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  1. Ok, I got further, but still no cigar. After crawling through the campaign_data.ini I found that carrier based squadrons have a couple of extra lines, which ground squadrons do not: Carrierbased=True Carriernumber=# Where # matches the selected carriernumber in the [carrierobject] section at the bottom of the campaign_data.ini. This is how you link a particular squadron with a particular boat. I added the LHA-1 to the list of carrier objects, set the carriernumber entry to 1 which wasn't being used by any other [carrierobject,] and matched that number to the carriernumber entry in the [airunit] section for the particular squadron. I also extracted and edited the target nations.ini and added the LHA-1 as a target. I start the campaign, and everything is fine, I'm on yankee station, I'm flying an AV-8A, but I'm siting in the water, no boat anywhere :cray: I ended up switching the carriernumber to 19 on the [airunit], which is the constellation's number, to figure out if I was using the correct procedure to assign a squadron to a carrier. Sure enough, I'm sitting in the cat of the constellation. That leads me to conclude that something is wrong with the LHA-1 itself, or more likely with the way I added it to the [carrier objects] section of the campaign data.ini. Oh well, I'll keep trying to get the LHA-1 to work, and I'll try some other baby flatops in the d/l section as well. Meanwhile, I'm flying the linebackerI campaign, with a Marine squadron flying the AV-8A, and landing in the constellation after every flight.
  2. I got tired of waiting for "Jet Thunder" to come out, and even more tired of trying to make the falklands add-on work, so I took it into my own hands to get the AV-8A flying off boats on campaign mode. It took a bit of downloading, installing, extracting and editing, but I finally replaced a Navy squadron A-4's for AV-8A's in linebackerI. Totally ahistorical, I know, but the US' been flying AV-8's since '71, so why not? Anyway, I had to edit the aircraft's ini so the weapons were compatible with the weapon's pack, but that was about it to get it flying and shooting. The only problem that I have is that you can't take off from a CV with the harrier, although it lands fine. It starts you latched to the cat, so you can't take of verticaly, and the cat shot destroys the aircraft. I got arround that by starting "on air" and the campaign plays very well. Talk about hairy going downtown with no RWR or any chaff/flares, and listening to all the SAM calls, looking for trails, and seing if you can possibly get any lower on the deck... exciting stuff. I attempted to take it to the next level and swap a Marine squadron A-4's for AV-8A's, switch the squadron to base at "Yankee Station," and last but not least, replace the CV-63 for an LHA-1. Well, I got the squadron flying the AV-8As from their land base OK. I downloaded and edited the LHA-1 so it would work in 1972, but that's as far as I got. I could not find out how to replace the Constellation for the Tarawa. I've been looking at a variety of different threads on the matter, but the instructions vary depending on whether it is SFP1/SFG/WOV/WOE, and it's frustrating trying to apply instructions for one title to another which has a different file structure. I'm going mad trying to locate all these files that posters talk about, whirch are usually compressed in an unamed cat file, in an unamed folder Can some kind soul please tell me which files you have to edit in order to change the CV-63 in Yankee Station for an LHA-1? I'm doing this on a combined install of WoV & WoE, which changed the file format of linebackerI to WoE standard (campaign_data.ini's must be extracted.) Thanks for any help.
  3. You guys rock! Got it working finally. Didn't fix the campaign in progress, but it restarted fine from the beginning. Thank you folks. Now, for my next project: Changing an existing unit's aircraft. I figure I'd just edit the campaign data.ini from one aircraft type to another for a particular squadron. I'd like to change a milti-role campaign, like that of an F-4E for an F-16. In the campaign_data.ini, something like: [AirUnitxxx] AircraftType=F-16 blk 10 (where xxx matches a squadron name in the WOEcampx.ini) Would that do it? I'm thinking check that the year availabilty for the bird works, but where do you check that for a particular aircraft? Does it matter what service the aircraft was associated with, or is there something buried in there that would prevent me from putting an F-16 in a Luftie campaign? Thank you for all the help.
  4. Hmm, yes, I did install the weapons pack. I dind't know it'd break some of the stock campaigns, as my F-15 and A-10 campaigns are working fine. Weird it just messed up the harrier. Ok, I get your advice, but WoE does not have a campaign_data.ini on the campaign folder like WoV used to have. I take it you have to extract it from a *.dat file to modify it, but I don't have the tool to do it. I'd be eternally gratefull for a link or a stear to the correct extracting application. I've seen one in the d/l section, but it says "for SFP1" which is five years old, so I din't get it. Anyway, the name and location of the file I have to extract from would also be most welcome. Thanks for the help.
  5. If you get the F-14a model from the aircraft d/l section you'll only be able to use it on single missions and custom-made missions. That won't give you the whole experience of bringing it back to the boat and catching a wire mission after mission. If you really want the whole experience I suggest that you install the Vietnam 1984 add-on on a clean install of WoV. For it to work you'll also need the latest weapons pack 3 Jul '06 . With this mod you'll be able to fly both the tomcat and the hornet off carriers, in campaign mode, as well as fly campaigns as a North Vietnamese pilot flying mig-17, 19 & 21s, or the Mig-21, 23 & 29 flying for the Soviet AF. You'll love landing the F-14 on the carrier. It handles well and you have good visibility on final. The bug now, that's a whole different thing. Landing the 'sader is easy next to it. *bold text is link*
  6. Heya folks, I'm running a clean install of combined WOE/WOV patched to v8.30.06. I've been playing the stock '79 campaign with the RAF No.1 squadron flying the GR.3 harrier. I was surprised to see that you only had sidewinders and drop tanks available at campaign start, specially because the 1st mission was tank busting CAS. Oh well, cannons work good, so no biggie there. I figured that it was a feature of the campaign where you started fighting off the enemy with almost no weapons, and that eventually you'd start getting bombs and rocket pods. Well, no such luck. After 1 recon, 2 CAS, and 2 CAP missions in the campaign, I'm being sent on an AF STRIKE mission with nothing but cannon, sidewinders and drop tanks. I even dropped the tanks on the runway, and straffed every round into it, as well as having my wingman strafe it... not a scratch on that thing. I'm really thinking that there is something wrong here. The GR.3 has all its weapons available on single mission mode for the '79 year, so whatever the problem is, it has to do with the campaign, which is stock RAF '79. Any help appreciated.
  7. Thanks for the info. I've been getting better at spotting the boat. It is ussualy moving along the heading track set by the last two waypoints. Thank god it leaves a wake, unlike the stock WoV boat. As far as the avionics go, I guess that's the price you pay for getting so many birds in one simple install mod. Is there a mod for WoE that adds carrier ops and flyable red birds, in a single install, like Vietnam 1984? Updated sam files, good stuff!
  8. Great mod MK2 and crew I just need some help with a couple of issues: - Finding the carrier: The carrier is not at the last waypoint, and asking for a ground control stear will take you to the empty waypoint. I've found the boat as much as 5nm from the waypoint by performing an outward spiral search. This works for some of the missions, but in heavy weather and night conditions you can search in vain for the deck. This problem is compounded by the fact that the ship does not turn the lights on in weather or darkness. Is there a way to fix the waypoint issue, or probably easier, a way to add lights to the existing boat, or add a better boat even? - HUDs: most of them do get the job done, but the HUDs on the F-16 and specially on the AV-8 are not up to the task. The F-16A sight does not seem to compute lead in A/A gun mode, but at least it depresses for A/G work. The AV-8C has just a boresight cross that does not depress or calculate lead. I find it strange because the HUD on the AV-8C is the same as the british version, the GR.3, which is well modeled in WOE. In the case of the F-16A, the HUD is virtually the same as the one on the A-10 which is also fully functional in WOE. Can the HUDs for the GR3 and A-10 be ported over to Vietnam 1984, or are there more recent aircraft files available with working HUDs? - AAA/SAM activity: I haven't seen any, ever. I read something about changing the campaign start date to 1979, but it did nothing. I also read something about a mod that extends the AAA activity to dates beyond 1980, but I haven't been able to find it in the DL section. Can something be done about this? Advice, links, filenames or anything that narrows the search greatly appreciated. "No plan survives contact with the enemy" Moltke

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