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Everything posted by =Envy=

  1. H.A.W.X.

    I'll be waitng for its realease.Looks Promising.
  2. Moscow Racer

    Looks pretty cool
  3. Coming soon there will be a SNATF( Saturday Night at the Fight).This use to be huge a couple of years ago, and the three groups that are putting it on seem to have their ducks in a row.Tides of War, 29th Division, and The Flying Circus are getting the server up and updated with historical and coop missions. If you are not the type to play coops , then during the week they offer multiple dog fighting maps to play on. Anyone wishing for information can contact me here in the forums or send me a pm with your question and or suggestion. ~S Envy www.teamodb.com
  4. thats pretty cool, waiting for it to be uploaded to CA. i dislike spyware.
  5. WWII Battle Tanks: T-34 vs. Tiger

    Looks to be like a great tank sim, Can't wait for it to be released.
  6. Well, I think I'm done...

    Both are very nice set ups, Makes me drool.
  7. Does anyone know where a person could find and download UltraLight aircraft for FS 2004. I really enjoy flying these small types of aircraft , and its difficult to find these and for free. Any Help would be greatly appreciated. ENVYODB
  8. what am I doing now?

    Game looks awesome, Great Work on it. Can't wait for it to be released
  9. [BETA] SF Double Cross

    Thanks Loose for stopping by, And also a big thanks for posting your map to other gamers like we discussed. It was a pleasure to chat with you and an even bigger pleasure to have your map exposed to more gamers. Thanks for stopping by and cya on the battlefield.

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