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Posts posted by serverandenforcer

  1. I have another question about the F-14... I'm sure all of us have seen it in Top Gun where Mav is going head to head with Viper, and it shows his F-14 spraying out excess fuel. I really don't know what the point to doing this is, but is it possible to implement this effect in SF/WOV/WOE? I also thought there was an over-ride for the variable wings to keep them opened or atleast keep them from completely closing so that the jet is more maneuverable at higher speeds.

  2. Hey USAFMTL, I noticed while playing a few minutes ago, that there is a key that quickly identifies what you have targeted. I was wondering if that can be manipulated to be displayed on the radar screen. Also, since the game can recognize what countries are hostile to each other, I would think that that same recognition can be maniuplated to be displayed as certain symbold on specific aircraft radars. I don't know how to program, and I don't know if this stuff that Im talking about that's already in the game is hard coded. Maybe there's someone here that might know.

  3. Yeah I know, but I was wondering if it's possible to get a real world setup with the radar to display the target's airframe or if it's friendly or hostile. I know on the F-14 radar, it has different symbols for what friendly, neutral, hostile, etc... Now if we get an F-35 here, we'll be in some serious trouble because of how high-tech the hud is for that aircraft (it has actuall arrows that point the direction to where your target is, and it has 360 deg targeting). Have there also been any updates to the aircrafts here so that laser targeting, and programmed GPS targeting can be used for bombs? I noticed that they're using CCIP now. Was just wondering if anything else has been tinkered with the use of Avionics 70. Now if the mouse could be used to push buttons on the 3D cockpit we'd be really styling now. Wonder if anybody thought of adding a light relfection effect so that you can see targets far away as the sunlight reflects off of the aircraft.


    Oh by the way, I'm back from Iraq.

  4. I think that error is to do with the version of direct X you have.

    If you are patched up to the latest version of the game then download the latest version of Direct X from Microsofts web site. Even though you may already have Direct X 9c there are later versions of it required for the game.


    The link at the bottom of this page should send you to the right place (its the same for each game in the series):




    Yeah, right when I made that last post I realized that's what the error message was telling me (I on a bit of a hang-over so thinking is kind of hard). So I got it updated and everything works fine. Now I need some asprin.

  5. I have only seen this when I have been using an older version of the Weapons Editor to add weapons.


    To check this go into the "weapons" folder and cut the file "Weapondata.DAT" and paste it somewhere safe.


    Then run the game and see if its okay.


    If it does run now - you will notice that the new weapons probably are not in the game anymore but at least we know what the problem is.


    You basically have to use the weaponeditor included in the latest weapon pack - (run under Windows 98 mode) if you use Win XP to open up weapondata.INI and save it which will create a new working weapondata.dat file.


    hope this makes sense - if not come back.


    there is loads of info about this on the WOE/WOV knowledge base on this site -


    Well, it sort of worked. The program opens up fie. However, when I try to open up a mission, I get another error, indicating that the d3dx9_30.dll file is now missing and that the only way to recover is to re-install the application. I got the same message with my non-modded version of WOE. So I reinstalled that version. It worked fine after that. I then patched that version with the latest patch and I got the same message again. Any ideas why this is now happening?


    Thanks for the link. However, the first two reasons that it explained that could be the cause shouldn't be the cause. I have the latest patch for WOE (it said that it could be installed using any version of WOE - does this also mean stock version as well?). I also have the latest weapons pack as well, so that shouldn't be a problem. The only other reason would be the rocket pod, which would be a very tedious task to sort through and find.

  7. not true its the polycount first (btw dont count the poly's count the tri's (if somebody asks for polycount u say the tri count(i know bit confusing but thats how it is :crazy: )

    Why do u think game creators dont put in tons of poly's in their characters ?

    Because computers cant handle that.

    Texture slowdowns happen if the model has been skinned on loads of big uvmaps, also certain light effects that are being aplied to the texture by the game engine slow things down.



    Ah, O.K., I was told that textures were more of a contributor than polys. A budy of mine had a model that had over 68,000 polys, but with a small texture map, and it ran fine on this game that he had. The triangle count for the F-35 is around 2200 - 2300. I'm at work, so I won't know until I get on my comp at home.

  8. Modeling in 3ds max isn't really as complicated as it sounds. It only took me 20 minutes in a tutorial (for Gmax) for me to understand the basic concepts of how things work. From there, I just basically learned how to use more of the program as I gained experience. I always learn something new in every model that I make. The only thing that I haven't been able to do is texturing, which I hear is a pain in the butt. The only downside to 3ds max is as stated previously, it is expensive. Also, if you're going to model in Gmax (which I did use at first), you're going to need to find someone who can convert the files, and even then, things might not work out right. Conversion of files usually end up with a lot of mesh errors. If you got the dough, I would seriously consider looking at 3ds max, lightwave, or maya (which a lot of game developers use). Freeware stuff is great, but they don't offer the full potential of what the real expensive programs have.

  9. By the way, what MTL stands for? Many US acronyms remain a mystery to me... Thanks



    Military Training Leader. They are basically the military parents of the student airmen at techschool. If you did something stupid in class, and got a 341 (thats a comment card - usually pulled for bad behavior or not meeting standard requirements, i.e. wrinkled uniform, no creases, unshined boots, etc...) you would have to meet with your MTL later on in the day and they would document it down. They also made sure that you went to your appointments and that you phased up when you should phase up or phase down if you didn't meet standards of expectations. My MTL in tech-school really didn't do much except come by at the end of the day, say hi, and then leave. Infact, she gave us the answers to the airmen's test so it would make her job easier in correcting them. We all got Phase-3 and Phase-4! :grin: Oh, a phase is a level of "freedom and privileges" earned throughout your time in tech-school. Phase-4 is the highest phase level, where you can be in your civi-clothes after classes, go off base, and drink (as long as you are over 21).

  10. Thanks for the advice bro. How do I target the objective for my wingman to hit it? I cannot seem to place brakets on it so I can't use the "Attack my target" feature. I know 105's are not the greatest dog fighters out there, but they do have a fare amount of "go" especially when compaired to Mig's and can outrun them. if you overshoot them. But it looks like I will be practicing my dive approach as it is hardly refined. But thats what is great about this game as opposed to F/A 18 and F-15... the planes don't fight for you.


    Also, are you an SP? Cause my dad was when he was in the Airforce. Matter of fact my whole family is Airforce.



    Yep (It's SF now - Securit Forces, not SP; actually, they're going to change it again to Airforce Infantry... they're thinking of doing away with the whole law-enforcement deal and have my career field focus on base defense... private secuirty contractors will be hired on to do law-enforcement on the base... I see a near future problem with that). However, I'm not really from a military family. Both my grandpa's were in the Navy (my mom's father actually got to witness the nuke detonating at Bikini Islands), and I have an Uncle who is a retired Major from the Airforce. He flew F-86s in the Korean War. I joined at the age of 25, a tad bit older than most average recruits. Don't ask me why I didn't join sooner, 'cause I don't even know why I joined now.


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