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Everything posted by triplethr3at

  1. Im almost certain it works for woe all you need is the vietnam terrain. Im not sure if woe has it tho (i have both woe and wov)
  2. I personaly bought strike fighters gold from thirdwire and it was well worth it just for the campaign. Realy nice stuff. One of the greatest campaignes yet
  3. hey i was wondering if we can get some modders who arent realy doing to much to work on some two seaters. Such would include 2 seat a-7, 2 seat mig-29, two seat mirage f-1 and so on. It shouldnt be two hard considering the flight inis and cockpit data and load out files should already exist from existing a-7 etc flight models. Im am not sure if you need to creat a whole new 3d model but it seems as though you can just modify an exising one to have two seats. So wat do u guys think.
  4. I agree thefront looks a little off. But great work tho. Real nice
  5. The tree grouping idea sounds good. However what realy makes this game better than all the rest are the tons of new airplanes that the modders keep dishing out. Every time I think Im getting bored of the game a new plane comes out and gets me sucked right back into the sim. I agree that the terrains neeed improvement but what I think realy makes the game worth it is the prospect of getting new planes al the time. Thats what I think you guys should focus your attention on. Great palnes = great sim for me anyways the rest doesnt realy bother me too much
  6. hi everyone

    Whats up Singapoor dude. Welcome to the club.
  7. Not to get off topic Enrico is real close to finishing his tu-128 hes just testing out the a-a missiles he made specificaly for the 128 and he has to start the cockpit. Thanks USAFMTL And Viper withought you guys we wouldnt be able to even get the cockpit started Back on topic Yankee Air Pirate has a an airforce recon phantom and a navy recon Phantom you can check it out on the YAP website the link is somewhere in combatace. or www.yankeeairpirate.net I hope this helps
  8. Mirror mirror on the wall whos the ugliest of them all

    This is an ugly only post get that sexy chopa out of here
  9. How similar is the T-2 to the F-1. They look almost identical to me save for their roles and the lack of the second seat on the F-1. I know next to nothing about their insides abilities etc...
  10. There is a t-28 in the works s. The guy is just working on other projects at the moment
  11. No ofense to TK or anything but what is he actualy doing with his new game. All I 've seen where planes that we already have placed in a terrain that we already have using weapons we already have. Another thing is that several cool fixes to the game such as helicopter flight models starting of on the ramp or in a hangar etc... are not realy being done. So I was just wondering what new stuff are actually gonna come out with this sim. I dont mean to disrespect anyone and if im wrong correct me but it seems like very little improvement is being made with the coming of the new sim. What do you guys think?
  12. What is new

    Makes sense. I didnt knwo that he was a one man show. Im sorry if i offended anyone.
  13. How did you get the cobra to work. I'v tried real hard to get it to work on my game. It wont even showe up.
  14. What is new

    So why doesnt he fix them. He is spending so much time making what we already have instead of fixing what we realy want. I know hes a buisy guy and its ultimatly his game but i would gladly pay just to have what piloto mentioned.
  15. Their is a trojan in the works. All it realy needs is a skin cockpit and some ini tweaks. However the man working on it is in the middle of another project at the moment
  16. That would be a catastrafy if it did the unthinkable. It would be the equivalent of a strike fighters 9/11
  17. A-1A

    I think im in love
  18. Your off the chain good stuff.
  19. Mirror mirror on the wall whos the ugliest of them all

    I stand corrected
  20. I think all planes are georgeouse. no exeptions.....well maybe cesnas
  21. Welcom nube!! and happy b-day old timer! !
  22. Wait can you craet a working 2 stage launch system? A friend of mine has a 99% done missilew sysstem but did not release it because he said there was noway to produce the 2 stage launch sequence that the real missile had.
  23. Ya there is a video turorial for the gripen cockpit on youtube I hope this helps

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