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Posts posted by serverandenforcer

  1. Level bombing back in the Vietnam War was done at a low altitude and lot's of skill cause they didn't have CCIP technology back then. Dive bombing was sort of the way to do it. Usually right when you release the bombs, you don't pull up. Instead, I usually level off and break with full burners and actually go NOE (nap of the earth) cause loosing altitude will help in picking up speed. Dump the crap that you don't need (fuel tanks, extra bombs - you shouldn't have any left anyways). Once you get up to 300 knots, you can start pulling up, but not aggressively. Oh, and A/I aircraft don't have much in the way of skill either, so don't expect them to survive in a mission. Not to mention, 105s aren't the most agile aircraft to go head to head with Migs. Another strategic note.... Don't have your entire squadron armed up for a ground attack. It should only be you and your immediate wingman. Have everyone else setup for A/A. They can focus on the Mig activity while you and your wingman take out the primary target(s) (at the same time).

  2. I'm a little confused by the knowledge base thread for Avionics A/G.


    I'm trying to setup the CCIP for an F-16 and I'm a bit confused with how to set things up according to the thread in the knowledge base. How do I use the Avionics70.dll to be utilized in the F-16's avionics .ini file? Am I supposed to copy the Avionics70 from the my Flight folder and paste it in the F-16's folder? I added all the lines that it told me to add in the F-16's Avionics.ini file, but I've now lost use of the hud when I play the game. I also did the same for the gunsight as well (except puting the appropriate lines into the cockpit.ini file. So if you guys know the right way to do this, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

  3. I'm a little confused by the knowledge base thread for Avionics A/G.


    I'm trying to setup the CCIP for an F-16 and I'm a bit confused with how to set things up according to the thread in the knowledge base. How do I use the Avionics70.dll to be utilized in the F-16's avionics .ini file? Am I supposed to copy the Avionics70 from the my Flight folder and paste it in the F-16's folder? I added all the lines that it told me to add in the F-16's Avionics.ini file, but I've now lost use of the hud when I play the game. I also did the same for the gunsight as well (except puting the appropriate lines into the cockpit.ini file. So if you guys know the right way to do this, please let me know. Thanks in advance.


    EDIT: Whoops... accidentaly put this under the wrong sim. If an admin can move this to Strike Fighters, I would really appreciate that. Actually, you can just delete this one, cause I'll probably make a new one in Strike Fighters. Thank you.

  4. Sounds like you know you're stuff when it comes to 3D modelling :) The best of luck to ya! Also, the eurofighter is in the works from marcfighter too. I don't know if you've heard of this website, but its not too bad for blueprints of planes....




    Its got an awful lot of 3 views there, very high rez for nearly all of them.


    By the way, welcome aboard :victory:



    Thanks bibbolicious for the site. I'll check it out. Hopefully it will be usefull.


    USAFMTL, in regards to Camp Bullis... MTLs are no longer allowed to visit the camp when their teams are over there. Apparently, an MTL (female) supposedly did something stupid over there. I don't know what the details are, and I don't want to know what they are. All I know is that a lot of things changed when I was there. That always seems to happen whenever I arrive at a place for the first time. They start making major changes to the operations of things. I miss out on all the stuff that people claimed that use to make the place a great place to be. At least I was able to wear my contact lenses throughout training (there are still rules against wearing them, but I was able to get away with it and never had a problem with them either - wasn't much of a risk... I wear the night and dialy lenses, so they're constantly on my eyes, 24/7 for a whole month, and they're low profile - hard to notice them). As far as wpn qualifying, I couldn't get expert on a single weapon. I thought I would definately get it with the M-9, but my hands are too shaky. Don't know what it is. I don't smoke and obviously I didn't drink any caffine products. At least I qualified. Ironically, I hit all the targets with the 249, but they don't give out expert for that.

  5. The one from stealth.



    Henley doesnt sound familar. What team was he on? I was on Team 10 and 8 while I was there. I left in 2001 to Sheppard AFB where I was an MTL at the 362 TRS. I retrained into Command Post early this year and now I am at Tinker. I got coin #200 from the 343 TRS and I am signed for it in the 343 TRS history book.



    When I was there, Henley really wasn't an MTL for any teams. He basically was the guy who walked outside for the new arrivals and yelled at them to get off the bus. Oh, such fond memories. Actually, I was on a split training option (don't know why), and I came in a day late for the team that I was supposed to join (Team-13). So I had to sit in the Orderly Room, yelling "Stand-by" whenever an MTL walked in for a whole week until the next team (Team-1) came in. However, Henley kind of liked me right when I showed up, so he didn't have me stand in with the group that arrived for Team-1. Instead, he had me by his side while he yelled at them and then told me to stick around with the SAT-pushers (who I found out later on really weren't the "coolest" guys cause your only a SAT-pusher if you didn't get your orders, which means you did something really stupid in Tech-School and are being investigated). So everyone who got off the bus thought that I was either a graduate or OSI (which became the common thinking later on after I finally joined up with the team). That really didn't bother me, cause I'm 26, and I really didn't want to hang around a bunch of 18 and 19 year olds. Anyways, I'm sure you know Col. Farrel. Don't know if you would know MSgt. Watergates though. Oh, and the tradition of rampant sex, UADs, and illicit drug use are still going on there. You would think that after the amount of time that academy has been in operation, they would have found a way to stop that. What amazes me is how they can't see how easy it is for those kids to get into that stuff and bring it into the dorms. I had a simple solution. Place the folks who are under 21 in seperate dorms from those who are over 21, have each student airman go through a 24 hour checkpoint when entering the squandron grounds to insure that they are not trying to sneak stuff into their dorms, and prohibit the sale of tobacco and alcohol on the base. Good grief, it's a freaken AETC base. You would think that stuff would be strictly regulated. Anyways, I'm a reservist. I actually should have gone ANG. The bonuses are better. My unit is actually undergoing deployment right now to the sandbox. I'm on an alternate list. However, the chances of me going right now are very slim cause most of the guys in our unit want to go. I don't. I can't handle the heat. I suffered over 3 heat injuries at Lackland (and I did hydrate accordingly). Can't imagine that I'll be any better on the other side of the globe.

  6. First of all welcome to the site. SF eh? I was an MTL at the SF Academy from 1999 to 2001.


    The F/A-37 is being done by Zur, he is almost done. TheSu-25/Su-27 and Su-30/33 are being done my Marcfighters. F-117 F-16XL and F-22 is being done by wpnnsgt. But the F-35 and the Typhoon would be top choices.


    Roger that. I figured you were an MTL by your name. I guess only military folks would know that. Didn't think you would be an MTL for the 343 though. Were you with TSgt Henley when you were an MTL? Also, did you change your career field, or are you an MTL at another tech-school?


    Alright, back on topic... So where can I find some decent blue prints of the F-35, the Boeing rival, and the Typhoon? Also, does Zur, Marcfighters, and wpnnsgt have any pics of their WIPs? I know some sites the authors like to post pics of them. Also, I can't texture. My skills are only limited to making the meshes. So.... I hope there might be some folks out there that can lend a hand.


    Another off-topic question... the F-14A Aggressor file. There's someting wrong with it cause it doesn't have any weapons in the loading menu. I do have the latest weapons pack. I tried copying and pasting the original F-14A load.ini file, but it didn't work. I noticed that all the .ini files were named F-14A, except one, which was F-14AGR, so I tried to rename all the other ones to F-14AGR, and that still didn't work. So is it just a bad file? And I guess I should keep holding my breath for a realistic HUD with CCIP, target acquistion diamonds, and target discrimantor / info. The visual targeting hud currently in the game kind of distracts from the realisim.

  7. Hey guys, I'm a big fan of this game and would really like to participate in modeling new aircraft for it. I do have 3dsmax 7 and want to make some models for Strike Fighters. I realize that the models used are very detailed and that it will take me some time in making them. I do have a history in making models, so I'm not new to this. However, I would like to find quality references that can help me in make quality models. I have seen the links on this site that direct you to websites that have blueprints to aircraft, but the quality of the blue prints is not that good. I need detailed, profile pictures where I'll have no doubt knowing what the features on the aircraft are. The U.S. airframes that I'm interested in are the F-22, F-117, F-35 (and it's rival JSF: X-32 or was it X-33?), B-1B, AH-64A and D, and the F-16XL. The Soviet airframes that I'm interested in are the SU-25, SU-27, SU-30, SU-34, and the SU-37. I was also interested in doing the Eurofighter Typhoon ZJ802. If people are already doing some of these, then I'll "X" those off the list. Oh, and if someone knows where I can find blue prints to the F/A-37 Talon and EDI on Stealth, that would be great!

  8. not bad, but what model did you use to make this one?  I have an actual F-16D series in work, but they will come after my Single Seat series.  The USAF F-16D also does not use the Spine, only Singapore Block 40s and other Export variants use them.  Thanks for asking permission, if you want to release it go ahead, but later on an actual F-16D will be available.


    It's a Block 40 "Bratkeet" from Team Viper that I got from acfcentral.com. Heres the link where I got it at... http://www.acfcentral.com/aircraft.htm


    Thanks for giving me the O.K. to release it. Now where do I send the WinRAR file to?


    You can also contact me on MSN Messenger. Just use my email address: serverandenforcer@hotmail.com.

  9. Just finishe doing this F-16D in a USAF skin. It was originally in an IAF skin from Team Viper. It also has an actuall F-16 cockpit (also from Team Viper - I think), ECM, and chaff and flares. I don't want to release this without their permission. So if anyone knows how to get a hold of them, or if they see this... I would like to ask for an O.K. first prior to sending this out to the public.



  10. Is it the initial installation of WoV that is failing or when you are trying to run the  programme after installation?


    Service Pack 3 is for Strike Fighters - you want patch 1 for WoV which you can get here at Biohaz.




    It's the initial installation. So, I don't want to use service pack 3 then? Well, that might solve a bunch of things then.


    EDIT: I reinstalled SFP1 again in a different directory (so I wont lose my other one) and tried to reinstall WOV with only the SP1 upgrade installed. I'm still having the same problem.


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