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Posts posted by serverandenforcer

  1. :blush: Ignore everything I've said to this point... I'm an idiot.


    You do want to subtract... "subtract A-B" to be most precise. I was thinking "cut" in my previous responses. :crazy:


    Boolean is just an inherently unstable modifier... One can do 100 projects with no boolean issues and others can't ever get it to work properly. I've personally noticed "involved/intricate" operand "A" can cause issues with the cut especially then the B is relatively simple.


    ...I know it sounds stupid, but try exporting your model into .3ds open that and try your boolean compound again... I've solved a few boolean issues with this solution. (You can go back and save it in .max after your done if you wish)...


    You can also try using a higher poly-count operand "B" (like a 10 poly box -vs- 6)


    Sorry... trying like hell to help out here... Like I said I usually hand-cut my stuff.


    To me, hand cutting is more work than doing boolean operations. I used to do the hand cut stuff myself before I found out what boolean operations do. I guess in this case it's to each his own. I'll try the import stuff tomorrow. I gotta get going to bed cause we turn the clocks ahead tonight. I liked it better when you turn the clocks back and get a few more hours of sleep - unless your the sucker working the mids shift and have to work an extra hour.

  2. Well... could be a couple of things:


    1.) The faces of the "cookie cutter" are flipped. The residue faces of your cut will be the same as their origins facing... So if your using say a box and you do your cut, the residue faces will appear to not be there. Try flipping your faces on your cutter, then cut.


    2.) Make sure your A and B use the same material. I've had instances there dissimilar materials caused weird things like this to happen.


    3.) Make sure your NOT subtracting... :crazy:


    At the moment... that's all I can think of.


    Well, I've tried all techniques and I haven't had any success yet. Oh, and why not subtract? That's what I've always done. Infact, that's what even the tutorials from Mc Fly Aviation website say to do.

  3. Well, I've run into a few problems here with the mesh. I'm trying to do a boolean cut into the wing to make the flaps. When I use my "cookie cutter" to cut out the portion of the wing where the flap is supposed to go, the is supposed to be a cut out in the wing and solid material around the perimeter of where the cookie cutter was on the wing, creating a perfect indention to the form of the cookie cutter. Instead, I get empty space in that perimeter area. Now, I've done boolean cuts before, so I know what I'm doing, but I've never had this problem. So if anybody out there knows what needs to be done, please send some advice this way. I can't go any further with this model until I've gotten this taken care of. I've gone through the tutorials at Mc Fly's site to see if he did anything different compared to how I build my models, and I've basically done the exact stuff that he has done (in regards to boolean cuts). So please, help is needed. Thank you.

  4. I know that many people out there love the Flankers. I have been in the industry for quite some time and all I can say is that both of our next generation fighters really have no equal. I know this is hard to believe and I was very skeptical at the onset of the development phases of both aircraft, but it will not matter if you are in a knife fight or BVR, these aircraft will utilize what we describe as the "Unfair Advantage". What we have now has made me a believer.


    These will probably be the last inhabited aircraft that we see for some time. The powers that be think that the Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) will be the wave of the future.


    But until then....


    Check Six




    These aircrafts maybe uninhabited, but they are still monitored and controlled by man, via remote control. However, the praticallity of replacing conventional manned aircraft with remote drones has not yet been an easily feasible option. Right now their main specialty is short range s&d or recon missions. Here are the main factors limiting these things to become the wave of the future for aerial combat: 1.) training, 2.) cost, 3.) limited capability, 4.) survivability. When I was at Indian Springs AFB in Nevada (where they train the officers to pilot the predator drones) I saw quite a few of these things crash when just only attempting to land. Also, these things are getting shot down quite frequently in the AOR. As an individual model, they're cheaper than the next gen manned aircraft. However, if you add up to how many we have to replace more offten than a F-15 or F-16, it becomes a hefty price tag. There are also folks in Congress who are opponents to the UAV/UCAV as well. So seeing these things quickly replacing our pilots might not actually happen (at least during the first half of this century). There is a lot more technology that has to be developed before that takes place. I personally feel that several more aircrafts will come in the next 10 to 20 years to replace the F-117/B2 and possibly the F-22 (give about 15-25 years).

  5. Hey Furbar512, what exactly are you trying to do? I made a suggestion to Dueces about sunlight reflection off of aircrafts so it would immitate real world visuals of them when they're far away. Are you actually trying to accomplish this? If so, then wow, cool! Perhaps a really bright reflection off the canopies as well since they're glass. Anyways, carry on with what you're doing. Looks fantastic.

  6. I know it might not seem like much progress was done, but believe me, this is an update. I've been working all weekend to try and make all the sexy curves on this thing as close to the real F-35. I still got some more things to adjust, but I pretty much satisfied so far (or I wouldn't be posting pics). Anyways, this is all that I'm doing for the night. Tomorrow I'm off to Disney California with the family (something they wanted to do since my return from Iraq) so I wanted to at least provide some kind of an update that would be some what aesthetically pleasing. I think the only other exterior work that needs to be done is the cannon hub on top of the left intake and the laser designator on the bottom of the nose. I think there's also another item that goes directly infront of the canopy. Then it will be detailed stuff such as the cockpit, flaps, elevons, rudders, speed brake, landing gears (oh what a joy that'll be), and weapons bay. I'll be working on that possibly on Wednesday. Once that's at done, it should be fairly easy to work on the variants. Well, here are the pics. Enjoy.


  7. Maybe this will help too....


    Notice the complete glass panel. This is actually a total of 16 seperate screens. There is no HUD. Everything is mounted onto the visor of the new helmet. The seat is good for ejection that will exceed those of the A.C.E.S. II chair (which has a 98% sucess rate). The canopy attached in the front and has no rail (as seen on the X-35). I will see if I can find some F-35 plan views in my files. I will get back with you soon.




    Gah dang it! Now I have to model a new pilot for that helmet. Can't be using that HMD (Helmet Mounted Display - which I hope to integrate with this aircraft) with the stock pilots. I believe I recall that this jet also has 360 deg radar traacking. Flankers beware, your days are numbered.

  8. I got a few ideas Deuces: sun light reflection off of aircrafts so that they sparkle in the distance when it's bright and sunny, weather turbulence/disruptive air to make the flights more bouncy (with some cool cockpit jiggling), lightning, and water streaks on the canopy from rain or moisture from flying through clouds - oh and big cumulus clouds. In regards to the ground objects fire, I just came back from Iraq in the real world and noticed that sometimes the smoke can travel a long distance and can either stay low to the ground or rise up very high, going whichever way the wind is blowing (it moves quite easily too with the wind). It also lingers for hours. Don't know if any of this is possible or not. Anyways, your work is always awesome and makes playing this game such an experience. Thanks!

  9. If you download the Mega pack, make sure you back up all of your stuff because it will overwrite and delete any mod in any folder that you previously had. It will also make the main screen all in French (why they didn't make an English version one I don't know). I lost a lot of weapons - fortunately I had the weapons pack saved somewhere else and the original main screen on another version of WOE.

  10. I just got my Track IR 4 and believe me, it definately makes a major improvement in flight sims. I can now visually track my targets in WOE much better than I had been with the mouse or POV pad on my joystick. It took a getting used to at first with figuring out how things work and to get my view reset properly for the game, but man, if I were to go on an online game, I would definately own. If I can, I'll see if I can get a recording and upload it here. I also got that 3D visor system and I don't think I got that one figure out quite yet. So far, it's a bit of a disappointment. But the Track IR really makes up for it. I'm posting this incase anybody else was interested in getting one. The module was surprising very small. Easy to break if it falls on the floor and you don't watch where you're stepping. It's worth the buy.

  11. All the heavy lifting has been done for you by our friends at the Mirage Factory. Go to Checksix-fr and download the C6_MegaPack. The F-18BA (Blue Angel) in the Objects file has the complete soup to nuts Avionics70 cockpit. It looks good and works great. Use the F-18BA Cockpit Folder, Avionics.ini, F-18BA.ini. You can rename them, or keep the original file names so you can remember where the files originally came from. Consider your problem solved!

    Its a big file download, but has some tweaks and aircraft you won't find anywhere else.


    Well, gee... I always seem to do things the hard way. Thanks bro!


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