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Hawk MMS

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Everything posted by Hawk MMS

  1. Super Nice Die-casts

    I have these three so far: VF-111 VMA(AW)-332 VA-25 And am waiting for: VMF(AW)-333 They are great diecast. Pricey though. Limited edition of each paint scheme. Check out hobby master as well. A little cheaper and more variety.
  2. The Dark Knight...

    Great Movie. I saw it twice and have to take the wife this week. Great action and it is refreshing to see real stunts versus constant CGI. Killing a guy with a pencil and a table, genius.
  3. Here we go again...

    Well, I guess Chesty Puller was right :yes: They are trying to reestablish themselves as a super power now that they have oil wealth and cash reserves. Especially at a time that the US is dealing with foreign energy dependency, overstretched and overworked military, financial turmoil, and political weakness.
  4. I took a beating in an F-4E. This is the most damage I have seen to date (1st hand) and remained flyable. Even engaged other aircraft.
  5. A-7 Alameda NAS Entrance

    Former Alameda NAS Located at the Main Entrance
  6. F-18 Jet hawks Stadium Antelope Valley

    These pics are from the Goleta Air & Space Museum website with credit to Brian Lockett. Thanks. http://www.air-and-space.com/
  7. USMC Museum Corsair

    The USMC Museum in Quantico VA. An amazing museum. If you are ever in the area stop in it is well worth it. The structure is as awesome as the displays. One display of the Korean War section is actually air conditioned to a very cold temperature. A vietnam room is very humid. Just a sobering and real feeling. http://www.usmcmuseum.org/
  8. I don't normally ask this but, any news on this one?
  9. Any idea when a name will be picked? Not to sound like a jerk but, in the end it will be mine, it will be.
  10. Iron Man

    It is basically a modern day retelling of the origin. Like in Spider-man the spider was originally radioactive not, genetically engineered. I think Iron Man origin took place in South East asia originally (tales of suspense #39, 1963) and it was a land mine not a mortar like device. But, given the geopolitical climate, this fit much better I think. After the credits the SHIELD references become clear with a surprise appearance and a referance to the AVENGER initiave. I here IM will make an appearance in the HULK too. I think they are building to an Avenger movie. This would be cool if you could get the big name actors to stick it out.
  11. Attack Wing: Glider Makes Waves With Stealth and Speed Thursday , April 24, 2008 By Allison Barrie ADVERTISEMENTget_a(300,250,"frame1"); It weighs only 30 pounds and can be fully weaponized for assault and rescue. It has a 6-foot jet-wing that is steered with handheld rotary controls connected to its rudder. And it can hide more than 100 pounds of combat gear in a built-in compartment. The Gryphon attack glider, designed to penetrate combat zones at 135 miles per hour, could revolutionize the art of parachuting. It has got to be at the top of James Bond’s Christmas list this year. A vision straight out of "Batman," the carbon-fiber stealth glider quadruples the speed of similar craft — and there are quite a few special forces soldiers who would like to jump out of a plane at 30,000 feet and give it a whirl. Its helmet has a heads-up display and provides on-board oxygen for the jump. To land, a soldier separates the wing from his pack and releases his parachute to slow his descent. The wing remains attached to the soldier by a cord and lands before him. You might wonder who would volunteer to test-pilot a glider traveling at such high speeds. At ISNR London, a security conference, I had the opportunity to meet Erich Jelitko, who not only conceived the ultimate boy toy but also enthusiastically test-pilots the glider. A former special forces operator and German army paratrooper instructor, Jelitko has made more than 50 jumps with the glider. He took me through a test flight of a simulation of Paris. He demonstrated the glider’s agility by flying through the legs of the Eiffel Tower — not an easy feat at high speed. Soldiers also can opt to train on other city simulations from New York to London. Currently, planes and pilots are put at risk because soldiers need to jump close to combat areas. Typical high altitude, high-opening, or HAHO, jumps from around 27,000 feet allow soldiers to travel only about 30 miles after exiting the aircraft. The Gryphon could increase that range fourfold, creating an attack corridor of nearly 125 miles. Unaffected by headwinds or crosswinds because of its favorable lift-to-drag ratio, the glider would allow elite units to reach targets with increased speed, precision and stealth. The Gryphon’s built-in oxygen supply system allows soldiers to jump from up to 30,000 feet. And with temperatures at that altitude sometimes reaching minus 64 degrees Fahrenheit, every second counts. Even in upwind conditions, the Gryphon could reduce HAHO jump duration to a third, from an average of 45 minutes to just 15, vastly reducing the risk of exposure to extreme cold. The Gryphon’s designers, SPELCO GbR, are even planning to affix a relatively cheap and small turbo jet, which is used for unmanned military drones. Harnessing that jet, the glider would allow soldiers to jump lower, maintain altitude and travel farther than is currently possible. With its stealth technology and high speed, the Gryphon will provide maximum surprise and safer entry into target areas. And with the Gryphon virtually invisible to ground and airborne radar, enemy forces would struggle even to detect it. The stealth and speed capabilities also could be handy for agile hostage rescue operations and rapid reaction to moving targets. SPELCO is developing an electronic system to automate some of the steering to make it easier to fly, more like an airplane. If it succeeds, the average bungee jumper — and not just elite forces with specialized training — can have a go, too. And those commercially available Gryphons could mean that friendly neighborhood Batmen might be just around the corner.
  12. Sour !

    My wife gets them when we go to the movies. I don't know why she likes them so. I think she likes to torture me.
  13. I just started flying this and all i have to say is Outstanding. I am loving it. The menu screens are awesome. Just wanted to say thanks. Flak galore. the first mission out I had used my whole payload to kill the launcher. So much fun. Thanks to all once again.
  14. What is wrong with the USAF?

    Thoughts on this? Defense Secretary Gates Says Air Force Must Step Up Efforts in Iraq, Afghanistan Monday , April 21, 2008 WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday the Air Force is not doing enough to help in the Iraq and Afghanistan war effort, complaining that some military leaders are "stuck in old ways of doing business." Gates complained in a speech at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., that getting the Air Force to send more surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft to Iraq and Afghanistan has been "like pulling teeth." The Pentagon chief praised the Air Force for its overall contributions but made a point of urging it to do more and to undertake more creative ways of thinking about helping the war effort. He said he has been trying for months to get the Air Force to send more surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft, like the pilotless Predator drone that provides real-time surveillance video, to the battlefield. "Because people were stuck in old ways of doing business, it's been like pulling teeth," Gates said. "While we've doubled this capability in recent months, it is still not good enough." To push the issue harder, Gates said he established last week a Pentagon-wide task force "to work this problem in the weeks to come, to find more innovative and bold ways to help those whose lives are on the line."
  15. The WWII idea is a good one. I mean the F-35 is the Lighning II. Good idea. Name all of the X mods after WWII planes
  16. If it were an operational fighter I don't see it being adapted for carrier/naval ops. F-5 and F-16 aren't naval type fighters and it falls in line with them more than any of the naval jet fighters. You would be more apt to naming it along the Air Force lines as mentioned before. Bird of Prey names more appropriate. I still think naming it after a knife, or sharp blade weapon would be physically more descriptive but, I digress.
  17. I always thought of the wings like a knife: Ka-Bar doesn't work neither does Pig Sticker... How about Razor Switchblade (is there a switchblade already?) Edge
  18. Hey XRAY. Same here. I switched to diecast also Cost is about the same when you factor in time and materials. I am going to get the A-7E Fist of the Fleet by Century Wings soon.
  19. I am really looking forward to this one and the F4D Skyray. These would really round out the early days of Naval Jet aviation and go well with the Tiger and Demon.
  20. I think I had that sim/game way back on my 386. I don't know about your teen fantasies but, I don't think the x-29 is a usual one.
  21. http://www.usshancockcv19.com/gallery7/faulkner.htm Look at the series of photo's in the middle of the page.
  22. XB-36 Tire

    I want to visit the museum. Thinking about talking my brother in to a flight. We could also go see the Football hall of fame (for him).
  23. XB-36 Tire

    If you google map Castle AFB, Atwater, CA they have a B-36 on display. Look at the B-52 in comparison for scale My grandfather was a flight engineer on the B-36. I think I am going to drive down to the museum this saturday (after my nieces birthday in Stockton) and check it out. I'll post some pics if I make it.
  24. how many of you were even born...

    I recently dug out my 3 large boxes of Joes and their equipment (I still have a lot of them). They aren't that expensive on ebay (unless in the package). I have the XP-14F Skystriker was the F-14 type plane used by GI Joe. The A-10 vtol aircraft was the Rattler (Cobra). The X-30 Conquest was the FSW fighter that came out later in the series. http://www.yojoe.com/ There is a GI Joe movie coming out next year. Here is a picture of Ray Park as Snake Eyes (Commando/Ninja)
  25. Again this just keeps getting better. Thanks Wrench.

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