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Everything posted by triplethr3at

  1. New User

    ask them real nicely to please go away (seriouse note) i think by setting the hud difficulty level to hard in the options section welcome aboard
  2. since were all in a mood of showing what others dont have TA-4KU (still waiting for a new skin)
  3. this is fly

    no way they could do that with combat gear
  4. edit= one screenshot per day got a little trigerhappy
  5. Hes right. If you look at one of the clips you can actualy see the unopened snakeye leave the hardpoint with its bombrack. Unaerodynamic yes but i wouldnt expect it to pull up like it did.
  6. reminds me of the video where an early F/A-18 dropped some kind of bomb that got trapped in some kind of turbulance and slammed into an a-4 chaseplane proceeding to rip its wing off and send the sob spining and spewing fuel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aLRNQrfIXc...t=1&index=3
  7. Israel only makes avionics for Indian airforce Russian jets (ECM for the aging MiG-s1 and full avionics pakage for the Su-20MKI). They might be making avionics packages for some south american (russian) jets but im not sure about that
  8. hi

    hey welcome darkcondor
  9. Su-39 Feedback

    Awsome plane tons of fun to fly great skin...its great all around I hate to be nit picky but since this is a feedback thread there are some minor issues -fm seems a bit off (goes a bit too fast and doesnt turn quite as sharp as i would imagine it shouwld) -the ockpit needs a little work Besides that its a sweet mod. one of my favorites yet
  10. i think you would have to sacrifice realism for gameplay if not than you wont have any missions beside suicide CAP and air deffence missions against some planes you cant even see
  11. The dowload sections are prety specific. The migs your looking for should beunder the cold war/aircraft/thirdwire section
  12. Stay safe Mannie...

    Ive been in Israel since december 27th Here is a little insight into what its like in Israel right now. All is quiet and semi normal in the center of the country (tel-aviv area). People still go about their everyday life and children can still be seen playing outside. However only a short ride south changes the whole scenery. I was in in the Negev yesterday in the sdeboker area. Though a good 25 miles from the conflict zone I can still hear the low thuds of exploading hamas rockets. IDF planes and helicopters can be clearly seen heading to and from the area. F-15/16I usualy traveling at high speed at medium altituteds in single ship elements. Cobras and apaches can be seen often in two ship elements once again flying either to or from the area. Now as you get closer to the conflict zone things get even more chaotic. I stayed at an uncles house in settelemnt called keryat arba. A tank can be seen here and there on a trailer on the side of the road awaiting orders to deploy. Several convoys can be seen going to and fro. Smoke can now be seen clearly. Air riad sirens go off everyso often and are soon followed by the thuds of inpacting rockets. I am now staying at ramat ha sharon about 40 minutes from Tel-Aviv. Things are still semi normal but everyone is glued to the news. My grnadmother watches the news several times a day while many radio broadcasts can be heard from withn the cars that pass by on the street. Things arent fun here but life goes on. Stay strong Mannie Best wishes to all the other members who are settled near the conflict zone
  13. Hey. I can help with the loudouts and data inis
  14. Gaggle of Thunderchiefes over North Vietnam
  15. Mirage 2000-5 skin

    uber cool. do you think you will do a desert skin?
  16. ????? your releasing her today?????
  17. just updated the Mirage 200D flight model and released it under the ini edits download section. This corrects the problem the flight model had when flown on hard mode. The aircraft no longer pitches up when you attempt to roll
  18. File Name: Updated Mirage 2000D flight model File Submitter: triplethr3at File Submitted: 26 Dec 2008 File Category: Ini Edits This is a fix for the Mirage 2000D flight model. The aircraft no longer pitches up or down when you move the stick to the left or right on hard flight model mode Instructions just drop into your Mirage 200D folder and let it overright for the mirage 2000N just rename the data ini to Mirage_2000N.ini and paste it in the Mirage 2000N folder (letting it overright) Thanks to Amokfloo for his awsome aircraft feel free to use this in all freeware mods as long as credit is given Click here to download this file
  19. Updated Mirage 2000D flight model



    This is a fix for the Mirage 2000D flight model. The aircraft no longer pitches up or down when you move the stick to the left or right on hard flight model mode Instructions just drop into your Mirage 200D folder and let it overright for the mirage 2000N just rename the data ini to Mirage_2000N.ini and paste it in the Mirage 2000N folder (letting it overright) Thanks to Amokfloo for his awsome aircraft feel free to use this in all freeware mods as long as credit is given
  20. Mirage 2000-5 skin

    thats great nice job
  21. Hey i was wondering does the desert strom wip terrain also incorperate trees and cities?

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