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Everything posted by Corktip_14

  1. Aaaaaaah thanks a lot mate, I really loved those! Keep up the good work :yes:
  2. Very very nice effects Stary, thanks a lot!! The only remark I could do is that there doesn't seem to be small explosions when an aircraft is burning, and that was a pretty cool effect IMHO.
  3. Hey Stary, Sorry for the hijack, but is there any news on tje Korean terrain?
  4. Hey guys, how are things going with the Ford? If I can be of any help with the skins, please let me know!
  5. Hey Geo! Nice to hear from you here. I'm really looking forward the Tigercat, one of the most beautiful plane ever made, IMHO, and one badly needed for the Korean conflict!
  6. File Name: A-1E over Vietnam, Part II File Submitter: Corktip_14 File Submitted: 17 May 2008 File Category: A-1 Well at least, here's the second A-1E skin pack, depicting early birds used in 1964 and 1965. Those Skyraiders were painted in overall VNAF grey. My apologies to all of you, especially to MPPD and NFG for the long delay before the release of the birds. Skins by Corktip 14, decals and historical background by MPPD. Click here to download this file
  7. Hey Charlie, thanks a lot! Indeed, the birds were VNAF grey. Nothing to do with the USN grey/white livery, even if the shade of grey is pretty close. And thanks to Mike for this info! I may look at the AD-5 now!
  8. Woah, I do love this one, the Cruze looks utterly cool in this livery!
  9. Operation Chastise

    Ah yeah, indeed! That's pure genius, and that makes me remember that I still haven't seen the original movie. Have you heard that Peter Jackson may be working on a remake of it?
  10. Operation Chastise

    Damn, the picture of the Lanc' is utterly cool! Those were really brave man, and one of the greatest raid in history. I've heard many times that Georges Lucas used this for the Death Star raid at the end of the first Star Wars.
  11. What would be great too would be the SUU-7/A pod wich was vastly used in Vietnam too.
  12. The TSR.2, the most beautiful british plane after the Buccaneer. I wonder how it will behave, with those small wings and big engines, will be very interesting. And with Sundowner's skins, it's gonna be a masterpiece!
  13. Version


    Well at least, here's the second A-1E skin pack, depicting early birds used in 1964 and 1965. Those Skyraiders were painted in overall VNAF grey. My apologies to all of you, especially to MPPD and NFG for the long delay before the release of the birds. Skins by Corktip 14, decals and historical background by MPPD.
  14. Mike, those are really perfect!!!!! Are you, by any chance, going to release some blunt nosed SUU-30B/B to replace the utterly ugly ones that we have by now?
  15. That's a helluva good idea mate! Would be perfect for, let's say, a late Bering Straight campaign.
  16. That's an utterly fine addition, thanks a lot!!
  17. Can't sleep...won't sleep.

    I will go for: A. Sex (Man, spend the whole day with my girlfriend, closing my eyes now, and I'm falling asleep at the computer ) B. Hot milk with a spoonfull of honey! Drink it just before going to bed, and maybe add a tad of rhum in it, you will sleep!
  18. That's something that was used in CFS2, a looooooooong time ago! Someone added invisible planes that crashed on the ground, exploding like artillery shells!
  19. U2

    Nah, nah, I mean RISE Against, period! Here's the song we're covering: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8iJtSNETMU
  20. U2

    Actually, I would go for Van Halen! Or a little Rise Against (covered by my band of course :nyam:)
  21. U2

    Hell yeah, I love rock too! And U2's NOT rock... I think there's no other band I hate more than them.

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