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Baron von Legs

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About Baron von Legs

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    Many things, this and that, Hanky Panky.


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  1. AI Wingmen

    Hi Ive just sat down to modify my AI factors in aircraftobjectini. and i noticed that I dont seem to have the same parameters as you (peter01). Dont know why, i cant seem to find the same bit as you. This is the closest i got; [DogfightNovice] SafeAltitude=150 LookoutAngle=360 DefensiveAngle=360 ChanceDefensiveTurn=100 ChanceBreakTurn=100 ChanceHardTurn=100 ChanceTurnDirection=100 ChanceContinue=25 ChanceCheckNewTarget=100 ChanceUseVertical=100 FightWithoutAmmo=0 CannonFireAngle=2.0 <---------------------- MaxPitchInput=1.0 StartGunAttackRange=1500 MaxCannonRange=300 ) OptimalCannonRange=200 - MinCannonRange=4 ) MaxRollForGunAttack=360 Is this what you meant, or am i looking in the wrong place? I'll try to edit my file to match yours as best I can in the meantime. Cheers, Baron Legs
  2. In case anyone missed it....

    the campaign (bloody april) is very good, tailspin is right about starting a new thread. I try ordering my wingmates to attack but they dont fire off enough rounds if they do bother to attack. I will try to edit the ini. file to my tastes. Shrikehawk; How do you order them to attack your visual target? And why is the player always flight leader despite not being top rank?
  3. AI Wingmen

    Thanks for the info, it should be useful. I dont know why i have this problem, im patched up to the teeth. ordering my wingmen to attack doesnt seem to do alot, i have tried. I watched 5 of them follow a nieuport for about ten minutes, but they seemed to be trying to get a better look at the pilot than shoot the bugger down! I think that the issue here was range. If i altered the maxcannon range in the aircraftobject ini. it might solve that. I havent tried messing around with that file yet, but i'll give it a go and post back on this thread. Cheers Peter01
  4. In case anyone missed it....

    the work going in to the game is great, but i still cant get over the AI. its like they (Thirdwire) didnt even try. I score multiple kills in every mission and my wingmates barely get a shot off. teamplay is a big part of this genre, at least to me. sorry to gripe!
  5. Flanders Plane Fest V1.00

    flown three missions and the campaign ends, ground forces completed objective i think. Thanks for doing this by the way, it looks like its going to be a good in-depth game once this is sorted.
  6. New Campaigns

    Nice one Firecage. I spent days downloading planes, terrains etc, then even more time trying to create campaigns, which just died straight away. I didnt play the game for a while, then went back to it the other day and had a great time with it. It is something else with everyones mods.
  7. New Campaigns

    Any new campaigns for flanders terrain? Maybe firecage 5.0 is, i havent got round to downloading all the planes required. P.S sorry I havent produced my own campaign yet, so busy at work but will try to find the time to make something. So far my attempts just crash! (like I probably would if i was a pilot in 1918!)
  8. .INI Tweaks and Changes

    I'll have to tackle it tommorow, being a lush is interfeering with my work, and my spelling I would think. Or is my work getting in the way of being a lush?
  9. Campaign and mission editing

    I got a load of editing info for all sorts, so see you in a few months when Ive done a new campaign with different damage modelling. I seem to spend more time here or in the files than actually playing the game! Any info always gratefully recieved. von Legs.
  10. Firecage Plane Fest 3.1

    You could have my copy if I could find the damn thing. Its been MIA in the attic for about 5 years. Probably playing russian roulette with an old Viz annual by now.
  11. Tripe isnt an attractive name for an attractive girl is it? And she looks like a beauty. Sod the multiple razors, I cut myself to ribbons this morning.
  12. .INI Tweaks and Changes

    Good afternoon Peter01! I used the dotted box to search for the file. When I open the object folder it doesnt contain files, only folders. Opening the folders is not working either. I'll try and look for another AircraftObject file, the only one I can see is .dll which I cant do anything with. How did you alter the skill levels of the AI? Is it a matter of adjusting the WWICAMP1 data file to increase the morale/experience? Cheers, von Legs
  13. .INI Tweaks and Changes

    Thanks for the inpu, but I still cant open the Aircraftobject file. All I see in the open file box is empty folders. Still working on the campaigns though! Cheers von Legs
  14. New Halberstadt DII by Bortdafarm

    Having an entire vertical tail as a rudder would, I thought, spin the entire plane out. Rear left/right aierlions as rudder may be what causes dramatic drag when going to dive.... just a thought.
  15. Firecage Plane Fest 3.1

    Another good book, and probably another good thread; They fought for the skys, Quentin Reynolds. In this book, the great air expeditions and conflicts of WWI are given in anecdotal style. Reynolds got in contact with surviving aces or people that knew them, Ball, Boelcke, Strange, McCudden, Bishop, Richtofen and Mannock are seen throughout the letters they sent back. what an advert. Still, Reynolds is dead so its not like he can cash in!

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