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Everything posted by Jarhead1

  1. Do you fly for your own country in sims?

    Gepard, Charleas Lindbergh was accused of being a Nazi sympathizer, but it was NEVER proven that he was a Nazi. He was also accused of being anti sematic as well.
  2. Another Marine off to guard heavens scenes. Semper Fi.
  3. How Southern are yew?

    89% Dixie. Do you still use Confederate money? Now I dont care who ya are, thats funny right there, yes sir, lol, Guess I am just as much of a redneck as I thought I was, lol.
  4. Put it in the individual aircrafts folder, like the F-4J_data ini goes in the F-4J folder, let it overwrite it, and then ur set, set the animations in the options menu in game and play around with the animation buttons till u find out which one it is.
  5. Hopefully soon we wil get the K or just Su-25, i dont remember off hand who is making em, but when they are finished, they will release em, so be patient.
  6. use Kreelins refueler mod, to "refuel" when ur low on gas, since thats what i do, i "vector to a tanker" and take on fuel so i dont go home bone dry.
  7. NO, as I recall, during the early 70s, Gr Viper correct me if I am wrong, but they did have home on jam in SA-2s and SA-3s in North Vietnam. Ask EZLead, he can probobly verify as well.
  8. There is NOTHING easy about going "up north", the flak is thick, the sams are deadly, and the MiGs are out to have some fun and ruin ur day. I dont take it lightly going up there, but if u want, go right ahead, lol.
  9. yeah falcon, but their ARE people out there that dont know the difference
  10. Happy Birthday To Fates and SayWhat

    Happy birthday guys!
  11. They dont allow their stuff to be distributed like that, like wrench said, if u want it that bad, go to their site, and do what is asked of u you when u get ur account, then u will have downloading rights to their site, and then u can get it yourself, its that easy.
  12. Quad digits!

    ROTFLMFAO, how do u think i got up to 500?
  13. Man bro, ur just full of questions today huh? lol
  14. I just now got shot at by 9 SA-2s, and they were coming for me, i jinked and dodge 6 of em, but the last 3 i couldnt dodge cause i ran out of speed and out of altitude, i started jinking around 25000 ft
  15. i still get cooked with the new patch lol
  16. i lost all my sa-2s, so all they use now are Sa-3s
  17. personaly i get shot to pieces when i fly lol
  18. Sweet Kout, when u releasing all these beauties?
  19. Will these screens work in WO* series too? If so that would rock so everyone can use em.
  20. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12103 This is EXACTLY where to go, u cant miss it, just read this and it will tell u where to go and what to do, in regards to the aircraft data ini.
  21. Did u make sure that the carrier that the campaign data ini points to is in ur ground objects folder??????? If u dont have the carrier in ur ground objects, ur not going to be able to see the carrier in game.
  22. Julhelm is in Japan right now as of the last time i talked to him, which was the same day he posted this thread, so give it a bit, and when he gets back he will take care of all questions.
  23. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...&showcat=31 Look through these, these are all the patches, so pick what ones u want, lol.
  24. Merry Xmas you bastards!

    lol, i seriously doubt it costs anything for them to "track" him
  25. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3395 F-4B http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3336 F-4E http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3237 F-4D http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3194 F-4C http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3125 F-4J If u want any more realistic cockpits for the F-4 series, you will have to go buy a real pit from the boneyard aircraft, lol. Edit: You know what guys? I didnt read that right, My fault, disregard my post, but if u want some really nice pits bro, I would download them. LOL

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