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Hawk MMS

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Everything posted by Hawk MMS

  1. EA-6B

    Moffett Field Airshow 1988 A great airshow with some great aircraft from the military and NASA AMES. Great for photos because the planes are roped off. Some shots have the blimp hangar in the back drop. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EA-6B
  2. C-141

    Moffett Field Airshow 1988 A great airshow with some great aircraft from the military and NASA AMES. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C-141
  3. Ah-64 @ Travis AFB 1990

    1990 Travis AFB, Fairfield, CA Sorry for the quality. I think I was in 11th or 12th grade. Cool Air show though. Choppers and jets everywhere.
  4. AH-64 @ Travis AFB 1990

    1990 Travis AFB, Fairfield, CA Sorry for the quality. I think I was in 11th or 12th grade. Cool Air show though. Choppers and jets everywhere.
  5. AH-1 @ Travis AFB 1990

    1990 Travis AFB, Fairfield, CA Sorry for the quality. I think I was in 11th grade. Cool Air show though. Choppers and jets everywhere.
  6. I thought of that recently while talking with my brother who is also playing WOE. Do you just name it something different during the install process?
  7. What happened to the days when this information wouldn't be public. Not only were they quiet, the people, families involved in the community and the navy were silent about the subs. Ahhhhh, I miss the COLD WAR.
  8. Compromised technology (PRC Mig 17 vs Taiwan F-86)The Taiwan Strait battles inadvertently produced a new derivative of Sidewinder: shortly after that conflict the Soviet Union began the manufacture of the K-13/R-3S missile (NATO reporting name AA-2 'Atoll'), a reverse-engineered copy of the Sidewinder. It was made possible after a Taiwanese AIM-9B hit a Chinese MiG-17 without exploding; amazingly, the missile struck the MiG-17 and became lodged within the airframe, and the pilot was able to return to base with the missile. According to Ron Westrum in his book "Sidewinder", the Soviets obtained the plans for Sidewinder from a Swedish Colonel and rushed it their version into service by 1961 copying it so closely that even the parts numbers are duplicated. Years later, Soviet engineers would admit that the captured Sidewinder served as a "university course" in missile design and substantially improved Soviet and allied air-to-air capabilities. The K-13 and its derivatives remained in production for nearly 30 years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM-9_Sidewinder
  9. Planes on poles

    Man that sounds painful, huh? Well, the gallery is a really cool feature you guys have here so I posted some pics. i justed added 2 A-4's and 1 A-7 on a pole (plus a bunch to the airshow/aviation gallery). http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...q=sc&cat=64
  10. Planes on poles

    You have to see the new one I posted. I forgot about that pic. Dug it out today. man I love this board. My coworkers think I am crazy...
  11. Convair XF2Y Sea Dart

    San Diego Aerospace Museum. Taken when I was a kid approx. 1987 http://www.aerospacemuseum.org/
  12. I don't think the guys who went through Vietnam would agree with that assessment. I think the draw is that it was one of the most difficult air environments around. It resulted in the SEAD push of the air force and navy that resulted in the way future air wars were to be conducted. I have been watching DOGFIGHTS on history Channel and the Vietnam Air Combat occurances were on the level of any others before them. I think some feel that it was still the man more than the machine back then. Now our machines are so advanced and so software based. Just like dropping bombs in an F-105 vs dropping LGB's from a Tornado... I love the all the historical development of this game as well as the modern and contemporary. It is frikkin sick... Re: the martian colonies thing I think I will just dummy up on that one
  13. Actually it was YF-16 and it flew off against the YF-17 (which later was redesigned in to the F-18). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:YF-16_a...7_in_flight.jpg
  14. 300 The Movie

  15. If we can have Flankers we should have 22's and 35's. Even if they can't be 100% accurate it would had a great dimmension to the game. I have said it before and I will say it again, this sim and its addons which so many of you make are awesome. This may sound a little weird but, it has helped distract me alot lately and for that i am grateful.
  16. New Chinook

    The Russians do things my way. If you take fire from a building that block should be cleared by a massive air strike first then troops on the ground. Not the other way around.
  17. New Chinook

    I don't like things that fall straight down when the engine stops. I have been in a UH-1, CH-53E, CH-46. It's all fine and good but, I crack up when people are surprised when a chopper goes down for mechanical or as a result of enemy action. Nothing surprising about it at all if you ask me. I watched a CH-47 lift a c-47 w/wings removed from a local airfield to Travis AFB for their museum. Granted this was after they tried with the wings on Members of the California Air National Guard provide airlift with a CH-47 Chinook helicopter in relocating a C-47 Skytrain aircraft from Nut Tree Regional Airport in Vacaville, Calif. to Travis AFB. The C-47 was donated by Mr. Duncan Miller of Vacaville, Calif. to the Jimmy Doolittle Air and Space Museum Foundation. The C-47 will be restored and displayed along with the 30 other aircraft in the museum's collection. This aircraft has a storied history having been one of the aircraft to participate in the invasion of Normandy during World War II. (Photo by David W. Cushman, DAFC)
  18. Flanker, Flanker, Flanker....

    What is scarier than a weapons exporting, empire building US of A? (As we are often referred to...) An empire building, weapons exporting Russia. I wonder when the CZARs will return? Putin? That should be a campaign in WOE. The return of the CZARs and a grab for all territories lost at the fall of the USSR.
  19. Still Hissin... Love a Cobra

    Travis AFB Airshow Fairfield, CA 2005 After all this time... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AH-1
  20. USCG HH-65 Dolphin

    Travis AFB Air Show Fairfield, CA 2005 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HH-65
  21. F-16 Engine Shot

    Travis AFB Airshow Fairfield, CA 2005 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-16
  22. F-16 Tail Markings

    Travis AFB Airshow Fairfield, CA 2005 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-16
  23. Planes On Poles

    I just added 2 A-4's and 1 A-7 that have been poled up. 2 are from Alameda NAS, CA and one is from Encinal High School (they are the Encinal Jets). pretty cool for a high school mascot. Also added some more to the aviation gallery.

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