seen any lately. I remember some old abrams ones back in my 386/486 days as well.
  13. Does anyone know when any new sims are coming out and when?
  14. I heard a clip saying they were grounded but, can't find out any news today. Anyone hear what happened?
  15. Flanker, Flanker, Flanker....

    I understand that. my point was that in another time and a differnet geopolitical climate would all same people be so in to it. I think the nswer is a sound NO.
  16. Armor Sims?

    Military though.
  17. F-18 Jet hawks Stadium Antelope Valley

    These pics are from the Goleta Air & Space Museum website with credit to Brian Lockett. Thanks. http://www.air-and-space.com/
  18. F-4 Boeing Plaza

    These pics are from the Goleta Air & Space Museum website with credit to Brian Lockett. Thanks. http://www.air-and-space.com/
  19. D-558 Skyrocket Antelope Valley College

    These pics are from the Goleta Air & Space Museum website with credit to Brian Lockett. Thanks. http://www.air-and-space.com/
  20. Armor Sims?

  21. Monitor, suggestions?

    We have 2 monitors running at work 24 hours a day 365 days a year. We started off with 2 20" Viewsonics. 1 blew out about a year ago and we replaced it with a samsung 20". Currently we have a viewsonic with 2 years and a samsung with 1 year. i replaced the viewsonic with the samsung becasue of the quality/dollar amount of the unit. It works great.
  22. Which sim is best for direct TCP/IP internet play? WOE has proven difficult. I remember the days of Fighters Anthology. It was so easy to play online. AHHHHH a simpler time.

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