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Everything posted by Jarhead1

  1. Rules of Engagement by Joe Weber. In it Marine Captain Brad Austin shoots a VC patrol boat with a sidewinder. Its not that uncommon. An A-4 pilot in Vietnam killed a MiG-17 with a Zuni a/g rocket. Desperate times call for desperate measures in combat. We learn to kill people with e-tools in hand to hand combat. Anything is possible.
  2. u might need the new weapons pack with the latest weapons editor in it
  3. Too bad we cant do transport like in the USAF game TK did for the AF recruiters, that would be cool
  4. Major Lee's Aerodrome...

    LOL, go figure , an administrator got it, THIS CONTEST WAS RIGGED from the start, lol, j/k
  5. The USS Oriskany, God Rest Her Soul, in case anyone didnt know, that piece of history is now in the bottom of the gulf of mexico off of Florida as a man made reef now.
  6. Fantasy Flight Sim

    Actually ejecting instead of just the canopy flying off when u hit the button.
  7. Sad day

    I am sorry to hear about ur loss. I have lost a few furry friends myself, so I know what its like. Remember all the good times with ur pet and u will have an easier time getting through this.
  8. I would love to add that to my inventory of aircraft. And it can insert some british paratroopers as well
  9. Anyone that doesnt want the JSF is stupid, its an awesome airplane. Friends of mine who are officers have messed with it and said its a dream compared to the Harrier and Hornets. I dont see why someone WOULDNT want to have this in their inventory of aircraft personally.
  10. Lexx, how are u at campaign ini editing, or should i say, what types of stuff are u good at modding? I could use ur help with this mod since a few people besides me seem to want it. So far its JA-37 Viggen, bounder and myself right now. Anyone else wants to be a part of this then speak up for sure yes or no. I want to get started ASAP on it.
  11. Utilize the search function and u will have all the information on this topic u ever wanted to know, I PROMISE!! If I was a moderator I would close this topic right here and now but I am sure it will be closed soon enough.
  12. That was more then any other MiG got though
  13. Dont Forget the MiG-25 Foxbats, they were the only birds more or less to even get ANY kills at all against the coalition. Awesome aircraft.
  14. Enemy Planes

    Yep, as fars as I have seen.
  15. Nice bird Dave, u guys did a awesome job on it
  16. I will fly anything someone puts out to download if I like the bird or am interested in it. They take time to make them and I am grateful for that personally.
  17. 777 crashes at Heathrow

    Yikes, that must of been fun, NOT
  18. Major Lee's Aerodrome...

    Uh, pegs, gears, LUCKYYYYYY, lol
  19. Australia goes with Fullbacks?

    I think we did all that for the MiGs we "aquired" that they had whereever that had them, but for all I know they left all the Russian stuff in em, I honestly dont know, just a uneducated guess, lol
  20. Would be nice if was uploaded, but I will do whatever I have to for that to work for mine too
  21. Can I get a leather lined Ejection seat??? lol I need to get a life too, lol, I just made like 20 posts to become a senior member, lol, tell me there isnt something wrong with that, lol
  22. 777 crashes at Heathrow

    Thats definitely good that all survived
  23. Australia goes with Fullbacks?

    Just my opinion, thats all
  24. F-16 paint schemes

    Thats what I figured, Nellis?

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