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Hawk MMS

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Everything posted by Hawk MMS

  1. Here We Go Again.....

    I think it is safe to assume that this is the old normal for carrier and other maritime ops going forward. Honestly, I think it is a disgrace that they get that close before picking up their shadows though.
  2. I like it. I was a Macross/Robotech fan growing up I would use the skins if you posted them.
  3. I just downloaded them all The sorted them in to folders based on country. I have a WWII folder in a larger folder for all of my TW mods. Worked for me.
  4. Mulitple Monitor Display

    The question is how do i pilfer the needed funds from our general fund without raising the GAO (wife's) interest?
  5. This is frikkin' great. I knew you would do this one Wrench. I can't wait. I love the Corsair mod you did recently and this will compliment well. When I was a kid my grandad made me a 1/48 scale Monogram model of each (working landing gear and folding wings). These are my two all time favorites. I love the WW II stuff by Wrench and all the others.
  6. Cloverfield

    Any thoughts? I saw it today. Not worth the hype. Godzilla 1998 (which was totally gay) meets Blair Witch (also totally gay).
  7. Cloverfield

    Yep the whole thing is camcordered. totally sucks, monster attacks save my girlfriend crap.
  8. Cloverfield

    It looked nothing like that. More like a deformed spider with a fish tail.
  9. Is there a BSG sim?

    I can't believe we have to wait so long for the next season. I have been a fan since the pilot a couple of years back. Is there a sim coming out for it?
  10. Iranian Revolutionary Guards play with fire

    They probably timed it with Bush's visit to the ME. The following is from GlobalSecurity.org Elaine Sciolino pointed out in her April 20, 1997, article in `The New York Times,' the potential for real conflict between the United States and Iran is significant, `when two enemy navies with vastly different military missions and governments that do not talk to each other are crowded into such a small, highly strategic body of water.' The acquisition by Iran of advanced cruise missiles, like the C-802 model, must be considered a serious threat to stability, given the explosive situation that already exists. Iran's intent seems clear: to challenge the United States for predominance in the Gulf.
  11. Coming down in buckets today so, I decided it was a good time to back everything up. I have an external drive and burn it to dvd as well. I have been lucky so far as I have never lost a HD (knock on wood, or at least laminate that looks like cheap wood.)
  12. Movie Lines that make great signatures...

    "Your'e from New York, you think a hero is some kinda sandwich" Donald Sutherland Kelly's Heroes
  13. Found this on Wikipedia... The F-11 Tiger is notorious for being the first jet aircraft to shoot itself down. On 21 September 1956, during a test firing of its 20 mm cannons, pilot Tom Attridge fired two bursts mid-way through a shallow dive. As the velocity and trajectory of the cannon rounds decayed, they ultimately crossed paths with the Tiger as it continued its descent, disabling it and forcing Attridge to crash land the aircraft. The pilot survived.
  14. OUT FRICKIN Standing. I love it!!!!!!!! Not to sound greedy but, his there a night version of the Hellcat in store? Man I love the Corsair. I have really enjoyed your mods of WW2 and early Cold War stuff. Just wanted to say THANKS
  15. http://shock.military.com/Shock/videos.do?...=soldiertech.nl
  16. A Little Christmas Cheer

    You raise your family in a free land and then when they show signs of individual freedom you kill them. As a former coworker of mine once said, There is no understanding their 'mentabilities'. yes he said 'mentabilities'.
  17. I tried to install SFP1 and WOV on a new machine that I use when stranded at the in laws house. I am stuck there every Sunday for about 6 hours+. The mother in law has frontal lobe dementia at 58 years old and my wife watches her on Sundays so her dad can go to work. Any help would make my sundays bearable. I get a d3dx9.30.dll missing error after I accept the mission and it should begin loading. I did a search for any topic related to this and was unable to find any. Any help is appreciated.
  18. Thanks for the assist. This will save me from having to respond to the phrase, "Want to hear something crazy?" all day.
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com/Xbox-w-Controller-DVD-...1QQcmdZViewItem $99.99 NOTE: Everything is in working order and good condition XBOX (original) System (includes cabling and cords) 1 Controller 1 Headset DVD remote and Sensor Dance Dance Revolution Pad (used once) Plus the following 20 games: Blazing Angels Air ForcE Delta Storm Star Trek Shattered Universe Secret Weapons over Normandy Shattered Union Robotech Battlecry Men of Valor Full Spectrum Warrior Return to Castle Wolfenstein Counter Strike XMEN Next Dimension Splinter Cell Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix w/pad Medal of Honor Rising Son Madal of Honor Frontline Call of Duty Finest Hour Kingdom Under Fire The Crusade Obi Wan Project Gotham Racing Sega GT Spiderman Batman Dark Tomorrow Batman Vengeance
  20. DVR. All i have to say.
  21. Here is a MiG i hit with a winder and he kept on flying. Wasn't a very good hit. Came in with guns and finsihed him.
  22. I know they have been posted a myriad of times but, MAN is the TOMCAT TOUGH. I got hit and stayed in the fight. I guess we will never know how tough she was...

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