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Hawk MMS

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Everything posted by Hawk MMS

  1. B-25a.JPG

  2. B-25.JPG

  3. Stargate: Atlantis Cancelled?

    I heard its being cancelled and will be finished off with movies like SG1.
  4. Xbox Live Call of Duty 4 Players?

    I originally posted this under the game console thread. In case you don't know, it's a dead thread Curious who is playing? Want to play? Post your live name here. So far, we have: HAWK MMS: Hawk MMS, First Prestige, Level 48 JA 37 VIGGEN: JA 37 VIGGEN, Third Prestige, Level 48 Triplethr3at: Unit296, Level 55
  5. OK, I was in the marines in the 90's. I grew up playing with a GI Joe Dragonfly (loosely based on the cobra and I still have it). Never could get over the size of the apache. The cockpit area and fuselage just seemed large to me. I am not saying that it is not a capable platform. I just prefer what the Corps uses in the MAGTF. Stick with the home team.
  6. I read an article on the updates to the USMC helicopter fleet with the yankee and zulu. I think it was in Combat Aircraft in July or so. It is amazing that these birds have been so useful, upgradeable, and the longevity. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AH-1Z I love the Cobra so much. Such a narrow profile. Prefer it over the apache.
  7. Xbox Live Call of Duty 4 Players?

    Yeah, that's what I thought. I remember Rainbow 6 when it first came out for PC in 1998. Crap that was 10 years ago (feeling the burn of age). The mouse thing was awkward for me then. I also enjoy running it through my 42" plasma and home stereo Favorite Map? For me is the creek and back lot Favorite set up? Dragonev sniper with claymores, stopping power, breathing or M16 with acog, claymores, stopping power and steady aim I hate the scorpion, G3 and the map that is like a eastern european bombed city.
  8. Very nice tornado skins. That goes for all the ones you have been kicking out lately Thanks
  9. Xbox Live Call of Duty 4 Players?

    I figure most people here play the PC version. So sure list your stats if you like. Question to anyone.... Which do you prefer console version or PC and why?
  10. Anyone here play on line?
  11. XBOX Live Call of Duty 4

    Anyone else on Xbox live COD4? I don't think I am going to start over with the next prestige level. I will probably max out all of my challenges and call it good. I have to break the cycle (my wife calls it an addiction) sometime
  12. XBOX Live Call of Duty 4

    Should have seen that one coming
  13. XBOX Live Call of Duty 4

    Prestige 1, level 47 (i think) whats your live screen name? I am Hawk MMS (same as here)
  14. A really bad week...

    Hospitals are never an easy place to find yourself as a patient or a loved one. The week leading in to 4th of July weekend I was heading home after a 12 hour day shift (approx 1830). I had passed vallejo (the town my inlaws live in) and was almost home to Vacaville when my wife called. Apparently her mom wasn't breathing well. She has FTD (frontal temporal dementia) and as a result ALS. My wife called in a panic asking me to turn around and come help (her dad is quite incapable in the crisis situations). I turned around and was there in 20 minutes. Got her to hospital and she had a near fatal pneumonia case with toxicity and a whole mess of problems. The ICU doc thought she was done. She spent a week in th hospital and rec'd a feeding tube to prevent aspiration). At the time all my wife had to do was call the paramedics and it would have been handled with so much less stress given their situation. The point of this all is that it is natural to avoid that trip, the hospital and home all at the same time. "Of all the forms of wisdom, hindsight is by general consent the least merciful, the most unforgiving." Don't beat yourself up (i tell my wife all the time), Take care of yourself and your loved one.
  15. Stargate: Atlantis Cancelled?

    I prefered SG-1. Watched it from the start. When i watch Atlantis I feel I am just watching to watch. i don't look forward to it. Shoot...Yes Foot...No
  16. New G.I. Joe Animated Shorts

    Over at HISSTANK.com there are pics of a new Joe cartoon. http://www.hisstank.com/gi-joe-news/other-...ideo-clip-7554/ I think the Joe movie is going to blow goats but, this looks promising. USS Flagg Destro Scarlett
  17. New G.I. Joe Animated Shorts

    It will be one 50 minute story broken down in to small webisodes. They are testing the waters I would think.
  18. Georgia moves against separatists

    This just in... RUSSIA orders halt to military ops Foxnews.com BREAKING NEWS — Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday he had ordered an end to the military operation in Georgia, Interfax news agency reported. Meanwhile, Russia's foreign minister says that Georgia's president must leave office and Georgian troops should stay out of the breakaway South Ossetia region for good. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says that Moscow won't talk to President Mikhail Saakashvili and Saakashvili "better go." Lavrov's statement sets a tough stage for Russia's talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is heading to Moscow Tuesday to negotiate an EU-brokered truce for the fierce conflict over the breakaway region.
  19. New G.I. Joe Animated Shorts

    Nice bootleg video. That is the Snake Eyes you always wanted to see. I guess main Joe characters will die. http://www.warrenellis.com/?p=6147
  20. Georgia moves against separatists

    Georgia just blew its NATO chance. I have heard that up to 4 Russian aircraft lost. Probably exaggerated. Photos from foxnews.com
  21. Somebody hit the snooze Air Force Missile Launch Crew Falls Asleep on the Job Thursday , July 24, 2008 Three ballistic missile crew members fell asleep while holding classified missile launch codes two weeks ago in North Dakota, the Air Force said Thursday. The error triggered a military investigation, which found the codes were not compromised. But the July 12 incident comes on the heels of a series of missteps by the Air Force that already had put the service under intense scrutiny. In this case, officials said the crew members reported themselves for the violation of procedure. The crew members apparently were leaving the control center at the end of their shift and took a set of old codes, which are typically replaced after every shift, to a rest area in the facility. Rather than proceeding back to Minot Air Force Base to dispose of the codes, they fell asleep. Air Force officials said the deactivated codes were not at risk of being lost or stolen and that they were always contained at a secure facility. But the Air Force did not initially make the incident public, and on Thursday the Project on Government Oversight issued a report saying the Air Force base was on "security lockdown" after discovering a "nuclear weapon launch code" missing. The Air Force denies the base ever was locked down. "This was just a procedural violation that we investigated," said Air Force Col. Dewey Ford, a spokesman at Patterson Air Force Base in Colorado. "We determined that there was no compromise." The incident was serious enough, however, to prompt an investigation by the 91st Missile Wing, in conjunction with codes experts at the 20th Air Force, U.S. Strategic Command and the National Security Agency. Ford and other Air Force officials said the Minot Air Force-based crew had code devices that were no longer usable, since new codes had been installed in the missiles. The three crew members, who are in the 91st Missile Wing, were in the missile alert facility about 70 miles from Minot. That facility includes crew rest areas and sits above the underground control center where the actual keys can be turned to launch the ballistic missiles.There are no nuclear weapons on site. Officials said the three officers were behind locked doors and had with them the old code components, which are large classified devices that allow the crew to communicate with the missiles. Launch codes are part of the component. "They were awaiting to get back to base and they fell asleep," Ford said. It delivers another blow to the beleaguered Air Force. Missouri Rep. Ike Skelton, the Democratic chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, released a statement Thursday saying the report was "very troubling." "There are many reasons why procedures are in place to govern strict control of our nuclear arsenal. The new Air Force leadership, when confirmed, must take decisive and urgent steps to restore the culture of respect that our strategic weapons deserve and our national security demands. This trend is unacceptable," he said. Last month, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced a sweeping shake-up of the Air Force leadership, blaming them for failing to fully address a series of nuclear-related mishaps. At the time, Gates said his decisions to sack the Air Force secretary and chief of staff were based mainly on the blistering conclusions of an internal report on the mistaken shipment to Taiwan of four Air Force fusing devices for ballistic missile nuclear warheads. He also said leadership failure ultimately was behind an August incident in which a B-52 bomber was mistakenly armed with six nuclear warheads and flown from Minot Air Force Base to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. No one has yet to be punished in this latest Minot incident. A continuing review by Minot commanders will determine what, if any, actions will be taken against the crew members. The investigation concluded that the codes had remained secured in their containers, which have combination locks that can only be opened by the crew. The containers remained with the crew at all times.

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